Chapter 24 ~ Date...

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The next morning I make sure I have the forms in my bag before leaving to get to school. As I walk outside I see a limo parked In front of the building.

The windows roll down and I see Happy. "Hey, Hope. I'm taking you to school today, Mr. Stark wants you to get there safely." He says, a smile resting on his face as usual.

I furrow my eyebrows but get in the car, "thanks... are you taking me to the orphanage tonight?" I ask while pulling the seatbelt over me and clipping it.

He starts the car before replying, "yes I'll pick you up at school." I nod and look out the window.

~ At School ~

"Hey, Hope." I hear footsteps jog up behind me as I open the door to my locker.

I turn my head keeping my body faced to the lockers but when I see Flash, I quickly turn back, rolling my eyes, "what do you want Flash?" I say bluntly without even turning to look at him.

"rude." He replies as he leans on the locker next to me and smiles, crossing his arms before he starts again, "I'll pick you up at yours around... 6?" He says confidently.

I laugh while slamming the locker door shut and turning to walk away. He quickly catches up again, "Flash, I already told you. I'm busy tonight." I don't even glance at him, hoping he just leaves.

"I know but what about after?" He says, a hopeful tone in his voice.

I turn to look at him, "I already said no, Flash. You have nothing I need so you can't even blackmail me into doing it again." I say, looking away afterwards.

He smiles as if he won the 'argument' which makes me curious for what he will say next. "I'll be there at 6. Be ready!" He says whilst walking backwards so you can't reject him again.

I roll my eyes and walk into English. I sit down near the back and already start counting down the minutes till lunch.

~ Lunchtime ~

"Hey guys!" I say with a smile on my face as I purposely sit next to Peter.

"Hey!" Mj and Ned say in unison as I watch Peter glare at something behind me.

"What's his problem?" I say to Ned before turning to see that he was looking at. I see Flash, his eyes on me.

When I turn back I see Ned hit Peters arm knocking him out of his day dreaming. Peter whispers something I couldn't quite hear before turning back to me, smiling, "uh sorry... daydreaming." He dismisses quickly.

"So what's happening with you and Flash?" Mj says, watching Peter tense up at the question.

"Nothing. He wants to take me on another date but I don't want to go." I say shrugging it off as if it's nothing, because it literally is nothing.

I carry on eating while Ned buts in, "why don't you want to go on a date with him?" He asks, genuine curiosity forming on his face.

I let out a small laugh before finally saying, "I can't believe you actually had to ask. I don't want to go on a date with him because I am not interested in him. Now can we talk about something else?" I turn my attention back to my food, just wanting to go home at this point.

"Yes. Let's talk about something else!" Peter says glaring at Mj and Ned. I slowly move my eyes between each of them, confusion overtaking my face.

I feel like somethings going on that I don't know about but I decide to shrug it off and change the subject. Now talking about the upcoming science trip.

The rest of lunch I feel Peter staring at me but every time you look at him he looks away, probably hoping I didn't notice.

I shake it off and start to walk to lesson with him, "Hey, you ok? You seem... off." I ask, stopping him before walking into the classroom.

He looks up and smiles, but I can tell it's not genuine, "yeah, I'm just tired. What are you doing after school?" He says changing the subject quickly.

"oh I'm going to the orphanage to get Mrs Bernadine to sign these forms. why?" I say quietly so no one can hear except him.

"what? You can't got back there." He exclaims, starting to get angry.

I pull him away from the door, "shut up! I don't want people to hear... I'm fine Peter, it will only take a couple minutes. Plus I'll get to see Honey..." I retaliate, trying to make light of a situation I don't really want to be in.

"you know this isn't a good Idea but you're still trying to do it! I'm not letting you go." He says, crossing his arms as he stares at me, expecting me to cower away.

I raise my eyebrows and a shocked smile creeps onto my face, "You're not 'letting' me go?" I say, astounded at the words that just came out of his mouth. "Listen Parker, I don't need your permission to go or not. I'm going, end of." I continue, getting ready to walk into the classroom.

"Oh! And I have to go on a date with Flash so don't come over." I command before I walk into class late.

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