Chapter 13 ~ The Date...

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When I finished texting Mrs. Bernadine Peter walks out. I smile and stand up, walking over to him. "Hey! What were you doing with Mr. Stark?" I ask, curiosity filling me.

"Oh nothing. I just had to drop off something." He says, shrugging slightly. "I was thinking, maybe we could go get icecream?" He asks, a nervous tone beneath his words.

I smile and nod, "I could do icecream." I reply, and he smiles back at my answer.

We both talk while walking to the ice cream shop. Peter brings up how there's a science trip coming up, "that's cool! Are you going?" I ask, seeing the want in his eyes.

"Of course I do. I just- I can't leave. What if something bad happens here and Spider-Man's too busy competing." He says, sadness filling his eyes.

I get the sudden urge to make him happy again, I don't know why, but his sadness makes me sad.

"Peter, you can't put your whole life at hold. These people have like so many other avenger guys. And girls. You should go, try and relax for a bit." I say, wanting him to live his life as Peter Parker for once.

He smiles and we both keep walking. "Thank you. Sometimes I just feel like there's no time for me. I love helping people, but I feel like I'm loosing myself in it." He sighs.

"I understand." I say, our eyes boring into eachother as we walk the rest of the way in silence.

When we finally reach the ice cream shop we order, Peter getting strawberry and me getting bubblegum. My go to.

We decide to just go on walk as we eat our ice cream, enjoying being out for a bit.

As we're walking, somehow, we get on to the subject of family and we both sort of go silent.

The silence isn't uncomfortable, but I can tell neither of us really want to talk about this. "I can tell this is an awkward subject for both of us so why don't we just move on?" I say, ready to break the silence.

"No, I mean I want to know more about you. I mean if you want to of course I'm not forcing you. Or we can move on unless you want to-" I laugh interrupting him. He gives me a tight lipped smile, acknowledging his stumbling.

"Peter, it's fine. Maybe this conversation can be saved for another time." I say softly, letting him know it's not something that we need to be talking about now anyway.

"Yeah, for another time. What if we talk about you joining the science club?" We start walking aver a bridge with our ice creams nearly finished and I laugh a little.

"I'm not that good at science." I say, lying of course. He raises his eyebrows at me, reading me like a book. "Fine, I'm quite good at science but I'm not really a team sort of person. You know?" I say, shrugging the idea off.

We both stop walking when we get to the middle of the bridge, looking over at the view. A beautiful lake lays peacefully, a few ducks swimming and diving for food.

"Is that why you won't join us?" Peter asks softly, looking over at the side of my face as I look down at the ducklings.

"Let's not talk about that right now, okay?" I say with a small smile on my face as I turn to look into his deep brown eyes.

My hair begins to blow slightly infront of my face, and as if it was instinctively, Peter pushes it behind my ear. Our eyes connect, a calm silence rolling between us.

"I think you should join. You can always leave if you don't like it, and I would definitely find it more fun if you were there." He says, breaking the silence as he brings his arm down to his side.

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