Chapter 9 ~ The Prank...

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I focus my mind on a book sat on an antique desk on the other side of the room. A few seconds later it slides off making a loud thudding sound as it smacked the floor. Mrs. Bernadine snaps her head around to see what made that noise and she sees the book lying on the floor.

"That's funny, I swear that was nowhere near the edge. It's probably these children making me forget stuff. Bloody things." She complains as she pushes herself slowly off of the chair.

As she bends over to pick up the book, Honey shoots the sandwich and it lands perfectly in the middle of the mostly broken leather chair.

"Nice one honey." I whisper, a proud smile on my face. I quietly high five her trying not to make a sound then I set up my phone camera facing the chair.

"We should go so that she doesn't think it's us. We will catch it on the phone and watch it after." I explain, taking hold of her hand and quickly running to my room, waiting for a reaction.

"I may have unscrewed a few of the screws in her ripped up chair. That'll be sure to get her." I say, sending honey a quick wink. We begin to laugh but our laughter soon gets interrupted by an echoing screech.

Me and honey both quickly grab a book and pretend to read as she storms up the stairs thudding with every step.

Mrs. Bernadine opens each door before mine and storms out of them. When she gets to my door we both hide your smiles behind the books in our hands. She pushes the door open and stands in front of us both, crossing her arms as her old, grey eyebrows furrow.

We both stare at the book and act surprised to see her. I act as innocent as I can, "Oh hey. I didn't hear you. What's up?" I question, my best acting skills coming into play.

Honey is looking away fighting the laughter bubbling up inside her, "You did that to my chair didn't you! Both of you did! Admit it!" She screams, pointing her finger in our faces whilst her face turns red.

"I haven't a clue what you are on about." I shrug, turning back to my book. The anger doesn't subside but she seems to give up, leaving my room in a huff.

As she walks away me and Honey laugh quietly to each other as I see the smudge of Jam on her trousers from the sandwich. When she disappears I tell Honey to stay there and I grab my phone quickly watching as Mrs. Bernadine trying to fix her chair.

I run up the stairs back to Honey and watch the video. The video catches the perfect angle of the fall, and then as she stands up we get a view of the sandwich stuck to her ass. We both sit there laughing for about an hour until it gets dark and I send Honey to bed.

I struggled to sleep, the bruises still there, but my body has began to adjust and find the least painful way to lay, so I finally drift off to sleep.

~ The Next Day At School ~

I walk into school knowing I've ignored all of Peters messages. I don't think Peter will bring up yesterday in front of Mj and Ned, assuming they don't know, so hopefully if I stick around them, he won't say anything.

I get to my locker and see Peter walking towards me so I take a deep breath in and smile as if yesterday didn't happen. "Hey Peter! We have chemistry first don't we?" I ask sweetly, maybe adding a bit too much excitement into my tone.

He follows me as I start to walk to lesson. "Uh yeah. I- I wanted to apologise about yesterday, Mr. Stark doesn't really think before speaking." He explains, scratching the back of his neck. I notice he does that a lot, it's kind of cute.

I mean, not cute as in I like him cute. Just like, cute? You know. Like I smile everytime his face contorts into a look of confusion and his hand reaches behind his neck, his arm muscles tensing slightly, his eyes finding the floor-

Peter pushes the door open and waits for me to walk in, snapping me out of, whatever that was. I cough awkwardly, hoping my blushing cheeks die down slightly.

We walk towards Ned and Mj as I remember we were having a conversation. "It's fine Peter. Let's just forget about it." I say quickly, and before he can say anything I sit down with Mj and start a conversation with her.

~ Lunchtime ~

We all walk into the Cafeteria together and sit down at a table. I sit next to Mj and Peter, hoping Peter doesn't bring up yesterday infront of the rest of our friends.

I don't know why this is so scary for me. I mean, no one has known about my... situation since my parents died. Well, other than honey of course. And I know how dangerous I can be, I can't put Peter into danger.

"Right, I need the toilet. I'll be back." Mj says as she stands up, and before she even leaves Ned stands up too, giving Peter a look.

"I'm gonna get some more food." He says stiffly, wandering away from the table.

I quickly realise that that leaves me and Peter alone, giving him the chance to talk about yesterday. And as if I could predict the future, once Mj and Ned are gone, Peters eyes are quickly turned to me.

"We need to know about your powers, hope. Otherwise we can't help you." Peter says, a sense of want hidden beneath his eyes.

I look around to make sure no one can hear, "Has it not occurred to you that maybe I don't need help? I've done fine on my own for this long." I whisper loudly, anger evident in my voice.

He looks confused as if he expected another answer, "do your parents know about your powers?" He asks, and I soon realise my mistake. My eyes widen and my heart rate quickens slightly.

"I- I don't... Peter, look, it's better if you don't get to know me too well." I say quickly, shutting down his question before he can think about it too much.

As I say this I see Ned start to walk back over to us both, so I quickly look back to my food, pretending nothing was going on.

"What do you mean?" Peter asks, confusion clear on his face. Ned sits down on the other side of Peter and smiles.

"Are you talking about your powers? What you did to flash yesterday was so cool!" He laughs slightly, unaware of the tension. I snap my head to look at Peter, shocked as he looks at Ned.

"You told Ned! Does he know about you?!" I shout slightly. I try not to draw the attention from others around us but it's hard to when stuff like this is happening.

"Yes well, only because he saw me. But that's besides the point." He stutters, trying to calm the situation down.

I stand up from the table, "I appreciate it Peter, I really do. But you and your superhero friends need to leave me alone." I say angrily, done with this conversation. I grab my food tray and put the food in the bin, I hadn't eaten any but I weren't really hungry anyway.

As I walk away I bump into the girl that Peter was staring at before. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to do that." I apologise as I wipe some chips off my top.

"It's ok, the food missed me so that's good." She smiles brightly, her happiness contagious. No wonder Peter likes her. "Omg, you're that girl that tripped over her dog, aren't you?" She suddenly states, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Well great, now I know what I'm know for.

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