First day and Case..!

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Note: Arthit's father : David Rojnapath; Arthit's mother : Priya Rojanapath

3rd Person POV

After dinner Priya and David made sure that their son was in his room and then went to their room to sleep.
"Honey.. I can feel that the boy Kongpob is really good." Priya said to her husband.
"I know.. he seems really good." David replied.
"Do you think being tough is necessary.?" Priya asked again.
"Yes Honey.. they will have to face a society in future.. they may or may not be in favor of such relations.. I want to make sure that their bond is strong enough.. I don't want our son to be broken heart forever.. The way I see he won't move on if the bond breaks." David said.

"You are right.. from what I see.. Kongpob seems to be kind, calm and he has the best moral values. And also he cooks well. Let us see how he will be for the rest of the 6 days and then decide." Priya said.
"Yes.. we will see.. I really can't believe that the kid is Singto.. and is so capable.. he seems like the one who likes to be calm and away from fights." David said.

Next day morning when Priya woke up.. Kongpob was sitting in the living room while reading the newspaper.. while talking to someone on mobile.

"Khab sir.. I will meet them.." " No sir.. I will meet the incharge person only.." " I will see what I can do.. Also P'Arthit is here.. we will work together.. it is his hometown.. it would make it simple."  

That was what Priya heard Kong speaking.. as she went into the kitchen.. She was making arrangements to prepare coffee everyone and pinkmilk for his son.
"Good Morning Ma'am." Kongpob said as he saw Priya there.
"Good Morning.. you should have slept more.. you drove all the way right." Priya said.
"No Ma'am.. I am fine.. let me help you." Kong replied and helped Priya to make the coffee and pinkmilk.

After sometime David came down... the three of them drank the coffee in silence. Priya then left to wake up Arthit.. with the pinkmilk leaving Kongpob and David.
"Sir.. can I ask you something.?" Kongpob broke the silence.
"What is it.?" David replied as he looked at Kongpob.
"Sir.. about the theft cases in this locality.. since when did they start sir.?" Kongpob asked.
"About 1 and half to 2 months.. the cases registered mostly are in and around this area.. and mostly things which are considered to be with them since our fathers have been stolen.. Although investigation is being done.. there is no progress as far as I know." David replied.
"Thank you sir." Kongpob replied.. 

He then took out his phone and started looking into all the cases which were registered.. he made notes of the points which he felt were important.. David was seeing Kongpob jot points and suspecting things. He could not help but feel impresses at the way Kongpob was separating things.

Soon Arthit came down after freshening up... He greeted his father and mother. Then he saw that Kongpob was working on something.. He sat down beside and looked into it.
"What are you doing..?" He asked seeing that Kong was all immersed into the work.
"P.. captain wants us to help the police to solve this theft case.. " Kongpob replied.
"Oho. no wonder you are so focused.. you are in your Singto mode ah.!" Arthit said as he took the case details while trying to tease Kong.
"Stop it P.. we have only this day to solve this.. it seems that police have already used up the time given to them to solve the case." Kongpob replied.

They both started working together.. David and Priya could not help but smile looking at them work together.. They were really professional and dedicated.
"P.. is there a printer at home.? Kongpob asked.
"Yes... I have one in my room.. What do you want to print.?" Arthit asked.
"List of citizens living in this area as per this day." Kongpob replied and gave the document to Arthit.

Arthit went and got the document printed. By that time.. Kongpob asked Priya if there were any fruits in the home. He prepared a fruit salad for everyone because he knows that Arthit would have fruits mainly if he works on a case. David and Priya were impressed the way Kongpob is looking after Arthit and has understood him despite the fact that they knew eachother for a short time.

Kongpob took the list and then started separating the names.. he first noted down the names of people who came to live here in the past four months newly.. and then he noted down the names of people who were currently facing financial problems and also the names of people who had financial problems before and now they are free with the help of Arthit and his parents who have been here for more than a decade.. 

"Why did you select only these names.?" Arthit asked Kongpob as he saw the names.
"P.. think of the possible reason for a person becoming a thief.. it is basically financial problems or they must be trained for that. In this case the second possibility is ruled out because if they are trained they won't take just the precious things.. they would take everything in home.. So these are not trained people but someone who is doing because they need money and also they are not taking money.. cash or other things which would surely track them down with the identity numbers or anything.. So they must have some respect in and around.. and they can sell these precious things in antique black market and earn money.. without people doubting it." Kongpob explained still continuing the work.

David and Priya who listened to the explanation could not believe that he was really this intelligent. They were looking at the two people sitting there who were eating and also feeding each other while working.

"What about the people who came here recently.?" David asked wanting to know more.
"Sir.. they have come here newly.. the time the thefts started makes them suspects because none of people here know the exact reason why they shifted other than the reason they told.. also in this time gap.. they can know about the locality completely and plan things if they want.." He explained again. David could not help but agree with the young man's thoughts.

Arthit then sent the list of names to their captain and asked them to do the background search of them.. 
"Kong.. we will get the updates in an hour." Arthit said after that. 

Kong stood up and stretched a little.. Suddenly he called for his P.. and asked him to print the layout of this locality. Arthit bought the printout of their locality which was indicating all the houses there.. 

"P.. let us mark the houses where the things were stolen... I feel like they are following some pattern." Kongpob said. 

They started marking the houses.. one after other in the order in which theft occurred. After they were done.. they were looking at the layout.. trying to identify the pattern.. when Kongpob suddenly exclaimed. He excitedly explained the pattern which he identified. Arthit hugged Kongpob excitedly but soon let go as David and Priya cleared their throat. Kongpob blushed a little but soon focused in the work.

They sat down again and marked the next house which would be targeted.. also they managed to trace down the pattern of days the thieves were following. Both the houses were in the same lane as Arthit's home and they know the residents very well.

After lunch.. Kongpob and Arthit went to the houses and fit some cameras which Arthit had at home.. at the entrance and also along the fence making sure that they would cover every angle and will be able to record everyone who enter the house from any direction.

While on the other side.. David and Priya were completely impressed with Kongpob.. now all they want to see was how much they trust eachother and how strong they can be. Also they decided to talk about Kongpob's family tomorrow. 

When they returned back home after fixing the cameras.. Kongpob and Arthit explained things to the incharge of the case and then ready for the operation. They also got the background check of the people and rounded of the suspects. They asked the local police to keep an eye on them.

Both of them were monitoring one after other.. Kong helped Priya in cooking the dinner while Arthit was accompanied by his father. David and Priya decided that they would accompany both the kids in monitoring. They saw how Kongpob was helping Arthit to stay awake.. he even made iced coffee for all of them.

Around mid night they saw a couple of people jumping into one of the house they guessed. Arthit immediately informed the case incharge.. they were caught in the next 20 minutes.. And seems like Kongpob's reasoning for theft was right. The incharge asked Arthit and Kongpob to meet him. 

Kongpob put on the mask which he wears when he works as Singto. They both met the incharge.. David and Priya were looking at them from the crowd.. which gathered with the police alarms.. and screams. Everyone recognized Arthit and were praising him. 

"Thank you Khun Singto and Khun Arthit.. if not for your help.. we wouldn't have caught them." The police incharge said.
"It is our duty sir.." Both of them replied.
Suddenly on of them attacked Kongpob shouting at him.. Kongpob managed to escape the attack and strike back... Arthit immediately held the person and pressed him on the ground so that he won't move.

"If not for you both.. we would not have been caught." The thief said.
"You would have been caught.. maybe a little later.. because.. no one can escape the law.." Kongpob said. After that the police took them away and everyone dispersed. Kongpob and Arthit updated regarding the case to their captain.

After that Kongpob checked Arthit and made sure that he was not hurt.. even Arthit did the same. Everyone called it a day. Kong and Arthit freshened up before going to sleep. In the other room.. Priya and David were also on bed as they spoke a little about today.

"David.. I really like Kongpob now.. He is not only kind and good.. but also intelligent and sharp. Also he cares a lot for our son." Priya said as they went to bed.
"Yes.. Even I like him.. I just hope that their trust for eachother would be strong and also Kongpob's family is good.." David replied.

With that the eventful day ended and everyone went into sleep tired of all the activities.

Co-Writer : Stoneage_heart Stoneage_heart❤❤

Ah.. first day done.. let us see how much will Kong impress his future in-laws..!
Stay Safe!!!!!!!

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