Special Chapter (Tew-Dae)

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Tew's POV

We graduated todays.. Kong.. Dae and P'Arthit are busy with the press meet.. All of us were at the side along with my friends.. There was one thought that kept on running in my mind.. 'My parents'.. I need to tell them about my feelings for Dae..

I still remember how P'Arthit's parents made me go through their test so that they can be sure that I will cherish Dae for the whole life.. And now that I going into the real world.. I want to let them know about my feelings.. I moved and stood facing them.

"Mae.. Pa.. I want to tell you something.." I said nervously.. I know they are not homophobic or something.. but I am not sure if they will be okay with me loving a boy or not.. I guess most of my friends have already understood what I was going to say because they were giving me encouraging smile.. Even P'Arthit's parents.. 

"What is it son..? You know you can tell us everything right.." Mae said. I held both their hands.
"Ma.. Pa.. I am in love." I said..
"Really.. who is it..? Tew.. since when.. and why did you not tell us.. make us meet her na na.. please." Mom exclaimed with a lot of excitement.. I can see that my Pa is also as excited as Ma.
"It is a boy." I said with closed eyes.. 

Every minute that passed without any reaction from them was like a hell to me.. What if they won't accept.. What should I do.. What will happen to us.. All the questions in my head are making me feel dizzy with their silence.. So I chose to open my eyes and speak again.

"Ma.. Pa.. I am sorry if you are disappointed in me.. but I really love him.. and no I won't leave him at any cost.. I don't mean to disrespect you both.. but I truly love him with my everything for years now.." I said looking into their eyes..

"Who is it..?" Pa asked.
"Dae.. It is Dae." I replied.
"Kong's brother..?" Ma asked me.
"Khab.." I said while nodding my head.
"He is very lovely kid.. but we would like to talk to Dae and Kong as well." Pa said. His voice was neither serious nor normal which made me gulp..

"Give them a little time.. After the press meet is done you can talk to them freely." P'Arthit's father said.
"They are P'Arthit's parents.. after they accepted Kong.. they treated both Kong and Dae as their own sons.." I introduced them to my parents.. They exchanged greetings.. All of us were watching P'Arthit, Kong, Dae and P'Anurak speaking to the press. Prae, May and Maprang left as their parents wanted to spend sometime with them.. They assured us that they would be back before dinner time along with their parents..

The press meet was soon over.. Kong hugged P'Arthit's parents after he came... 
"Son.. Tew's parents want to speak to you both." Pa said. He broke the hug and saw me and then my parents.. Dae was also looking at me and my parents.. I can say that he is hell nervous.

Dae's POV

Why does Tew's parents want to talk to me and P'Kong.. and by their look.. I am surely getting nervous.. 

"What is you want to talk to us about Sir, Madam.." P'Kong asked.
"We want to talk about their relation. And call us Uncle and Aunty.. You are Tew's friends right." P'Tew's father said. I went and held P'Kong.. he must have sensed my nervousness as he gave me a assuring smile.. 

"Khab Uncle.. We can talk at my Condo.. it is nearby.." P'Kong said.
"Okay.. that would be better.. " P'Tew's father said. After that Ma and Pa guided them.. 

"Why did you not give me an heads up about it.." I whined to P'Tew.. He pulled me into a hug.
"They have the right to know Dae and it is not right to hide it anymore.." He said. He placed a kiss on my forehead before we made our way to our condo.

I hugged P'Kong tightly before entering inside.. 
"P.. I am nervous.." I whispered still hugging him.
"DaeDae.. don't be nervous.. just be truthful to your feelings and confident.. You have me.. I will never ever let you get hurt.. you trust me right.." He said with a calm voice as he hugged me. I just nodded my head and then let go of the hug.

"Uncle.. Aunty.. please give us few minutes.. we will freshen up a little.." P'Kong said. 
"Okay.. take your time.." P'Tew's father said.
"Tew.. freshen up in the other room.. you to guys.. after us.. go freshen up.." P'Kong said.. Soon they left.. I can see that P'Kong was speaking to P'Tew something as they walked in..

"Does Tew have his dress here..?" P'Tew's mother asked.
"Khab.. P'Tew and other P's sometimes stay over if they have any work.. so they always keep a couple of dresses here.." I said.
"Oh.. they are in one team right.. " She said as she realized things.

Ma and Pa started talking to them.. P'Arthit came beside me and encouraged me a little.. He reminded me of the time when P'Kong faced his parents.. I bet P'Tew's parents would be nothing in front of Pa and Ma.. they were much more strict and scary.. I managed to get myself together.. and thought that I will try my best to convince them.. I love P'Tew and I will make them see it.

Soon P'Tew and P'Kong returned.. All five of us sat down our bedroom.. I was sitting to the right of P'Kong while P'Tew was to his left while P'Tews parents were facing us..
"When did it start.?" P'Tew's father asked.
"Since the day I saw him.. " P'Tew answered.
"And when is it..?" P'Tew's mother asked.
"Around 5 years.." He replied.

"Did you ask him out.??" P'Tew's father asked. I felt shy remembering those days. 
"Khab Pa.. I asked him out 1 and half year back. We have been in a relation from then." P'Tew said with a smile and his eyes were showing how much he is happy with me.

"Dae.. I want to ask you something." P'Tew's father addressed me for the first time.
"Khab sir." I said.
"Do you really love my son.?" He asked me.
"Khab sir.. I love him the most.. I don't know how or when it started but.. he makes me feel safe and home.. I can't put what I feel for P'Tew in words but I can say surely that.. I love him and will love him for my whole life." I replied confidently.

"What if we say no..?" P'Tew's mother asked.. I felt my heart crushing.. I could not even imagine that scenario.. I felt my world breaking apart.. P'Kong held my hand.. 
"Ma.. " P'Tew was about to speak but I cut him.
"Ma'am.. I won't go against you and pull away P'Tew from you both.. I know how it is to have a family and how it is to not have them.. but I won't back down from persuading you in every way so that you will accept us and our love." I replied.. I was glad that I managed to not break down.. 

They then spoke to me about my college and other things related to me.. 
"Tew and Dae please wait for us outside.. We want to talk to Kong for while.." P'Tew's father said. I was hesitant but when P'Kong nodded his head both of us went out.. 

P'Tew hugged me tightly as soon as we stepped out.. I inhaled his scent which made me calm down..
"Don't worry Dae.. we will get them around.. they will surely accept us." He whispered.
"What if they don't P.?" I asked him.
"You just gave the answer right.. we will do the same.. we will work hard to get their acceptance." He said.
"I love you P.." I said and hugged him more tightly..
"I love you too babe.. and trust me.. no one will be able to fall for your cuteness.. and charm.. trust me they will surely accept." He said. 

Soon we broke the hug and joined the others.. I told them what happened.. Ma and Pa assured me that everything will be fine.. Both me and P'Tew were nervous.. I was waiting for them to come out and say something.. but still they haven't.

"Tew" "Dae" I heard P'Tew's parents and P'Kong's voice.. Both of us stood up facing them.. Something is P'Kong's face makes me feel scared.. and P'Tew's parents face were also serious.. What if they are against it..? What should I do now..? why is P'Kong like that..? All sort of questions ran in my head.. 

"Welcome to our family Dae." P'Tew's parents said.. I was shocked.. did I hear it right..? I looked at P'Tew and his smile says that it was right.. I looked at P'Kong who was having a teasing smile on his face.. But I will deal with him later.. but now.. I had tears in my eyes.. I thanked P'Tew's parents.. and hugged P'Tew.. 

"Call us Ma and Pa son.. you are our other son form now.." P'Tew's mother said as she hugged me. 
"Can I call you Mom and Dad.?" I asked.. She smile warmly and nodded her head.
"Thank you.. Thank you Mom.. Thank you for accepting me." I said again.. After thanking Dad also.. I looked at P'Kong who was smiling happily.. but as soon as he saw me staring at him.. he gave a teasing smirk.. 

"P'Kong.. how dare you scare me like this.." I shouted as I started chasing him.. he also was running around the sofa set.. 
"Dae.. listen to me.. stop running.." He was saying still escaping me..
"Why did you scare me with that face.. P.. Wait.." I tried catching him but he always escapes.. 
"Not like that Dae.. I just wanted to tease you both a little.. who would get a chance to tease their little brother and close friend like that.." He said as he again escaped from me.. 

"Ai'Kong.." P'Tew shouted.. I looked at him and before I know.. I was wrapped in a pair of arms.. 
"Now my little brother.. congratulations.." He said and kissed my forehead. I hit his shoulder and pouted.
"I hate you.." I said.
"Oo.. so you don't want pinkmilk..? Then I will give P'Arthit two.." He said.. 
"P..P... I am sulking because you are teasing me.. but you tease me more.." I whine but still hugged him.. 

"Welcome to our family Tew.. should I call you brother-in-law now.?" P'Kong said after he let go of the hug and walked to P'Tew.. Both of them shared a hug..
"Thank you Kong.." P'Tew said.
"I did not do anything Tew.. it was you both and your love.. but take care of eachother.. and always be happy." P'Kong said.

After that all of us started having food and talking about random things.. P'Tew and I were teased by everyone.. Mom and Dad have warmed up to me.. I was very happy.. I and P'Tew did ask what they spoke after they left.. but he said it was nothing to worry about.. he just said that they spoke about people accepting us in future and all. At night P'Arthit and other P's threw a party for P'Kong and his friends.. 

Everyone of us enjoyed a lot over drinks and different food varieties.. we played Truth or dare game when P'Kong admitted the nickname he gave for P'Arthit.. I was given a dare where I need to stare into P'Tew's eyes continuously for 2minutes.. but after a minute... I could not take it anymore as I felt really shy.. As a punishment we had to kiss eachother..

Though it was a punishment.. but for both of us.. it sealed many unspoken promises of cherishing the other for the whole life.. That day I could not help but feel content.. I had P'Kong, P'Anurak, P'Tew.. than P'Arthit.. Ma and Pa.. along with Mom, Dad and other P's.. I felt happy to have them around.. and more happy that they are all well settled and happy with their own lives. 

"P'Tew.. will you accompany me somewhere tomorrow..?" I asked P'Tew as we were about to go to sleep.
"Where ever you want to go.. I will come with you love." He said as he hugged me.

Next day.. I took him to the graveyard.. so that I could officially introduce him to my parents.. he is the first person I am visiting here with who is not P'Kong or P'Anurak. 
"Ma Pa.. I want you to meet P'Tew.. he is my boyfriend.. his parents accepted us yesterday.. he is also P'Kong's friend.. he loves me a lot.." I said as I kneeled down in front of them.
"Khab sir.. Ma'am.. I love him a lot.. I will take care of him forever.. please bless us.." He said as he kneeled down beside me.. 

After we spent some time there.. we made our way back to home where everyone would be waiting for us.. 

**The End of Tew-Dae Chapter**

Ah..! Two more special chapters to go... before I end this.. sorry for the delay.. both me and Stoneage_heart are kind of packed with our study schedules... 

Thank you all for the support..

Stay safe..!

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