Scars view

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(We are following Scar in this chapter because different Pov's are handy)

Scar was staring at his communicator in horror Tango was just murdered and his remains were found at decked out. Xisuma was attacked by a shadowy figure and didn't get the chance to see who it was. Bdubs was found severally wounded passed out and TNT all around his body, his player chip was pulled from his neck and he's currently at Scars base still passed out. Scar is worried for his fellow hermits but is also terrified that he'll be the next target for who or whatever is doing this.

MumboJumbo: <Hey guys, Grian is pretty sick right now and just is super tired. It might be awhile before he is up and running around again.>

Iskall85: <You spoon!>

MumboJumbo: <What?>

Iskall85: <People are getting hurt and nearly killed right now and you go and say that Grian is sick! I know you have like two brain cells but this is just sad Mumbo>

Scar sighs at this, he shakes his head and mumbles "Mumbo you're going to get yourself and Grian killed"


MumboJumbo:<Ohhhh.. Uh anyone wanna be a body guard for awhile?>

Xisumavoid:<Most of our best fighters are currently taking their time to respawn or they are badly hurt>

[FalseSymmetry Respawned]

MumboJumbo: <Gotcha.>

MUmboJumbo: <False! >

Iskall85: <Wb False!>

FalseSymmetry: <Thanks>

ImpulseSV:<Hey False!>

StressMonster101:<Wb Flase!>


XisumaVoid: <Hey False can you meet at Scars base, we need to talk about somethings.>

iJevin:<Hi False>

FalseSymmetry: <Oh? Sure thing just let me get my armor on I feel exposed without it>


Scar stared at the conversation for a few seconds before typing.

GoodTimesWithScar: <Is that really good idea right now? I don't want to risking disturbing the sleeping boomer right now>

FalseSymmetry:<Sleepy boomer?>

XisumaVoid:<My base Isn't the best to have this meet up, False's base is some what of a mob farm. no offense False but its true and right now Scar, Bdubs can't be left alone with out his player chip>


FalseSymmetry:<What is going on?>

XisumaVoid:<Just head to Scars>


Scar closes his communicator and climbed up is ladder in Larry's shell. He looks at the sleeping hermit that is in so much danger. Without his player chip Bdubs can't heal unless he eats an enchanted golden apple but he has to be awake for it to work.  Well that's what Xisuma reasoning for why Bdubs isn't healing.

Scar sits next to the bed and waits for the others to show up. He rests his head against the bed and lets out a sigh while looking up at the celling. He closes his eyes and rests for just a moment. "Bdubs once your awake I'll have to thank you for everything.. You are such a great friend" Scar sighs sadly. "Please wake up soon everyone is worried about you"

There is a gentle knock on the door which brings Scar out of his mind. He stands up and gets downstairs. Scar opens his door to see Xisuma. "hey X"

"Hey Scar, I'm glad to see you." Xisuma sounded drained and extremely tired. Scar can only imagine how much stress Xisuma is going through with the mysterious killer that seemed to have it out for everyone.

"Want some tea? Or maybe something else?" He asked the admin. 

"No thanks, I'm good" Xisuma didn't sound good he didn't even sound fine.

"Alright then. Take a seat?" Asked Scar.

"Mhm.." He takes a seat as False arrives. 

"Hello Scar. Hello Xisuma" Said False while walking into the snail house. 

"Hey False" Scar nervously smiles. 

"Hello False.. Did you get any respawn scars?" Xisuma asked worriedly. 

"Just in my stomach..  So What kind of punishment did Grian get?" Asked False.

What?" Xisuma tilt's his head.

"Gran chased me down through the shopping district! He chased me through the air then killed me once I landed at my base!" False growled, she makes a tight fist. 

"What!?" Xisuma stands up quickly and knocking over the chair as he stands. 

"Seriously!?" Scar's eyebrows furrow as he takes in this information. 

"Yes, seriously! He went ballistic on me! It was like I was fighting the wither and Ender dragon at the same time!" False cringes at the memory, Scar and Xisuma notice False cringe. 

"It did say Grian went feral when he killed you.. i didn't even know that was a death message.." Said Xisuma. 

"Same.. You two keep talking, 'I'll check on Bdubs.." Scar stands up and climbs up the ladder.

"What's going on X? When checking the stats and stuff it shows that not everyone is alive and why is Scar checking on Bdubs?" Asked False. 

"Cub and Tango were murdered and we don't know why.. We are guessing it'll be awhile before they respawn.. I-If they respawn.." Xisuma seems to zone out with worry on his eyes. 

"X? What do you mean by IF!?" False felt a wave of panic. 

"Well.. Cubs death message was corrupted, so was Tangos.. We have no clue who killed them but since the death message's were corrupted we believe that their player chips were ripped out before they were killed.. If that's the truth then they might be missing some memorizes before their deaths and possibly many death and respawn scars.." Explained Xisuma. 

"What about Bdubs?" Asked False.

"He was sound surrounded by TNT, his player chip next to him, If he was to blow up without that chip only the chip would have came back in a mostly destroyed look.." Xisuma fidgets. "Right now I am fixing Bdubs chip and then I'm upgrading everyone else's.. I can't have someone face true death, it's worse than banning.. If they were banned they can usually find a new world to live in after sometime in the void. " Explained Xisuma. 

"I see.. Does Bdubs remember his attacker?" Asked False.

"I hope so but a player chip being pulled out can cause lots of trauma so we will have to wait and see.. I hope Bdubs wakes from his coma soon.." Xisuma said sadly. 

"Wait.. Bdubs is in a coma!?" False's eyes widen in shock.

"Sadly that's an yes." Said Xisuma.

Hey sunshine here! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. If you guys want to keep reading from me I have two other books made. One is already finished and the other is being worked on, both are hermitcraft! One is a Stresskall fanfic so if that's what you are looking for it's there the other one has the evil hermits and stuff so if you are interested in reading about evil hermits there's that!  I have not decided if it is going to have ships or not but it does have lots of drama. 

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