Not a nice waking

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Grian woke to Mumbo passed out and redstone staining Mumbo's face. Grian starts to stand but get shoved to the ground, he lets out a yelp of pain. His face hurts a lot and his nose feels like it might be bleeding. Grian look's up to see a pissed of False. "F-False!?" He yells.

"The one and only, now shush it. We both know why I'm here. Stay quiet and Mumbo won't be hurt." Growled False, her eye's flashing with anger. Grian really didn't like how things ae going, he is cornered and without a sword. He goes with playing the cute innocent one that the server knows him to be. "F-False why are you being so mean? I thought we were friends. I didn't mean to h-hurt you" Grian started to let out some fake sobs that would wake Mumbo sooner or later. 

"Grian stop the act and fight me." her sword is pointed at his chest. "I d-don't even have a sword! What do you think I would even do?" His voice was whiny which is rather annoying, another thing to wake Mumbo. "You don't sleep with a weapon!? What kind of idiot would do that-" False stops  speaking once she feels a sword to the back of her neck, her eye's are wide with surprise. She looks at the bed to see Mumbo still asleep.

"The kind of idiot that is sick" Growled Iskall. "False I get that you want revenge for the mistake Grian made for killing you but there is a killer out and about. Last thing that we want to have right now is to accuse you of working with the murder.." Iskall grabbed False's arm and gently pulled her away from Grian. "Understand False?" False slowly nodded. "Iskall... I understand but if you don't let go of me I will not hesitate to stab you." Iskall let's go of False but they stand in front of Grian.

"Iskall move." False pointed her sword at Iskall. They stood their ground a held their sword confidently towards False. "Not a chance." The two warriors look each other, neither of them saying anything just glaring. They glare off was erupted by a sudden shout. "What is going on? I take a nap and the next thing I know you two have swords at another!" Said a very startled Mumbo.

Iskall goes off guard to look at Mumbo, False didn't she took this a a chance to strike Iskall. Grian sees this and just reacts on instinct, he grabs Iskall's sword and knocks False's away with a strong swing of the sword. The three stare at him for serval seconds. "What? I wasn't about to risk Iskall's life.. Plus adrenalin really gives a person power.." He fidgeted a bit, not liking the looks from the others. 

"Grian you  just hit False's sword to the other side of the room, what crazy adrenalin do you have!?" Iskall said while looking a bit pale. They glance at Mumbo who has grabbed his Netherite sword and is glaring at False. Iskall takes their sword from Grian who willingly hands it over. As Iskall is looking at Grian, they take notice on how tense he is. "Grian?"

"I.. I don't know how I did that.." Grian said while staring at False. She's staring back at him. "Lair! You know your much more powerful than you look" She harshly grabs Grian's sweater and he squirms. "Get her off of me!" He yelps in fear and his eyes are wide with terror. 

Iskall slices False's arm, she lets go of Grian and lets out a yelp of pain. Grian backs away and hits the bed. Mumbo quickly goes to Grian's side and keeps a sword facing towards False. "Are you two really that insane!? He is a cold blooded killer!" Yelled False.

Grian whimpers and clings to Mumbo's arm.  "He's not a killer! He's a prankster but never a COLD BLOODED KILLER!" Mumbo yelled. He actually looked upset which is honestly a huge surprise for everyone in the room. Mumbo is such a sweet heart and honestly Iskall has only see Mumbo upset at redstone, but even then it has never been anything like this.

"How can you even believe he's innocent!? He is a monster!" Growled False. Grian is clinging to Mumbo's arm. Iskall steps towards False. "That's enough False! I know you're pissed at Grian for killing you earlier this week but you calling him a monster is just utterly insane!" The two warriors have a stare down.  False backs up. "Fine but don't blame me when he stabs you in the back.." She walked to her sword and picks it up before leaving.

Grian keeps clinging to Mumbo while hiding his face into Mumbo's side. "Iskall... False is crazy, I think her death might of caused some trauma.." Mumbo said while wrapping his arms around Grian.  "Yeah.. I'll talk to Xisuma about it in a bit.. Anyways.. Grian how are you?" Iskall asked. The smaller hermit doesn't respond and keeps his face hidden. Mumbo gives a worried looks to Iskall. "Grian don't worry, I'll keep her away from you two." They smile a bit but Grian still doesn't respond.  Iskall sighs and leaves to go check on Scar and Bdubs.

"Grian can you please look at me?" Mumbo gently puts a hand on Grian's cheek. "Come on.. Please look at me." He starts to worry for his friend. "Mumbo.. I'm scared of what False will do.." Grian kept clinging to Mumbo.  "I know but False won't be coming around right now and I doubt Iskall will let anything happen. Just give her some time, alright?" Mumbo smiled at Grian. "A-Alright.." He looks up at hi best friend, his prefect friend who would never betray him. Grian found himself smiling a bit.

"There we go, there's that smile that I've missed so much" Mumbo said while pulling Grian into a hug. "Sorry... Just so much Stress.. Y'know?" Grian hid his face into Mumbo's chest. "I know.. But things will be fixed up by Xisuma, Xisuma always knows what to do." Mumbo ran his fingers through Grian's hair and just held him close. 

Grian has never felt so happy before, he hasn't felt so powerful before well he once did but that was a long time ago because of some book but now he has this power and he doesn't have to rely on anyone. Grian smiled at this, this power was more than anything he could ever wish for. He can kill others just like that monster but now that monster is locked away and has no clue where he even is.

So lets just say I have finally saw a series that I've been needing to watch. this story is going to go on for awhile, the problem is since season seven is starting to come to an end I wont be as motivated as I usually am but I honestly love this story to much to end earlier so don't worry. I'm just going to be a bit slow on updates as I like to do around 1000 something words for these chapters.

Sunshine out!-

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