Let the Redstoner sleep

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Here is a pony town skin of Pastel Grian I'm on 18+ so if you see me don't say anything now go read!

Grian looked at the chat to see tango is back. he feels numb towards this he also feels cold everything makes him feel just down well other than Mumbo, Mumbo has been really the only thing making him happy. Other than one thing, the killings but that is just unspeakable if Grian were to bring that up Mumbo or anyone else he of course would be put in some kind of jail. Grian get's up from the chair he was sitting on. He walks around Mumbo's base to go find the Redstoner. He hears the golden heart beating which does make some people feel weird but right now that constant beating is driving Grian insane. 

"Am I going crazy? Haha.. Would I even know? am I back in high school.. I guessed the place where my horror ended long ago. Have they even ended?" Grian found himself spiraling with questions and memories of the past. "I swear to notch all I ever wanted was a little bit of everything.. All of the time, A bit of everything all the time. Apathy is a tragedy and my boredom is a crime!"  Grian couldn't help smiling to himself as he finishes. "I'm finish playing and I'm killing everyone outside..." He comes back from his mind to realize he was mutter those words but another thing he realized was yeah he's done playing and is going to kill anyone who may talk with Mumbo, it's not about the resistance anymore. It's not about the pranks or jokes it's about him having his fun and the man he truly loves.

Grian soon finds Mumbo taking a nap on his couch, legs slightly hanging over the side. He smiled at how cute and peaceful Mumbo looked while asleep. He always wants Mumbo to be happy he always just want's HIS Redstoner to be happy. He watches the taller hermit sleep for a few more minutes before he goes off to do something that he'll enjoy yet others would judge him for it. Grian checks his elytra it's at almost full durability, he looks at his rockets with mischievous smile on his lips. Grian runs out of Mumbo's base, his wings catching the air. He fly's up and enjoying the wind hitting his face, Grian closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath. "Fresh air, my friend!" Grian grinned at how free he's feeling at this moment. He does a loop in the air as he continues to fly, he's completely unaware of a blonde woman watching him from Iskall's tree. He fly's higher up into the sky False follows him, not notifying anyone else in the tree.  Grian and unannounced follower False fly high up in the sky across the sever but notably no where near team ZIT is, False was surprised by the fact Grian wasn't going around there, she is slightly rethinking that she might have been to hard on Grian when he suddenly goes through a cloud and False can't find him. 

"Hello False." Grain said suddenly while right over her, she let's out a surprised yelp. 

"Grian!? How did you-" 

"How did I? I noticed you started to follow me when I flew around Xisuma's base and your fireworks gave you away." He starts flying on her left side aka the side it would be harder for her to attack him with her sword. 

 "For someone who wears a pastel pink sweater and a pastel blue skirt you are very sneaky!" 

"I know I am, Falsie why were you following me?" Grian has such a wicked smile that it sends shivers through False. 

"Well I saw you flying out of Mumbo's base so I went to see what you were doing." False knows she did nothing wrong but what if Grian is actually innocent and he's just looking for the killer. 

"Well False.. I have a hard time staying in mumbo's base all day so I'm doing my daily flight's Mumbo is used to it, he can even say it! now if you don't mind me I'm going back to Mumbo's" Grian does in fact go on daily flights but he does them when Mumbo is awake and knows he's leaving. 

"Hm, actually let's go to Iskall's Tree so you can go tell everyone what you've been up to." False knows she can't force Grian to go due to him being the best flyer in the sever but she sure can make it so he looks guilty and she knows that Grian wouldn't risk that.

"Okay, fine I'll go but then I better be let to go straight to Mumbo's base." Grian sounds very confident for someone that everyone has been claiming that the small hermit was balling his eye's out at almost everything, to be fair Grian seems different from last season and the start of this one. 

"Thank you Grian. Let's get to the tree now. " 

The two hermits fly into Iskall's tree. There's a very stern looking Iskall, Wels and Ren. "False where did you go and why did you bring Grian?" was that Wels said.

 "I saw Grian flying out of Mumbo's base so I thought to investigate, although I may have been wrong to be sus of him I just wanted to make sure everything was alright." False didn't notice Grian staring at the ground nor did she she the smaller hermit shaking, but the others did.

"False he's shaking." Said Iskall as they go over to Grian's side, they hug him. "hey, it's okay buddy." 

Grian let's out a sob into Iskall's shoulder, he's shaking a very noticeable amount. Grian's fingers dig into Iskall's hoodie and vest. "Look at him! He isn't okay False. What did you do to him?" Of course Iskall is going to protect their friend.

"But- I didn't do anything I just saw him flying around and I followed, I asked him to come here and now he's crying for no reason. I didn't even threaten him this time!" False has a tone of harshness is in her voice. 

"False we need to talk.. It's for the best right now" Ren said while going over to his friend. He places his hand on her shoulder. "Come on let's go." 

"Alright." False sighs and let's Ren lead the way to a more private area. 

And a cliff hanger for you all >:3 

Pastel Grumbo (Hermitcraft)Where stories live. Discover now