Apologizes and Planning

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Arthit's POV

I have heard the announcement which Kongpob made in the canteen saying that Dae was his younger brother.. I and my friends shared a guilty glances...
"Arthit.. we just blamed his own brother for bullying him." Knot whispered.
"We really made the conclusions hastily..! I hopewe are not too late in realizing." Prem added.
"Guys we need to hurry up if we need to apologize.. they are leaving." Tutah said pointing in their direction.. 

Five of us.. rushed in their direction.. but the were on the other end.. so I called out for him.
"Kongpob.!" I exclaimed.. I saw all of them stopped and turned around.. They moved to a side so that they won't block the way.

"Khab Khun..! What can I do for you.?" He asked with a normal voice. His voice seems very soft.. warm and sweet. 
"We are sorry for everything we did and said.. Please forgive us." I said.. while my friends nodded and said " We are really sorry."

"Khun.. please.. there is no need to say sorry.. It was not your fault that you thought we were bullying because you are new here.. Let it go Khun.. It is in the past right." He said. His tone and his eyes were assuring. I was lost in his eyes.. His eyes are very expressive. Also I was shocked at how he forgave us this easily which just made me fell more guilty.. If I were in his place.. I would have cursed.. and maybe throw a fist also..

"Please allow us to treat you all to dinner.. and call us P.. we are not that elder than you all." Knot said.
"There is really no need for that Kh.. I mean P.." He replied very politely.
"We insist.. please." Prem said.
"I swear I will not put chilies this time.." I exclaimed as I remember that incident. He chuckled a little.

"So you are the person who made our friend eat chilies and make his suffer." Em exclaimed.
"Em.. enough.. we were filled with misunderstandings then.. let it go." Kong said holding him.
"I am really sorry Kongpob.. please let us treat you all as an apology." I asked sincerely.

"Okay P.. But can you let me bring my brother along.?" He asked. I smiled..
"Khab.. you can get him along. Give me your number.. I will text you the location and time." I replied happily while giving him my phone. 

He started typing his number in my phone and suddenly looked at me with wide eyes..
"P.. you already have my number..!" He exclaimed. I took my phone and checked.. yup.. I had his number.. he is topper of his class.. He was looking at me..
"Aw.. you are the topper of your class.?" I asked to confirm. 
"Yes he is.." Tew replied.
"Mr. Theerasit.. your Math teacher gave it to me.. I work as assistant under him." I explained them.
"Okay P.. now that you have my number.. text me the details.. We would leave now.. we have a class to attend." Kongpob said. They bowed a little and left to their classes.

"He seems so different." Tutah said after they left.
"Really.. it is like he has split personality." Bright exclaimed.. 
"Maybe they were like that so that the freshman would be scared and listen to them while sticking to the rules.." Knot said.
"You are right.. maybe to teach them.. they had to be strict.." I added.

"Okay.. Arthit.. when will Singto contact us.." Prem asked.
"Ah.. maybe in an hour or so.. that was what Captain said." I replied checking the time.
"Then let us complete our works before that.. and we will meet up in the singing club room.. it is going to be free today and is also soundproofed." Know said. We all said okay and then left to complete our tasks.. 

Exactly and 3 we gathered in the music room and closed the door and windows.. My phone started ringing.. Wow... he is so in time.

Kong's POV

After the class.. All of us went the hazing meeting room.. Our seniors got this room soundproofed for us to practice. All 8 of us and Dae was also here with us. I called P'Arthit exactly at 3.

"I hope you are isolated from others right." I asked as soon as he lifted the call.
"Khab Singto.. we are in the music hall.. it is soundproofed and also no one is going to use it today." He replied.
"Okay.. Now I guess you all know that our suspect is Kukrit.. the only son of Khun Wang right.?" I asked to make sure that they know.
"Khab." They replied.
"Now that we need to fasten the investigation.. let us track them.. I and my team would install GPS Tracker and a small pinhole camera with a mike in his vehicle along with a couple of his friends vehicles which they mostly use.. And I hope you can attach a little tracker on to him and his close friends.. you have the details right." I asked.
"We have the details.. but.. where would be get the trackers from.? And when should we do it.?" He asked me.

I shared a glance at my friends. Prae whispered that she has the required things in her bag.. and even I have a few in my car. I checked the time and then checked his schedule.. I signaled Oak and Maprang to give them the trackers.

"Today in another hour.. get ready.. he would be in the faculty along with his friends.. it will be only them there.. So be careful.. don't mess up." I said.
"Then trackers.?" He asked.
"You will here a knock on the door after few minutes.. open it and you would find the trackers there." I said.
"Okay.. We will do it." He replied confidently.
"One of us will keep an eye on you people to make sure things won't go wrong.." I said. Before he could reply.. we heard the knock.. it was silent for a minute.

"We got the trackers.." He said.
"Okay.. drop a text to this number after the task is done." I said.
"Okay.." He replied.

After that I cut the call. I asked Oak and Dae to stay aside keeping an eye on them from afar. Since Dae is a moon contestant.. no one would doubt if he is there as he will have his practice session.. and Oak being the hazer.. would be there to keep an eye on him instead of me today.

I, Wad and Prae were going to put the trackers and small recorders in the cars while Tew, Em, May and Maprang were going to make sure that we will not go noticed and keep an eye around. We took a couple of dummy keys which we can use in case we won't be able to unlock the car door. We designed the so that they would work for most of the cars.

Exactly after an hour.. we dispersed to start our task. Oak send me a text that they were still in the faculty. Rest of us went to the parking lot.. we started inserting the GPS tracker and a small recorder which records both audio and video. 

Tew and Maprang were keeping an the entry making sure that no one are coming this way, while Em and May were a little ahead.. to warn them if anyone comes this direction. I was about to get down when I hit my head to the top of the car and a key fell down.

The key was kept in a cover and I saw that the cover had a Bank's Name. I took it and checked the key..
"Singto.. they will be leaving the faculty in a few minutes.. Khun Arthit and others have done the task already." I heard Oak saying through the Bluetooth. I immediately exchanged the key with a near similar key which I was carrying and rushed out making sure that nothing was doubtful.

I.. Wad and Prae came out of parking lot as we removed the gloves we were wearing.. Tew and Maprang joined us followed by Em and May.. we walked into the faculty as if we came there casually. I same Kukrit and his friends leaving from the corner of the eye.. 

We made our way to where Dae's was practicing. I stood leaning on to the door seeing him practicing.. his back was facing me. Both my phones vibrated. Both were from P'Arthit.

To my professional number he texted me saying 'Task Accomplished.' And to my personal number he texted me the details of the restaurant.. and asked us to come there around 7:30 P.M. I replied 'okay P'Arthit.'

I asked Oak to activate the trackers and check if they were working.. both Oak and Maprang were on it standing beside us as if playing a game. 

"P'Kong.." I heard Dae's voice. I looked at his direction and smiled at him.. he immediately rushed into my arms. Nong Tantum also was coming in our direction while the others were looking at us.

"How was your practice." I asked when he broke the hug while ruffling his hair.
"Good... I like the steps P." He replied smiling broadly..
"Swadee Khab P's." Nong Tantum wai'ed to us.
"Swadee Nong.. there is no one troubling you anymore right.?" I asked her.
"No P.. Everything is fine now." She replied. I smiled at her before looking at Dae.
"Pack your things.. we are going out today.." I said to Dae..
"Really..! Where Where..?" He asked my with really excited voice.. jumping a little. Everyone chuckled a little seeing him..
"Going out for dinner.. It is a treat.." I said.. He nodded his head.. packed his things and hurried back.

We all decided to freshen up.. May, Maprang and Prae were going to monitor till night while I and the others would go for the dinner. I wore a simple white shirt with a blue jacket and a blue jeans while Dae wore a white shirt and black jeans. I and my friends decided to meet up around 7 so that we can walk to the restaurant.

Arthit's POV

We found where Kukrit and his friends were.. They were walking in the corridor.. I need to attach this little tracker to him.. We followed them.. they were going into the clubroom.. leaving their shoes outside.. I immediately placed the tracker in his shoes properly hidden and then made sure that it won't fall.. 

After that we rushed to the other side.. I was having another tracker which I want to attach to his dress or anywhere on him just for safety.. We saw them coming out after 15 minutes or so. Kukrit was behind as his friends walked ahead as he was on a call. 
"Bright chase me." I said. He nodded.. I starting running with him chasing me... we made it as a friendly chase with some teasing.. I slightly hit Kukrit shoulder while running beside him as I placed the tracker on his shirt. 

I immediately stopped and started apologizing him. Bright checked that the tracker was placed properly.
"I am Sorry Khun.. I did not see you.." I apologized.. He dismissed me with his hand and walked away with his friends.

We made our way out of the faculty.. I first updated Singto saying that the task was completed.. and then to Kongpob about the details of restaurant and time. I and my friends shared a hug and then  made our way to our dorms.. We decided meet around 7:15 or so.. after getting ready so that we can leave together.. we were going on there on our bikes..

I wore a grey hoodie and black jeans.. I and my friends reached there about 5 minutes before.. we saw Kongpob and his friends were walking.. I felt I must have chose a nearer restaurant. I waved my hand to get their attention. 

They walked towards us as they spotted us.. They all wai'ed to us as they came and stood.
"If I knew you would walk... I would have selected a nearer restaurant.." I said as we walked into the restaurant.
"No.. we actually wanted to walk.. it been a while since we spent some free time roaming around.. so we chose to walk instead of driving P.." Kongpob said with a gentle smile. 

"Dae... did those bullies you said trouble you again.?" I asked as I saw Dae smiling at me. 
"No P.. P'Kong actually made sure that he or the other P's would be around me.. even that day.. he came but he saw that you already helped me.. so he went back after checking again." Dae replied smiling widely and he held Kongpob's hand. Kongpob just ruffled his hair slightly.. I felt guilty for taking it as a wrong way.

We made our way into the restaurant and seated in the private room which we reserved. It was actually a bar and a restaurant..

Co-Writer : Stoneage_heart Stoneage_heart ❤❤

Ah..! Finally let us see how they will get along now.. hope you will enjoy this chapter..
Stay Safe..!

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