I'm sorry (SJ)

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Your Mum has been avoiding you recently and you didn't know why.

TW- ED, Anxiety, Suicide, Self-Harm.


I'm currently on my way to my Mum's work. I just got back from vacation with my best friend Lou and I haven't seen her in almost a month. I can't wait to tell her everything that happened. Me and my Mum have always been close. It might be because she's had to raise me on her own since I was one because my Dad just packed up and left, but I personally think that it is because we are so similar and have so much in common. Everyone says I look exactly like her.

Anyway, I just got to her trailer and I knock on the door.

"It's open" I hear her call out.

I walk in.

"Hey Mama I'm back!"

"Hey bubs" She says monotonal. Like could she be anymore unenthusiastic, she hasn't seen her daughter in almost a month for goodness sake!

I go in for a hug but she moves away from me.

"Sorry baby I need to go on set" She says whilst looking at her phone which she has been doing since I walked in.

"Oh ok, maybe lat-" I was cut off by her slamming the trailer door.

That was strange.

Normally she's really excited to see me.

Maybe it's just a rough day for her.

7 Months Later

I was wrong.

Ever since I got back from that trip she's been acting different. As if she didn't want me anymore. I don't understand why. Is it because I'll be turning 16 in a month, is that why she doesn't want me anymore. Because I'm growing up.

I have always had bad thoughts and anxiety but whenever I would feel on edge I would go and talk to my Mum and she would take my mind off of whatever it was. But without me being able to go to my Mum, all of these thoughts are spiralling in my mind.

Your so worthless even your own mother doesn't want you.

No wonder your Dad left you, your Mum's just itching for her opportunity to do the same.

Everything you have done in your life is stupid, much like you.

Why do you look like that?

You're so fat.

You should leave the country and change your name, better yet just disappear forever.

She should be ashamed to have a daughter like you.

She should give you up.

Just k!ll yourself already, everyone's waiting for you to.

That last one is what I'm thinking about most. It's true. It's gotta be, right? The one person who I thought actually loved me and cared for me most in this world is treating me like a liability. She's just anticipating my disappearance.

Due to me having anxiety and I have had kidney problems in the past, I have a lot of medication at home.

I wrote a letter to my Mum and Lou ,because she was here for me but I know she has a lot of family issues of her own to deal with so she hasn't been that present, and I place them on my dresser table.

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