Stranger.? Acceptance.!

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Kong's POV

Next day morning.. I called Dae as usual.. but he did not lift the call.. I guess he hasn't woken up yet.. so I just freshened up and went down to help P'Arthit's Ma which I did daily.. I asked her about the souvenirs which I can buy for Dae and my friends. She told me about what were unique here and also promised to help me in picking them up.

I felt really happy.. After drinking our Coffee.. I was eagerly waiting for her to go and wake up P'Arthit.. but she was sitting and not getting up.. I was looking at her every minute.. But suddenly she laughed.. I did not understand why she was laughing.. and from how P'Arthit's father is looking.. I guess even he doesn't understand.

"Why are you laughing..?" P'Arthit's Pa asked.
"Someone is really eager for someone.." She said looking at me. I blushed a little at being caught. I was about to reply but stopped seeing her giving me Pinkmilk.. I looked at her curious to know if she wants me wake up P'Arthit.. or am I imagining..

"Go wake up my son.. otherwise he won't wake up and we can't go out." She said. I smiled widely and nodded my head.. I practically ran to P'Arthit's room. It will be my first time in his room. I stopped outside the door. I can feel my heart beating fast.. I stood there for a good minute before knocking the door.

"Ma.. the door is open.. why are you knocking it..? You never knock it.!" I heard him shout from inside. I chuckled and slowly entered his room and placed the pinkmilk on the table before sitting beside him.. I made sure not to make any noise..

"Why aren't you asking me to wake up.. you keep on asking me to wake up everyday till I open my eyes.." He complained with his eyes closed.. I was smiling looking at him.. 
"Open your eyes P.." I whispered.. His eyes shot open.. he poked my cheeks to make sure it was me really there and not in his dream. 

"I am really here P.." I said as I chuckled.. He hugged me tightly. He held my face with both his hands and then started kissing me.. I tried to stop him but he just used the chance and explored my mouth with his tongue.. He only let go of me when we were out of breath.. I felt too shy to look into his eyes.. He must have understood as he started chuckling.. 

I leaned onto his shoulder while he was drinking his pinkmilk.. After he was done.. he went to take bath and I went down and helped in plating the breakfast. P'Arthit's mother asked me to wear more casual dress while we go out as it was a sunny day..

They first showed me a temple.. P'Arthit got a call and said that he would join in 5 - 10 minutes. I stood to the side looking around while P'Arthit's parents were talking to someone. I felt someone tapping my shoulder and turned around.. 

"Hey Cutie..!" The stranger said.
"Excuse me.. Who gave you the right to call me like that.?" I said coldly.
"Aw.. feisty ah.. by the way I am Joss." He said as he put forward his hand.
"Why should I care about who you are.. Khun.. I am sorry.. I don't like to speaking to strangers like you." I replied with an emotionless cold voice. 

"Kong.. " I turned to the side my name was called and smiled widely. 
"P'Arthit.." I said as I walked towards him.
"Oh.. so you are with him ah.. very bad.. you deserve someone more better.." The person named Joss said.
"Excuse me Khun.. I don't know who you are and I am seeing you for the first time.. So let me tell you.. I don't care how much I deserve.. but he is all I want in my life.. I don't care about others who are will to do more.. because he is all I am going to ask for.. and it will be only him." I said angrily as I held P'Arthit's hand tightly.

After that.. P'Arthit's parents took me to the local market of this area where P'Arthit's mother helped me to pick up the souvenirs for Dae, P'Anurak and also my friends while P'Arthit and his father were buying something in the other shop. I saw a couple bracelet.. it was really nice.. I was wondering if I can buy that or not.. Somehow it took all my interest.. P'Arthit's ma was beside me.. so I was thinking as they did not give their permission yet.

"It would look good to your hand P.. why not take it.. the other one I will wear.. it would be perfect." Someone said from behind. I could feel that the person was to close to me. So the first thing I did was to move aside.
"Khun.. what is it you want..? Why are you troubling me.?" I practically spoke with my ice cold voice.
"Stay away from your P'Arthit.. He would suffer for sure in future.. and I don't want a cutie like you to suffer." He said.
"Khun.. staying with P'Arthit is my choice.. If he suffers.. I will suffer with him and do everything under my control to help or support him.. I will never leave him.. " I replied and kept on glaring at him.

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