Chapter 19 ~ The 'Date'...

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It's Saturday and I have to go on the date with Flash. I've been dreading it since I made the deal but he's deleted the video so I have to go.

I can tell Peter was not happy about it as after I agreed he walked out the cafeteria and hadn't talked to me much since. He's avoided me when he can and when we're together he's very blunt, as if I've done something wrong.

It's ridiculous, I don't know why he's acting this way. He literally like Liz, so it can't be that he's jealous. I don't know whats wrong with him but I'm fed up with it.

I get a text from flash which pulls me away from thinking about Peter. It says he'll be here in 5, so I quickly make sure I have everything then go outside to meet him.

I get in the car and put on a fake smile, trying to enjoy it. For the whole drive he talks about his videos or something, I weren't really listening. It was all about him and I don't think I even got a word in unless he was asking me if I found it 'cool'. Of course I had to agree.

He stops at the ice cream shop and I breath a breathe of relief. I open the door and get out, he gets out shortly after me.

"So, do you like filming things?" He asks as I walk through the door.

I shrug, unsure what answer he's looking for. "I like taking photos, just not of myself." I say as we make it to the counter to order.

Before I can get a word out, Flash speaks quickly."could I have chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and no sauce, oh and she'll have the same." He says, sending me a small smile.

I look at him confused and laugh, "uh, actually, she'll have bubblegum with no sprinkles and no sauce. Please." I say in disbelief he just did that.

I walk away to a table and he quickly follows after me. "What? I thought girls liked it when we order for them!" He says as his arms wail around the place.

"You thought wrong." I scoff. He sits opposite me and starts talking about clubs he does and how 'smart' he is.

I zone out for the whole date, I don't even remember eating my ice cream, but we aparantly both finished.

"Hey, so I may have forgot my wallet..." He says snapping me back to reality. I look into his eyes to see if he's joking but, he definitely wasn't.

"It's fine, I'll get it." I send him a small smile as I grab some money out your bag and walk up to the counter.

"Hey, that will be £8.50, for you." She says sweetly before looking up at me. Her eyes instantly widen, "Wait, are you the girl from that video?" She says, her customer service smile turning into a real one.

My eyes widen and I quickly put the money in the counter, "what? No! I mean I am but how did you see that? It was taken down!" I ask, panic starting to encase me. There's no way she'd still care about it days after it happened.

She takes the money and gives me my change with a smile on her face, "yeah it was! But a couple of people shared it around and stuff. I saw it yesterday, you were amazing." She says as I push the change towards her.

"Thanks for the Ice Cream, keep the change!" I say quickly and I rush out the shop.

I see Flash stand up and run after me but he was to late. I start speed walking back to the compound, it's only a 10 minute walk but I'm wearing high heals so it would take longer.

I stumble every few seconds but after 15 minutes I make it back home. I slide off my shoes and run up the stairs to my room, quickly going on the computer to check if the videos still up.

I don't need to look for long because the whole school has reposted it, not just on YouTube.

I'm so dead! "Anna, could you delete all th-" as I'm about to finish the question I get a message from Mrs Bernadine. My eyes widen and I slowly pick up the phone, scared at what it says.

~ Messages ~

Mrs Bernadine:
so now that you're not in the Orphanage you don't think you're still an Orphan? I am your guardian! You are not allowed to go to parties or talk to boys without my permission! Which by the way you will never get!

Oh I'm sorry... I didn't mean to disrespect you like that. It won't happen again, I promise.

Mrs Bernadine:
No. It wont, because you are coming back here. Tomorrow! You don't deserve everything that's being handed to you right now!

WHAT?! Why?!

Mrs Bernadine:
Don't you dare shout at me with capitals! It's what I have decided so that is what I am doing! I'm calling the handsome man now.

~ Off Messages ~

It's only been a week and I already have to leave. At least I get to see Honey, that's the only good thing about this.

I have to go back to draining your energy with healing or spending all my money on makeup. I knew this was going to happen, why are am I so sad...

"Hello?" I hear a deep voice say as they knock on the door, "Can I come in?" I realise the voice is Mr Starks, he mhst want to talk about taking me back to the orphanage.

"uh yeah come in." I say, trying to hide the sadness in my heart. He opens the door and looks around to see what I've done with the place.

I can't help but feel scared he's judging but he smiles, "I like what you've done." He says, sending me a small smile. "Anyway, my assistant got a call from Mrs Ber- Ban- oh no Binery? I can't remember who but She called us." I look down to the floor as he sits on the bed next to me, my hands diddling with each other as they lay on my lap.

"Yeah I know, I got a message. I never properly unpacked my bags anyway, I knew something like this would happen." I say, unable to hide the sadness anymore. I stand up and go to my closet, grabbing the half full bag and dropping it down on the floor.

"Actually, I was going to say that you're not going anywhere. I mean If you want to of course." He says calmly, as if he's trying not to spook me.

I send him a confused look and sit back down, "what do you mean? Did Mrs Bernadine let me stay for the rest of the month?" I ask, a sense of hope filling my body.

I can't help but cross my fingers, hoping h get to stay longer. It may just be delaying the inevitable, but a delay is better than nothing.

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