New Spy & The misunderstanding

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Kong's POV

The cabin was filled with silence, everyone deep in their thoughts until Dae broke the silence asking a question which I expected..

"P, how did the meeting go?" he has been excited to know about the new members and so that he can befriend them. I and my friends shared a glance before I spoke.
"Umm Dae, do you remember the group who disturbed our hazing session and questioned us without even knowing our motives ?"I asked him.

"Yes P' why were they being so rude to you. You are literally the best senior anyone could ask for. I don't like how they reprimanded you.. Though I questioned you because I did not like my others thinking bad of you.. so I raised the question.. but I know you would have a reason for that.." Dae exclaimed as he sulked.
"Dae guess what, they are the new members we have to collaborate with. They have already been allotted as teachers assistants in engineering faculty". I calmly told him about Arthit and his friends. He was silent for a minute after hearing everything.

"Oh, Okay P'.. " Dae said looking at us with concern laded gaze.
"Don't worry DaeDae they'll understand us after knowing our rationale for the hazing session" I assured him and hugged him tight.

After a little chatting Em, Wad, Oak, Prae, May and Maprang excused themselves as they had to complete their engineering modules which Tew and I have already managed to finish. Tew wanted to stay with us at our condo today.. so I hitched Tew the ride back home with us. Dae made us dinner... while telling us about his day.. and his new friends.

He also told us how the 4th year seniors of our faculty chose him to participate in the freshy events. Dae kept on repeating how he can't wait to dance along with other juniors from different faculty for freshy events. Tew and I just chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"Ah Dae, who is going to lead your dance practice and at which faculty should I drop you tomorrow for the practice" I asked Dae.
"Khab P, you have to drop me at the faculty of Arts. Their seniors are incharge of teaching us the dance." Dae replied. Tew and I looked at eachother at the mention of art faculty and an idea popped inside my head to get more information about the kid named "Bank", who committed suicide recently.

"Dae would you mind doing something for your P'Kong" I asked a little hesitantly as even I am not sure if it is good or bad..
"Khab P, I don't mind doing anything you ask me to do. You know I love you the most and will anything you want me to right". Dae said being all serious.

"I know Dae, and P loves Dae too.. so I want to you to spy on the seniors of art faculty. We have a hunch that they are the ones involved in "Banks" suicide case, if you find any clue about them being suspicious make sure to update us. and above all be cautious about your safety and don't get caught looming around Art's faculty". I said.

"Okay P.. I'll do it, don't worry about my safety I am not a little kid anymore and I can look after myself" Dae pouted. I ruffled his hair.. We then cleaned the bowls, After that we all went to sleep.

Dae's POV

::Next Morning::

"Wake up! Wake up Dae or you'll be late for University" I heard Someone shouting and shaking me to wake me up. I groaned and rolled to the other side.
 "Five more minutes P". I said still keeping my eyes closed.
"Dae get up now or I won't let Kong give you your pink milk" P'Tew shouted.

I swiftly flicked my eyes open at the obvious, vicious threat that P'Tew gave me. I glared at him but apparently he found it amusing and chuckled at me ruffling my hair.
"P.. how can you be so cruel you know I can't survive without my precious pink milk" I muttered and moved to the bathroom to freshen up. Shortly after P'Tew and I were seated on the dinning table waiting for P'Kong to serve our food.

"Here you go, I cooked your favorite kai jeow for breakfast" He said placing the plates in front of us.

"You are the best P/ You are the best Kong" I and P'Tew exclaimed simultaneously.
"Aaa Ah I know I am best." P'Kong said and chuckled at our childishness.

While having our breakfast I heard P'Kong telling P'Tew that he will be a bit late as he'll have to drop me off to the opposite building in arts faculty so he asked P'Tew to update their other friends about his plan of spying on the Art's seniors via me.

P'Tew agreed and took a taxi to the University meanwhile P'Kong and I went to Uni by his car as he said that he had to run some errands around the area. P'Kong parked the car in front of a technical store and came back holding a plastic bag in his hand. He passed the bag to me and motioned me to look inside. I curiously opened the bag and found a spy 360 button camera inside.

I glanced at P'Kong dubiously asking what this camera was for.
"Dae it goes inside your shirt you can replace it for the normal button on your shirt, here let me fix it for you" He said and started fixing it. "It will help me to keep me an eye on you.. not because I don't trust you in taking care of yourself.. but because it will help me to stay in peace as well as help us to record evidences if we find any." He said while he was fixing it. I smiled at him and gave kiss on his cheek. He to smiled at me.

After P'Kong fixed it for me, he explained how it works and how they'll monitor the surrounding of the faculty using that camera. I know P'Kong did not want me to go alone there but I assured him that I'll be safe and call or text him every 30 min which lifted his mood up.

We made our way to the entrance of the Uni, P'Kong bought me my pink milk from the stall. P kissed my forehead like every other time and dropped me off in front of the arts faculty. I contentedly sipped my pink milk while passing through the empty hallway of the arts faculty and came across a sudden commotion going inside an empty class.

I peeped inside.. I saw a bulky guy leaning towards another guy with relatively smaller build and choking him, hissing at the smaller guy to give him money for the supply or else he'll end up like Bank, the smaller guys looked terrified and stuttered saying "Sorry P' I will manage the amount at the end of this week."

I don't know what supply was the bulky guy talking about but I do remember that guy who committed suicide was named Bank and he was from the arts faculty. Before I could be found by the senior eavesdropping on him... I turned around but before I could stride away I crashed into something and fell down which seemed to have caught the attention of the senior towards me.

I ran for my life while the senior was chasing me shouting for me to stop. While running I bumped into the same person who interrupted yesterday's hazing session.
"Nong are you okay why do you look so pale and who are you running away from" the same person from yesterday asked me.
"P' I saw some seniors bullying a Nong there, help me P.." I immediately said holding him as I was very scared.. I wished P'Kong was here.

Arthit's POV

I was wandering inside the faculty of arts looking for some clues that could help us in solving the mission. While I walking towards the end of hallway someone bumped into me, I looked at the person who bumped into me and immediately recognized him. He is that Nong, Nong Dae from yesterday's hazing session who stood up against those so called hazers.

I then noticed that he looked out of breath and a bit shaken I asked him what was going on, why does he look scared and that's when Dae asked me to help him.. saying that he saw someone bullying a junior. I took him towards another direction so that he would not be fond. He briefed me about the incident he saw.. the seniors bullying a Nong.

I asked him about the name of the senior, Dae opened his mouth to answer but before he could speak someone from inside the faculty's studio shouted for Dae to hurry up inside so they could start the dance practice. After Dae left I stood there thinking about who those seniors can be.... when I exited the faculty I saw Kongpob standing there with a pissed off expression, what is he doing here.? I thought.. He has no work to do here perhaps is he the one who bullied the Nong.? I called my friends and told them to meet me at the cafeteria.

I reached the cafeteria and soon sat down where my friends were already sitting. 
"What's up Arthit, why do want all of us together did you gather some important information or clues from the faculty" Knot asked.

"No, Knot but I do know some seniors who bullied another Nong from the arts faculty. Nong Dae of our faculty saw the incident." I said. I then narrated the incident that Dae told me and we came up to a conclusion that it is Kongpob and his friends who are the bullies and we decided to gather evidence against them.. we also decided to get him suspended because we strongly believe that he is doing nothing but bullying the first years using his power along with his friends.

Co-Writer: Stoneage_heart Stoneage heart❤❤

Hey everyone.. I hope you enjoyed this chapter..? Any guesses what would Arthit and his friends do..? 

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