Culprit..! Plan..!

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Arthit's POV

The next couple of hours.. we kept on working on the ideas... we were jotting down other possible ideas we can come up with which we can use to mislead Aawut.. because from what we observed.. he is not a fool and we need to come up with reasonable other ideas so that we can show them to him.

Knot and Bright have come up with an idea to meet Aran secretly without others suspecting. They decided that they would make the move after we get the details from Kong.. 

True to his words.. Kong mailed us the call records and also the details about Aawut's friend who used to work in Bout Enterprise.. We first read the story.. his record was amazing but we felt bad when we read about his boyfriends cheating on him with another girl.. which lead to him getting suspended and charged for leaking the information. 

We then checked the call log.. Kong already made sure that the private number owner name was also there.. I saw Khun Aroon's name there.. he was the CEO of Bout Enterprise.. according to the call log.. Aawut was in touch with his regularly.. There were at least 2 to 3 calls per day with a duration of about 15-20minutes average.

With all the details we confirmed that it was him who leaked the details.. but we still could not figure out the reason.. Knot and Bright made their way to meet Aran outside the company so that Aawut would not notice it or suspect something.. I and Prem decided to bug his phone..

In the break.. we saw that no one was there except him.. his phone was on the table.. I and Tutah immediately called him towards us.. His back was towards his table because of which he won't know if Prem tampers his phone now.. So Prem immediately went and took the phone.. he started inserting the bug in the phone..

We could hack his phone but it would be illegal.. so we decided to use the bug which was given by our captain.. every information submitted through this bug would be legal. We let Aawut go after Prem was done with his work.. 

We three then made way to the location where Knot was speaking to Aran as he texted me saying that he has briefed him up with the situation. I managed to pull Jenny with me.. I found her outside the office speaking to someone on the phone and she was alone.. So I took her and went.

I chose to explain her the situation because though she was a pure fresher.. she is talents and one of the best in the development team. I was sure that I could rely on her. She was shocked with the information we gave her.. she took a whole minute to digest the things and get in terms with those info..

After that we started explaining her how we want to double cross things.. our plan about creating a real one and a dummy one.. and for that we had to work overtime.. also we need to find a different place to work where no one can doubt..

Aran and Jenny decided that they would come up with an idea so that they can take a leave at least on working day per week and work on the real part.. We decided not involve other team members.. because the less people know.. less will be the chances of slipping things..

Suddenly an idea clicked to me.. Kong would be done with his internship in another week or so.. and then he won't come to the office.. we can manage things in his condo.. there are all the resources we will need.. above that he can help us and as well us make sure we stay healthy which was mandatory now otherwise he would surely give me a cold shoulder.. 

I immediately shared the idea with Knot and others.. They were okay with it.. so I called Kong and asked told him about the idea.. he accepted it readily and said that he would get the things cleaned today itself.. and we can work there from tomorrow.

I went back and joined then.. They were happy that Kong accepted.. I could see that Aran and Jenny had a question about the place.. I assured them that I have known Kong for a while and he is close to my family as well.. I gave them the address and also told about Kong having a brother Dae who would be there at night time.. while would be away with his studies in the evening.

From there.. everyone went back to the company one after other.. I did not feel like going back so I asked Kong to come out and took him to the condo.. we relaxed for a little while.. he gave my pinkmilk which helped me to relax a little.. I just told that we would do two designs.. other than that I did not tell him anything.. and even he did not ask.. 

Now that I am relaxed and Calm especially after the hot kiss we shared... I helped him to clear the things from his study room.. he locked them up in his locker in the bedroom. After making sure that everything was okay.. We close the door.. Kong arranged snacks as it was time for Dae to return.. He also prepared snack for my friends when I told them that they would be here in the evening..

Soon we were joined by them.. after having snacks.. I and my friends went into the second bedroom and started discussion while Kong and Dae were doing their work... We just came out for dinner when Kong called us out.. but we had it soon and continued with the work..

Kong informed that he and Dae would sleep.. and also said that he would leave the door open if in case I wanted to join.. I went to the room and kissed forehead wishing them good night before joining my friends again..

Around midnight.. I remembered leaving some documents which we need for further discussion in the office. I and Prem decided to go and get them while the others wanted to relax a little.. When we reached the office we were shocked to see that it was open.. We went in silently and saw Aawut there.. he took some documents and placed it on Kong's desk.. and also his something before leaving..

We sneaked inside after making sure that he left.. We saw the documents were related to the designs.. and the thing he hid was a USB which had a copies of the designs.. if Kong was a regular employee.. it would not have been a problem.. but he is an intern and he should not be having this details with him.. 

I and Prem made some minute changes here and there in the designs.. even in his computer.. and also in the pendrive also after making sure that we copied the details into our mails safely.. Though I wanted to create a issue about this.. Prem reminded me that it was Kong's last week here and it would effect the remark.. 

So I just placed back the document where it should be and pendrive on Jenny's desk. I texted her saying that there would be a pendrive on her table and asked her to act like working on it.. She was the earliest person to come to the company.. so it won't be a problem for her.

After we reached back to the condo.. I explained what happened to the others.. they were shocked and angry.. but one thing we don't understand is why does he want to put a blame on Kongpob.. he would not get anything from that.. This question kept on popping up in my mind for a while now.. 'Why does he pick on Kong..? Kong never met him nor offended him.. then why..?' 

I kept aside the thought and then we continued working on the design for a while.. we decided to call it a day.. Knot and Tutah were going to my apartment to sleep while Bright and Prem were going to sleep in that room.. while I joined Kong and Dae..

Kong's POV

I already have a hunch of what is happening in the company but I decided to stay silent because I know P'Arthit wants to prove himself.. I decided to meddle and help only if he wants me to.. but I made sure to keep on supporting him.. that was the least I could do.. and I also helped to look after other P's along with Dae while they were working at my condo.

The last week of my internship.. I felt that P'Arthit and others.. including P'Jenny and P'Aran were being protective of me.. though I noticed it.. I did not speak because I know P'Arthit would tell me if I need to know about it.. so I just let them be..

But how much ever I try to figure out what is wrong with P'Aawut.. I could not understand.. even the last week he was hell bent on giving me hard time.. even during my farewell party.. he showed that I was not worth it.. I did not want to spoil the mood so avoided him as much as could for the left over time..

Now.. since my internship was over.. I was busy with my reports and university works.. I was even helping Dae in studying.. P'Arthit.. his friends.. P'Jenny and P'Aran would work at my condo everyday.. and once in a week P'Jenny and P'Aran would work for a whole day.. I would give them ideas every now and then.. Even Dae comes up with some ideas to help them..

The release date of the game was exactly two days before my graduation.. that is exactly 2months from now. I was eagerly waiting for that day.. when P'Arthit would release the game and as well as show his fierce side to the world.. I won't be surprised if he goes hard on P'Aawut and the Bout Enterprise.

Co-Writer : Stoneage_heart Stoneage_heart ❤❤

Bout Enterprise and Aawut..! What will Arthit show them..? 

Stay safe.!!!

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