Chapter 16 ~ The Invitation...

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~ At School ~

I walk into school and Mj walks over to me, "Hey. I was wondering how you and Peter were going?" She smiles cheekily as I stop at my locker to get my books.

I sigh, "I don't know what you're talking about, Mj. Me and Peter are just friends, nothing more." I state, shutting down her thoughts.

she rolls her eyes as I shut my locker and start walking yo lesson, "where is he anyway?" She asks, confusion sketching her face.

"I don't know? Maybe he's already in the changing rooms for PE." I shrug, walking into the girls changing rooms to get ready. I have a dark blue top on that sits a little tightly, and some yellow shorts that I roll up. Not the most stylish thing but it's what I have to wear I guess.

I had to be careful no one saw my last remaining bruises as I got changed, I didn't want any rumours to start spreading. So I did what I usually do and got changed in the toilet.

Me and Mj are doing sit-ups when I suddenly hear Ned scream out, "Peter knows spiderman!" His voice loud and strong.

My eyes dart to Peter and he stumbles to his feet playing awkwardly with his top. "Uh No. No, I don't. I mean I've met him... But not like-" He looks over to me for some help and I shrug raising my eyebrows at him.

Flash jumps down from the rope he was attempting to climb and strolls over to him, "Yeah sure you do Penis Parker." He scoffs, a few laughs erupting from around the hall.

"H-he does!" Ned buts in again, making the situation worse. I slap my forehead, Jesus Ned, what have you done now.

"Uhhh. It's not what you think." Peter says, the most adorable nervous look on his face as everyone stares at him and whispers.

Flash scoffs, "If you know SpiderMan then bring him along to Liz's party tonight. Let's see if you really are telling the truth, Parker." He says, trying to get a reaction out of him.

I can practically see Peter gulp when Liz stands up, getting ready to leave, "He's too busy for a party, Flash." She rolls her eyes, leaving along with most of the others. Pe aparantly ended a couple of minutes ago, but I guess everyone was to engrossed in the situation.

I stand up and walk over to him, confusion written all over my face, "what was that all about Ned?!" I shout, "Why would you say that?!" I ask, completely shocked at his stupidity.

"I don't know! It was in the moment!" He yells back wailing his arms around, as if that will help to find an explanation, "It's just Peter had liked Liz for a long time and Liz said she liked Spider-Man and then it just came out." He says flustered. My eyes dart over to Peter.

I didn't really hear the rest of what he said as I were so focused on the part where Ned said Liz liked spiderman. The feeling of jealousy starts showing again but I ignore it and get back to the point.

"It's fine Hope, I can sort it out. We will go to this party, I'll pretend I have to do something, then spiderman will come in to say hi." He says, as if it's a normal thing to do.

I laugh, I can't believe he's actually thinking about this. "I can't believe you. Either of you." I say, scoffing at their stupidity. "You're willing to possibly throw away your hidden identity for this girl. You must seriously like her." I say, quieting down as I got to the end of the sentence.

Peter looks like he's about to say something but I interrupt him, "I'll see you two at the party. Please don't do anything stupid." I sigh at them both, turning around to leave the gym.

~ End Of The Day ~

At the end of the day, I go to my locker and start to put my books away, ready to get home.

Liz walks up behind me and lightly taps me on the shoulder, "Hey! So I heard you were coming to the party, which is great. Can I give you my phone number so I could text you the details?" She says sweetly, I smile and grab my phone out of my pocket.

"That would be great." I reply, getting ready to put in her details. She says her phone number and I type it in. She smiles and I put my phone back into your pocket.

"Ok, I'll see you at the party, bye!" She says as she turns and walks away out of the school. I finish with my locker and shut it, turning away to walk out.

As I begin walking out, Peter quickly jogs up to me, "hey! What did Liz say to you?" Of course he's asking me about Liz. I internally roll my eyes, not wanting him to know how jealous it makes me.

"Oh, she just gave me her number to text me the time and everything." I reply.

He opens the door for me and I walk through, thanking him. "That's good, Do you want a lift?" He asks kindly.

I didn't even think about that."That would be great. Your aunt may, right?" I ask, glad I have a solid plan now.

He nods and smiles, "great, thank you. I have to go to get my bus,but I'll see you tonight!" I say and he waves at me as I quickly walk to the bus stop.

~ Stark Industries ~

I walk into the big modern building when Mr Starks assistant stands up and walks towards you with a box in her hand. "Mr stark wanted me to give this to you," she said quickly, handing you the box.

"Oh, thank you!" I say, sending her a smile. She was a younger lady, very pretty but also quite professional. She gives me a quick smile and turns back to her desk.

I go upstairs to my room and sit on my bed to open the box. I lift the top off revealing a rose gold watch, it looked expensive but also high tech. There's a piece of paper next to it so I pick it up and read it.

~ Letter ~

Dear Hope,
This is Anna. Anna will keep you and your abilities safe. To activate her, call out 'Anna, turn on'. This will automatically sync your voice and Anna will then only answer to you. She can run a background check on people if you know their full name and where about they live or if you get a photo of them. I hope you like it, Anna will give you a run through when activated. Enjoy.

- Mr Stark.

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