The Truth..

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Arthit's POV

I asked Kong permission to court him officially.. I know he was shy and I expected him to nod a little or maybe just blush and run away and then text me or something.. but the way he kissed me on my cheek and ran away left me grinning like an idiot. I was gazing in the direction he left even after he disappeared until Knot nudged me.

While walking back to the professor.. I texted that I would meet him over dinner today.. I suddenly thought about how should I reveal my actual profession to Kong.. and the thought of him rejecting because of it made me shiver.. because most of them though they respect this profession but won't accept them as their life partners. 

But soon I pushed away those thoughts.. and started working. Captain asked us to meet him in the evening around 5:30 P.M. I thought of asking Captain permission to tell about my profession to Kongpob if we end up together. 

After completing my day in the college.. I met up with my friends.. freshened up a little and made our way to the headquarters. We entered the meeting room after asking for permission.. it was only captain who was there..

"Sir.. where are Singto and others.?" I asked as we took the seat.
"It seems there class ended late.. so they will be here in another 5-10minutes." He said. We nodded. He asked us about the working experience with Singto and his team. 

"Captain.. to be frank.. though we don't know their identity and even if they are close in real life.. they did involve us and gave equal importance to us.. even though we were in the wrong path at first while judging Kong and his friends.. they did not judge us and waited for us to realize. And after realizing.. they did involve us and gave us the orders and discussed things with us. We heartfully like working with them." I expressed. Even my friends were feeling the same thing.

"Good to know.. there are chances that you would permanently work with this team as we felt that you people will together be more strong and capable.." He said while nodding his head. 
"We would be glad to work with them.. if they are okay with it." We all replied to him smiling broadly.

We stopped our conversation as we heard a knock on the door. Captain asked the person to come in. It was Singto and his team members.. They wai'ed to all of us before taking their seat.

"So.. Singto.. this is just for formality purpose.. can you brief the things that took place during the investigation process.?" Captain asked. Singto started explaining it step by step everything. He even submitted the report.. But suddenly my eyes caught something with which he was playing unconsciously while explaining things.

Before.. in any meeting he did not have this habit.. but now he has.. so I was focused on it to see with what was he playing.. It was a necklace.. But somehow.. it felt similar to me.. and then he moved his hand to point something in the report revealing the locket. My eyes widened in shock and surprise. 

"KONGPOB." I exclaimed suddenly. He and the others froze for a second. Singto stiffened in his place.. he was fidgeting but soon took a deep breath and looked at me.

Kong's POV

I had to relax a lot before I stepped into the meeting room. I had to remind myself not to blush or shutter in front of P'Arthit. My friends were laughing seeing me. I took a deep breath before I entered the meeting room.

I started briefing captain about the investigation as the captain asked me to while showing it in the report. Suddenly, I heard P'Arthit shouting my name. My name as Kongpob not Singto. I froze then and there.. I did not expect him to realize this soon. I was not sure if he would still like me knowing that I the cold hearted Cop who everyone fear of.

I looked at him.. he was staring at me with wide eyes.. with pure shock, confusion and surprise in his face. Even my friends froze but the captain was in a dilemma how he recognized. Then I felt the locket.. He saw the locket. I have picked up a habit of playing with it the second he put it on my neck.

I took a deep breath and then shared a glance at my friends. It was our unspoken rule that if one of our identity is out.. the others will also stand by them. So we took off our masks at the same time. Seeing the others.. they also stilled not knowing how to react next.

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