First day

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Arthit's POV

Today is my first day of working as an Assistant for a teacher but here I am running late, like always.. I kept on shouting at everyone who came on my way.. Oh Wait.. Let me introduce you myself first.. I am Arthit Rojnapath.. here as Assistant for a University teacher.. But to be frank I am an Undercover Agent.. along with my best friends Knot, Bright, Prem and Tutah.

Our first mission is to find out about the culprit who is behind the suicide of a student in this university.. All we know is that the culprit is from a well off family because of which this case was not investigated openly.. but since there was involvement of drugs.. we were asked do it as a secret mission.

All five of us are child prodigies.. so we decided to use this gift to serve the people after we graduated. It is not like we hate rich people.. but we hate the rich people who uses power and money to cover their frauds.

I have managed to reach the university in time.. I cursed a kid who dashed past me.. After that.. I did not even look at him clearly.. as Knot called me to come fast. I rushed inside not before shouting a warning to that kid.. whoever it was. 

I met my friends who were also going to be assistants in the canteen.
"You idiot.. even today you slept long.?" Prem said as soon as I reached.
"Hello to you to Prem." I said panting.
"Hello my ass.. how do you manage to wake up late everyday.?" Tutah groaned.
"I love my sleep okay.. you can't blame me." I said pouting slightly.

"Okay okay enough.. And Arthit.. take this drink and relax.. we will have to meet the dean and the teachers under whom we are going to work." Knot said giving me the drink.
"Why does he get this special service.?" Bright whined.
"Shut up Bright.. you know we can't be late right.." Tutah said. I stuck my tongue out towards him.

After I drank.. we went and met the Dean.. who gave us some instructions.. after which he told us where we can meet the teachers we were going to work under. I was going to work under Mr. Therasit.. a Mathematic professor. I met him.. he is strict with his studies and attitude..

He gave me an earful for not introducing myself properly. After I learnt how to introduce myself.. he gave me an outline of everything I need to do.. He even showed me all the classes he takes and gave me the contacts of all the class presidents and also class toppers..

He asked me to get familiar with the university today.. and work from tomorrow.. Even my friends were told the same... So we decided to have dinner in the nearby café.. and roam around the university after the lunch break would end.

Kong's POV

Today is my first day in the university as a head hazer.. Although I went through the training but I am still nervous.. I wanted my daily dose of my little brother's hug and a kiss which would relax me.. Due to some work regarding our hazing.. I had to come early morning to meet my friends while Dae said that he would come at the exact university time.. So I just rang him up.

"Hello! DaeDae where are you, I have been waiting for you for quite some time please be quick I don't want to start the hazing session without my baby brother wishing me luck with it." I said as soon as he lifted the call.

"Relax P'Kong your Dae will be there in 10 mins, sorry I slept in longer than I expected to." Answered Dae from the other side of the phone call.
"Okay okay no problem, I am waiting for you in the university's parking lot, drive safely.. bye" I replied and ended the call.

After I was sure that he would come soon to cheer me up..  I made my way to the empty space in the parking lot so I can park there while waiting for him. While I was about to get inside the car to make my way to the parking space.. Someone crashed into me while running frantically towards the direction of dean's office. That boy did not look like he was a student here as he was not following school's student dress code.

He even even cursed me and warned me before running away as he answered a call.. I wonder how he can manage to rile me up with just his words even at this morning hour.. I feel like giving him a punch for running.. then crashing into me.. and then cursing me even though I was not at fault along with a warning.

But I came out of thought as I saw my phone ringing.. The name bought a smile on my face.. it was P'Anurak... I hastily picked up the call with a smile lingering on my face.

"Hello P'Anurak how are you doing, how's the company coping are you facing any problem , if you are you can let your little Kong know you know I can help you with ideas in handling board members or any other problem.." I started speaking continuously as I lifted the call. I heard him chuckle before I stopped speaking.

"Hello! Kong, slow down a bit will you. I am fine, everything is fine. I just called to wish you luck for your first day as a head hazer I know you are nervous but I also know that you will be a fantastic hazer to your juniors, now go show them your cold, confident self.. And also.. I wanted to wish our baby brother on his first day.. he did not lift my call.. so I thought you must be together." He said.. 

"Aw P.. that little kiddo woke up late.. he will be in front of me in a few minutes.." I replied. I saw Dae entering the very next minute. As soon as he spotted me.. he rushed into my arms.

"All the best P.. and don't worry you are the best.." He said still not letting go of the hug. After a minute he let go of the hug and kissed my both cheeks.
"You'll be a great head hazer. Also P no one can beat the most famous campus moon." He said smiling widely.. I ruffled his hair.. 

I remembered that P'Anurak was on call.. So I gave the phone to Dae for him to talk..
"Hello P.. how are you.?" Dae asked as he took the phone..
"I am fine.. And Dae.. All the best on your first day.. enjoy the day." P'Anurak said. 
"Thank you P.. I will call you in the evening.. Bye bye.." Dae said and hanged up the call.

I pulled him into another hug.. and kissed his forehead..
"Be careful and enjoy the day DaeDae.. and you know right you can call me if anything goes wrong at any time." I said. He nodded his head.

"P, can I go with you to the headquarters today... na, na na P... it's been so long since I last spent time with you and the other P's including P'Tew I miss him." Dae said giving me his puppy eyes. I wanted to tease him before saying okay..

"Ah so you want to meet your P'Tew" I sulked a little, it's fun to tease Dae.
"Oii P' I said all of you not just P'Tew" Dae retorted immediately.
"Sure, I will bring you with me after the hazing session is over, okay.. you can wait for me the in the car after the hazing will be over" I told Dae.
"Okay P.. And remember to not treat me any special.. also No one other than your friends should know that I am your brother.. we will let them know after hazing." He said and left from the after giving me another kiss on my cheek.

Oh by the way all of must be wondering what headquarter is Dae referring to, so let me brief you guys that me and my seven other best friends Em, Tew, Wad, Oak, Prae, May and Maprang are working as agents. I and Em have been working since our high school. With our fighting skills and intelligence along with out quick reflexes.. we have now formed a proper team which is ranked number 1 among all.

This is where I met Tew and others for the first time.. coincidentally.. we all were going to study in the same university as well as faculty.. and we kind of clicked together. I lead the team while Wad is second in command. Oak, Prae, May and Maprang are purely computer specialist while I was trained to be an all rounder and others are trained with their battle field skills and how to defend and survive the worst case without anything.

We are all scholarship students but we gave up our scholarships to others who needed it more than us. We are the heirs of the richest families in the country, So it's a no big deal for us to pay for our tuition fees. We all like to keep a low profile and work hard to afford our daily needs. I am know as "Singto" in the agency, everyone respects me for my intelligence, and cold yet stern demeanor when I am on a operation.. Rest all are referred with their initial letters while Maprang is referred to as Map.. 

Due to our skills.. we were mostly doing undercover mission even though we were young.. so we were allowed to use mask to hide our identity even in the agency.. and used voice modulating devices also.

My friends and I have been assigned a new case related to a suicide of a student in SSU which involved drugs. Lucky for us that he was a student from arts faculty in the same university we attend, So it will make it easy for us to find clues.

The Head of the agency also informed us that they'll be providing us with more team mates who are new to the field but have proven themselves, so that we can solve this case smoothly in less amount of time. All of us agreed but on a condition that we won't be revealing our face and would be in touch with them through our professional number.. until we wanted to reveal.

So this is where Dae wants to meet all of us.. he doesn't want to meet in the university or around so that he won't be caught with us.. 

Co-Writer: Stoneage_heart Stoneage_heart

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