Chapter 12 ~ Its A Date...

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I go down to some steps and he opens a really fancy modern door that leads into a room full of electronics, metal, screws and anything you could think of. Mr. Stark had it.

I run in and look around at everything he's made, "I can't believe you have all this stuff! Where did you get it all?" I ask in awe.

He laughs as he watches me play with everything, finally understanding what really gets me interested, "All over the world. That was from Italy. And this was from Romania." He says smiling at the memories.

I smile back and let out a little laugh, "well lucky you. I wish I could travel the world like that." I carry on looking in awe as his gaze sticks to me.

"Anyway, why have you brought me down here? To try and 'win' me over?" I say jokingly, a small laugh leaving my lips.

"Well yes. But, I was thinking you could move in here and help me with some of this work." He says glancing at my face to see my reaction.

"Haha. Funny joke." I reply sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"I'm being serious, Hope. You can help me while we help you control your powers and see how much you can do with it." He says, sincerity and seriousness coated in his voice.

My gaze catches his, "that's not happening." I say, shutting his idea down. I couldn't leave Honey alone in there, and I can't just move in with Mr. Stark. It's not that simple.

He walks down next to me and sits down on a chair, "Why not? What's stopping you?"

"That's none of your business, frankly. But if you're so desperate to know, I do actually have a life. I may be an orphanage but there's someone I care about in there. I can't let her grow up to be like me, I need to protect her." I say, only slipping in the slight truth to hopefully get him off my back.

"Hope-" he starts but I cut him off quickly.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. I appreciate everything, but I should be going now. I say sending him a small smile as I stand up and leave.

I'm walking down the hall and I look at my phone to check how long I've been there. Okay, it's only been an hour or so, not too bad.

As I look up I catch Peter sliding behind a wall, hiding from me, I think? I let out a little laugh and walk over to the wall.I look around and see Peter leaning against it like his life depends on it.

"Hey Buddy. Watcha doing?" I ask with a small laugh.

He stands up tall, picking himself away from the wall, letting out a nervous laugh, "hey, I didn't see you there! I uh well I saw a spider and I was-" he stumbles, I cut him off already confused at the excuse.

"You saw a spider and hid... aren't you Spider-Man? How can Spider-Man be scared of Spiders? I mean it's apart of your name." I say laughing at the hole he's digging.

He's nervously playing with his fingers in his hands, "yeah I've been trying to figure that one out as well. Anyway, what are you doing here?" He asks, changing the subject off of himself.

"Mr. Stark brought me over. I should get going though, I'll see you later!" I say, a smile remaining on my face from his silly excuse.

As I'm about to walk away Peter jumps in front of me, his gaze falling to my healed eye.

"your eye. It's already healed. It looked better last time I saw it, but definitely not enough to be healed overnight." He says, confusion growing on his face.

I look down at the floor trying to think of a way to get myself out of this one. "Oh I was icing it a lot so that probably helped. Anyway I really need to go, I have a bed I need to go sleep in. I'll see you Monday." I say, really trying to get away from these questions.

"Well, I'm only gonna be here for a few seconds so do you maybe wanna go out after? I mean if you don't want to you don't have to. Obviously I want you to, not that I'm forcing you or anything but, uh- yeah." He stumbles, nervously.

I smile at how he avoids eye contact with me and moves his hands around. And the way he locks his jaw every few words makes me blush slightly.

"It's a date." I say, a large grin on my face, "I'll wait outside for you." I finish, pushing his shoulder lightly, getting his eyes to snap to mine.

He looks up at me surprised and smiles, "oh yeah a date. Yeah, I'll see you in a second." He says through his wide grin. I laugh and walk away, I feel him staring at me which makes me smile a little more.

I go outside and I get a message from Mrs. Bernadine.

~ Messages ~

Mrs. B:
Where are you? How long will you be gone? Also is that man single? I'm asking for safety reasons...

I'm still here and how am I supposed to know if he's single or not, I'm not his friend. I'll be back later but I don't know when.

Mrs. B:
We'll find out! I have to know. For safety reasons of course.

Yeah yeah, for 'safety reasons'. I gotta go now, stop texting me or he'll think you're weird.

Mrs. B:
Smart, okay. I'll message you in an hour or so, you better be getting home soon after that.

Will do.

I turn off my phone and shove it into my pocket, giggling at her desperation. Pfft, safety reasons my ass.

I look up at the large building. It is incredible. I mean, I can only imagine moving in with Mr stark and helping him build his machines. It would be a dream.

Keyword there, Dream. It can never happen, and never will. I don't deserve to live a life I want when my parents don't even get to live any life at all.

Plus, I couldn't leave honey there all alone. She would be fine, she's a strong girl, but god knows what Mrs Bernadine will do when I go. I just know it won't be good...

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