Special Chapter (Kong-Arthit)

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Kong's POV

It's been 4 years since I and P'Arthit have been together and 3 years since we have been officially married.. Today we were going to take another major step in our life. We wanted to add a new member into our family.. When we told our decision to our parents and Dae.. they were really happy.. 

We haven't spoken about this with our friends because we wanted it to be a surprise for them.. we have already indirectly taken their opinions and adopting a baby girl or boy.. We woke up extra early today so that we can reach the orphanage sooner..

We have selected three orphanages from where we plan to do the adoption.. being the same sex couple.. not all allow us to adopt the kids.. so there were only limited choices.. After getting ready both of us made to our first destination.

There were about 25-30 kids in this center.. we were planning to adopt a baby boy.. so that it won't be a problem as we will be able to understand them.. we saw every kid in the orphanage.. we spoke to them and played with them.. it was fun spending time with them.. we wanted to meet other kids in the next orphanage also because we were not able to find a boy who will be able to mingle with our family..

So that was how we ended up near the next orphanage.. it was nearing lunch time.. so we decided to treat them to some specials.. we spoke with the management at the orphanage and also with the a fine restaurant nearby and ordered a delivery based on the guidelines they gave us.. 

My phone kept on ringing continuously.. if it was anyone in my contact.. I would have answered and tell them that I was busy or something.. but it was an unknown number.. so I kept on cutting the call irrespective of how many ever times they called..

"Who is it love..?" P'Arthit asked me.
"I don't know P.. it's from an unknown number.. I keep cutting the call.. but they still keep calling.. I don't even know how they got my personal number." I said.. 
"We will see about that later.. let us go in now.." He said.. I smiled at him before we got down.. 

P'Arthit got a call from Pa.. he said that we were at the second orphanage and cut the call saying that we would call them afterwards. I kept my phone in a vibration mode as we walked inside.. but may be my bad time.. who so ever that person was.. kept on bombarding me with messages.. I tried to ignore it at first hoping that it would stop soon if I won't check or reply.. 

We greeted the people incharge at the orphanage.. they thanked us for treating them the lunch and also wished us luck so that we can find that kid we would love.. 

I was getting irritated with the continuation vibration because of the stupid messages.. I swear I will kill that person if it is some rubbish.. I took out the phone angrily.. 
"What happened..?" P'Arthit asked.. he was looking at me with concern eyes.. 
"I have been getting messages P.. I don't know who it is.. so I am checking.." I said and opened the messages.. 

There were hundreds of messages.. and all of them were professing that person's love to me.. before I could even see all the messages.. P'Arthit took the phone.. From his expression I could say that he was hell angry.. He took out his phone and made a call..

"Knot.. I will text you a number.. I want the details immediately.." He practically ordered rudely.

"P.. relax will you.. we are in a orphanage.. and don't scare the kids with your anger.. there might be some sensitive one's." I said as I tried to hold him.. but he just glared at me.. I know I should be feared but the thought that he was being jealous was making me smile internally.. Even after years.. he is jealous of people if they get close to me even for a minute.. We walked a little away so that the kids or the incharge won't see us..

Soon P'Knot sent the details of that person along with a photo.. he showed me the photo and asked me if I knew that person.. I felt I have seen that person.. but at the moment I could not recollect.. I went through the other details.. and then it clicked me.. 

"P.. she is the same person who is behind me in the company.." I said as I remembered..
"Your employee..?" He asked me..
"Khab P.. " I said.
"Kong.. your personal number is not available to them.. tell me how the hell did she get your number.." He asked me angrily.. 
"How will I know P..? I was beside you all the time.." I retorted.. 
"Then you tell me one way in which she might have got your number.." He said.. his voice was cold.. I was okay with his anger, jealousy and other things.. but not okay when he doesn't trust me...

I very well know that he trusts me and loves me a lot.. but when ever he gets jealous.. he would feel a little insecure even though we are married.. and speaks like this.. I wanted to throw a tantrum.. and shout at him.. but stopped when we heard a little girls voice.. 

"You both.. you are so big and you don't know that you should not fight..? Why can't you talk normally..?" She said with her cute baby voice.. I and P'Arthit shared a look.. 
"See.. even a baby knows that we should not shout and talk properly.." I said and glared at him.. 
"Sorry.. you know " He was about to say something.. and I very well know it so I cut him in between..

"I know.. you feel jealous and insecure if something like this happens.. but P.. I am your husband and practically the whole world knows.. so relax will you.. we can remove her from the job or you can may be warn her with this anger of yours.. I am sure she would runaway." I giggled.. 
"Sorry Love.." He said.. I looked back at the little girl.. she had very beautiful eyes.. 

"Hey little girl.. will you tell me your name..?" I asked her as I kneeled down to her level along with P'Arhtit.. 
"I am not little girl.. I am 5 yrs old." She said showing her five little fingers.. making us smile..
"And my name is Terra.." She said. Terra.. earth.. I guess we can make a beautiful family.. sun, moon and the earth.. I smiled at my thought.. 

But then I remembered that we planned on adopting a baby boy.. I looked at P'Arthit who was already looking at me.. 
"Shall we change our choice..?" He asked me to which I smiled widely while nodding my head. 
"So.. can I ask you something.." P'Arthit said taking her close to him.. 
"Khab.." She replied..
"Will you like to become our family..?" He asked.
"Your both family..?" She asked.. we nodded our head.. 
"Then I will have two father's instead of a mother and father..?" She said innocently.. 

I could not help but think that she won't like to be with us with the way she asked the question.. 
"I see you both loved Terra.." We heard a voice and looked up.. it was the incharge.. 
"Khab sir we liked her.." I said as we stood up.. Terra immediately ran into the orphanage.. 

"I am sorry.. but I don't think she will like to come with you.." He said.
"Why sir..?" P'Arthit asked.. 
"Even we are not sure.. there were many couples who came here previously.. but she threw a fit saying she doesn't want to go with them.. irrespective of whether husband and wife or husband and husband." He explained.
"Oh.. she was really cute sir.. " I said in a very dejected mode. 

"I hope you will like others.. " He said.. we followed him back into the orphanage.. we saw as the children ate.. and then played with them.. Terra was not coming near us but from time to time she keeps staring at us.. 

We told them some stories.. After an hour.. we decided to leave.. We spoke to the incharge before leaving and promised the kids to visit again in future.. 
"P'Arthit.. I know you are also sad that we could not adopt Terra.. but let us hope that she would get into a family she likes.." I said as we walked towards our car.. 
"I hope so Kong.. but I just felt like she would fit our family the best.. the second I saw her.. something in her pulled me towards her.. I wanted to take care of her.." P'Arthit said.. 

I hugged him as we reached the car.. He just placed his head on my shoulder and held me tight..
"Let us go P.. and I will drive.. you are in no mood to drive.." I said as I broke the hug.. He gave me the car keys and was about to walk when we felt someone pully our pant and looked down.. 

It was Terra.. she was calling us by pulling our pants.. we both shared a look before squatting down in front of her.
"What happened little girl..?" I asked her as I noticed some tears.. 
"Will you take me with you both..?" She asked us with a low voice.. I wasn't sure what I heard.. I looked at P'Arthit.. his face says that he is also shocked.. 
"You want to come with us sweetie..?" P'Arthit asked.. She nodded her head cutely..

"Oh..! Thank God you both are here.. she was throwing a fit inside saying that she wants to go with you both.. and when we said that you already left.. she ran even before we could stop her." The incharge said.. 
"Really..?!" Both me and P'Arthit exclaimed happily.. 
"Khab sir.. she wants to be with you two.." He said.

"Princess.. you really want to become our family.." I asked her.. 
"Khab.." She said..
"I only have one problem.." She added cutely showing one finger..
"What is it sweetheart..?" P'Arthit asked.
"I can address one of you as Papa.. then what about other..?" She asked cutely.. we laughed at her question.. 
"You can call the other as Daddy or Dada or Dad sweetie.." P'Arthit said.

"Then.. can I call you Papa..?" She said pointing at me.. "and you as Daddy.?" she pointed at P'Arthit.. Both of us nodded our head and hugged her.. 
"Sir.. when can we take her home..?" I asked the incharge... 
"You can take her today sir.. we trust you people.. and we will carry on the procedure now itself.. it will be done in a week." He replied.. 

"Now little princess.. let us go and get your things.. we will take you with us to our new house.." P'Arthit said as he carried her.. we walked towards her bed and packed few things which she wanted.. I thought she would want her toys but she gave them to the younger kids in the orphanage.. 

"Princess.. you don't want those toys..?" I asked her.. 
"From now I have Papa and Daddy to buy things for me.. but they don't have.. so I will share them.." She said.. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.
"You will get everything you ask for sweetie.." I said.. 
"Papa.. I love you.." She said and hugged me tightly.. 
"I love you too princess.." I said..

"Aw.. no one loves me..?" P'Arthit said as he acting as if he was sulking.. 
"No.. I love you too.. Please don't say like that." Terra said immediately.. she was feeling scared.. 
"Aw.. Sweetie.. I was just teasing you.. I know you love me.. and I also love you a lot.." P'Arthit reacted immediately as he took Terra from me.. 
"Really..?" She asked looking at me and P'Arthit..
"Yes princess.. both of us love you a lot..." I said.. while P'Arthit nodded his head.

Soon we left with all her things.. she bid bye to every kid and promised to meet them every now and then.. I and P'Arthit mentally made a note to visit them every month with Terra. Ma, Pa and Dae were already waiting for us at home.. I already told them about bringing the baby girl home and they were very excited.

It was an hour journey to our home.. on the way Terra was looking outside the window with an amazed face.. P'Arthit was driving... while I was telling her what the things she was pointing at were.. she was in awe seeing the buildings and all..

We stopped in between to get some drinks... she did not know what to order.. she said she like chocolates more.. so I asked her to try a chocolate milkshake.. and she surely did like it.. she tasted a little of P'Arthit's drink and I am sure that we were going to have a pinkmilk lover in our family..

As soon as we reached Dae was the one to come out running followed by Ma and Pa.. 
"Aw.. my neice is very cute.. " He squealed seeing Terra.. while she held me tightly.. 
"It's okay princess.. he is my younger brother.. and they are our parents.." I said. I could see the confused so I introduced them to her.. P'Arthit came and stood beside me.. 
"Will they like me..?" She asked me.. 

"We Love you little girl.." They said together.. She smiled widely.. 
"Now.. I am your uncle.. can you tell me your name..?" Dae asked as he held her hand in his.. 
"Hello uncle.. My name is Terra." She said.
"You have a very cute name.." Dae said.. She looked at Ma and Pa.. 
"Who are they to me..?" She asked looking at me and P'Arthit.

"We will be your grandparents.." Ma and Pa said together as Ma took Terra from me.. 
"I also have grandparents now.." She said happily as she hugged Ma.. 
"Let us go inside.. we made many things for you.." Ma said.. We nodded our head before we followed the three who were walking as they spoke wit Terra..

"She is really lovely.." P'Arthit said looking at Terra..
"Khab P.. and she fits exactly into our family.. she completes our family by filling the missing part just within a day she came into our life." I said.. 
"I love you Kong.. and I am sorry for shouting at you.." He said as he hugged me.. 
"P.. it's okay.. I understand.. but please don't ever speak like you don't trust me.. it hurts.. and I want you to do one thing P.. will you..?" I asked him.. He nodded his head.

"Show her where she belongs P.." I said.
"That I will surely do.." He said and gave me a kiss..
"P.. come inside fast.. we are waiting.." Dae shouted from inside.. 

We walked inside.. Ma was already feeding Terra.. As we ate.. we asked Terra about her favorite color and other details so that we can prepare her room.. That night Terra slept with me and P'Arthit.. we told her about our friends and she was very much happy to meet them.. so we decided to call everyone over dinner.. 

The next day morning.. Ma and Pa took Terra for shopping while I, Dae and P'Arthit prepared her room.. We even made our way to company in between to meet P'Anurak.. P'Arthit made sure to show that girl her place.. he practically made her see hell for the whole time he was there.. 

I explained P'Anurak and Dae what actually happened.. though P'Arthit dealt with her Dae and P'Anurak also went hard on her.. I felt pity for her.. She said that she found my number in a file which she collected from P'Anurak.. Dae was the one to fire her from the work.. 

The word went around how it would be to mess with our relation.. we did not think much and left after inviting P'Anurak for dinner.. by the time Ma and Pa returned.. we already got 80% of the room ready..

Ma and Pa completed the rest of the arrangements as we played with Terra.. she told us what all she saw today and how she enjoyed with her grandparents.. we also spoke about how we were going to introduce her to our friends.. she was jumping happily.. as she was going to surprise someone for the first time. 

Everything went as planned.. our friends were shocked seeing Terra but soon she became the center of attention as she got everyone smitten with her cuteness.. Dae explained Tew that this was the reason why he chose to stay here for a couple of days..

Ma and Pa asked us about adopting a boy.. we said that for now we want to spend our time and give everything to look after Terra. In future.. if Terra also wants then we can think of adopting another kid.. that to if she wants.. because from now.. she is our world 

We made the arrangements for her school and everything she liked.. She was really happy with her room and also loved her school.. She was really a brightest girl.. The media knows about us adopting a baby girl.. but we haven't revealed her identity so that she won't feel continuous attention on her and can do everything he wants to.. 

By the end of the week.. the legal papers were also ready and she was now Terra Rojnapath Suthilak.. daughter of Arthit and Kongpob Rojnapath Suthilak and our little princess.. we had a mini party with Ma and Pa.. at night.. 

I could not ask for anything else I had Dae, P'Anurak, my P'Arthit, Ma, Pa, friends and P's.. I and P'Arthit put Terra to sleep.. like every other day since Terra came to the house.. he read her a short story while she would snuggle with me as she falls asleep. 

After she fell asleep.. I placed her favorite teddy bear beside her and both of us went back to our room. We walked into our balcony.. P'Arthit hugged me tightly and placed his chin on my shoulder as we saw the moon in the sky in comfortable silence.. 

"I love you Kong.. thank you for never leaving me.." He said suddenly.. The atmosphere was already giving me romantic vibes.. I turned around and wrapped my arms around P'Arthit's neck.. 
"I love you P.. and thank you for holding on to me.." I said before we kissed eachother.. 

Hey.. so here is the special chapter of Kong and Arthit with a little princes.. 
Co-Writer : 
Stoneage_heart Stoneage_heart❤❤

This marks the end of this book.. Thank you everyone.. for all the support.. I hope you have enjoyed this book

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