Chapter 26 ~ Horror Film...

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"Mr. Stark! I got the papers!" I shout through the large halls, happiness bubbling through my body.

I hear no response so I go to shout again, when suddenly I hear a voice behind me, "Hope." A female voice says behind me.

I fall to the floor letting out a scream as the voice scares the soul out of my body. I look up to see Peppers surprised face looking down at me as I place a hand on my heart.

"Omg! Why did you sneak up in me like that?" I exclaim, taking a deep breath to calm my raving heart. She holds back a laugh as I stand up, still breathing heavily.

"Sorry Hope. I just wanted to tell you that Mr. Stark will be away for a few days. He has some business to deal with." She states, a faint smile still playing at her lips.

"Oh, ok. Uh, Here are the papers I had to get signed." I reply. I hand her the papers and she returns my smile and walks away to the office.

I go upstairs to my room and put on some comfortable clothes, pulling my hair up out of my face. I go back downstairs to watch TV when I hear the doorbell ring. I groan and slowly walk towards the door and swing it open.

"Hey Hope, I see you forgot about our date tonight?" I see flash standing in front of me holding a flower he picked from the grass and he holds his famous smirk on his face.

"Really, Flash? I was just about to watch a film." I groan. He walks past me and looks around the house. He smiles widely at me and then scans my body.

"You look... comfortable." He says with a judgmental look. I cross my arms over my oversized T-shirt that I found in my draw and look down at my feet. "Anyway, what film are we watching?" He asks, changing the subject. I look back up to him and let out a small laugh.

"IM watching a horror film. YOU were leaving." I say opening the front door again so he can leave but when I look back in his direction, I can see him already sitting on the sofa. I roll my eyes and sit next to him, too tired to fight.

"Glad to see you joined me." He smirks as he closes the gap between us and looks at me. My eyes widen slightly before my mouth is finally able to respond.

"One film. Then will you leave?" I question and he nods with a smile on his face, knowing he had just defeated me.

I pick a horror film and notice Flash's worried look as it started. I bite back my laugh and turn my attention back to the screen.

After ten minutes of Flash trying and failing to hide his fear, I hear the doorbell ring through my ears. I sigh and pull myself off the sofa. Flash pauses the film and looks at the door, "who is it?" He asks somewhat scared as I walk around the sofa.

"I don't know, I can't see through doors." I say sarcastically. "Why don't you go and make some popcorn while I answer this. It's in the cupboard above the sink." I say, getting him to do something useful. He nods and walks towards the kitchen just next door to us.

I answer the door and see Peter standing there, surprised to see me for some reason. "You're ok! Thank god. You didn't answer my texts so I just started to worry a little bit. S-sorry." He says, a feeling of guilt resting on his face. I let out a sigh and remember our 'argument' earlier.

"Peter, I'm fine. Just like I told you I would be. But you never listen to me. I'm watching a film so if that's all, can you go?" I say trying not to be angry or annoyed, I know he's just doing it because he cares. It's actually very sweet of him.

"What movie are you watching?" He asks and I roll my eyes, making sure the door isn't opened fully so he can't see Flash.

"A horror. I'm just getting some popcorn, now please can I get back to it. It's only ten minutes in and I don't want to be interrupted a bunch of times." I say trying to get rid of him, knowing he won't react well knowing Flash is here.

"I thought you said you were going on a date..." he asks, a glint of an emotion in his eyes that I can't seem to pinpoint. I try to hide my wide eyes and I cough l, quickly composing myself.

"Oh Uh yeah. I guess it got cancelled. Now bye!" I say quickly as I go to shut the door but he puts his arm out to stop it.

"I really fancy a horror film right now." He says suspiciously and he slides through the door and into the house. I run my hand through my hair from frustration as I shut the door behind him.

Do boys understand the idea of being invited into the house. God, I wish they were vampires, maybe then they would learn to wait for an invitation.

"Why don't you just come on in then." I say sarcastically. "Before you sit down I want to tell you that Fl-" I start, wanting to warn him.

Before I could finish, though, Flash comes into the room holding a big bowl of popcorn. They both make eye contact and their eyes widen slightly.

"What's Penis Parker doing here?" Flash shouts slightly. Peters smile drops as he sees Flash standing at the doorway. I sigh and the two pairs of eyes land on me.

"What's Flash doing here?" He says quieter than Flash did. I walk past them both and sit on the sofa, so done with the rising testosterone levels in the room.

"Are we going to watch this movie or what?" I say grabbing the remote next to me, avoiding the questions I know they want the answers to.

They both take one more look at each other before they hesitantly sit either side of me and I press play on the film. This will be fun...

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