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Lisa pov

"Oh Lisa you're back.
Do you know what happened today?"

Mom greet as I come in the house.
She wanna tell me about her day so bad that She didn't even ask how my day went.
Something special might be happened.

"How do I know?"
I said as I take off my Jacket.
Im too tired to even sounds polite

"Lalisa! I'm your mother.!"
She said irritated by my unbother gesture towards her words.

"I'm sorry mom. I'm just a little bit tired. So what happened today."

I give in my mom.

She give me a glare before continue

" Jane visited with her daughter."
She said and smile weakly.

And somehow my heart cramps for a second on her name. It's been more than ten years, but for me, it's like it all happened just yesterday everytime I heard her name.

"You won't believe if I told you that her daughter looks the same as her. She is like her mini self. And trust me I love that little girl at first sight."
My mom said and laugh so loudly that also make me smile

"And when we talked further, I found out that her little girl is modelling already."

She said and shake her head

"I sometime envy Jane tho. Because she is good at everything even at having child. Look at her daughter, I wonder how do they even managed to print a baby with her face on. Ha ha.

Imagine I bear you with my face on, you would be so pretty. But look at you, you're just like your father."

She said exaggerating and look at me like she is disgusted. And start to chuckle.
My mom is too how do I say hyper? For her age.

And guess mom already forgot that her daughter was so broken over the women she's complimenting.

I don't really wanna make my mom feels bad but I need a rest now. So I just lay on the couch and pretend to listen to her. And not even a minute last I fall asleep.

Flash back

Lisa pov

"Wake up Lalisa"
I heard a gentle voice which is very familiar to me.
I smile as I recognize her sound

"Hummm... Ten minutes"

I said and ease on my pillow again






"Yah Lalisa!!! wake up!!. It's freaking nine in the morning!!
No! It's almost noon!!"

She shout and I jolt up.

"I'm awake..I'm awake."

I mumble sleepily

"Go take a shower . Your mom l has already left "

She said as she flip through my book.
Probably checking my homework .

It's been four months since Jane become my tutor and I admit ,
I was wrong about her. She is just too..
I don't know, stubborn? No I'll die if I say that.

She is...one of a kind . I can't get rid of her. I can't do anything before her. She is just good at everything she do. And guess what, I'm suffering.....
The table has turned.karma is a bitch.
I got to see her almost twenty four by seven. My daily routine got changed and now maths and science is killing me softly.

But you know what , I'm happy.

I'm so happy every damn day.

I feel like a crazy to say this but....
I love being scolded by her.
i love to be smacked my head by her.
I love the way she scoot close to me everytime Im confused about a maths problem.
I love the way she explained everything that I'm too slow to understand.
And the way she told me how to be a good person and how to live a life,which she teach me everytime she is so tired to teach.
She teach me about almost everything a human need to know to be a complete human.

"Yah Manoban stop day dreaming. The exam is tomorrow you mop head."
She said as she insult my gorgeous blonde hair.

"I know....but Ms Jane, do you believe a kiss can lift a person's mood and be an inspiration to work harder?"
I asked a seems non related thing.
And as I expected, she give me a glare and a smack.

"Shut up and do your work or I'm going tell your mom to sell that expensive camera"

She gesture to the cupboard where my babies are sitting.
And my eyes widen

I just got it last month!!!"
I whine . She is using the bond between them now. She is closer with my mom than me.puff.

"Then I recommend you to shut up and do the work"
She said sternly and get up

"Where are you going?"
I asked her when she is about to go out. Just because I don't wanna study doesn't mean I don't need her by my side. I'm obsessed with her.

"To the toilet. Silly"
She said and smile at me that make my heart melt.

Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I became a new person after she step in my room on our first day.
As if I was hypnotized., I do everything she order me to do. After some complaints of course.

But....I think I'm in love.
Four months, we were twenty four by seven as I mentioned. And I learned to respect every human being. And I somehow hate it. Because I can't do anything to show her how I feel because I respect her.

If I still am the one who I was before, I would probably kissed her everytime she scoot to me for a math problem.
I would say I love you everytime she wake me up.
And hug her after she pinch my waist and smack my head.

But I know I can't. I need to be mature enough to deserve her.
I want it to be perfect when I can finally get a chance to ask her out. Just four more months before my exam ends
I'll confess to her.

To be continued

Two chapters because I love the way like that but not always hehehe.

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