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Jennie's pov

"What is the schedule for tomorrow unnie"

I said as I close my eyes and rest my head on the car seat. It's eleven and I just went back home now. What a long day.

Well,My new song will be release next month and I'm working extra.
I got a whole day off yesterday just to work till eleven or sometimes till morning for a week.

Sleep is what I really need for now.

"Photoshoot and your mv making.
Sagyangnim said we need to finalize and edit some part of the mv."

Jisoo unnie read tomorrow's agenda.

"We will start at ten am"
She said and smile at me

"Okay unnie. Thank you"
I return the smile weakly.
I'm not intended to be weak in front of her but she notice it and hand me an energy drink.

"Drink it.
You looks so tired."
She said

"It's okay. I'm used to it ."
I smile at her and take the energy drink. I won't drink it now. Because I won't be able to sleep later at home.

"Oh! I've got an idea.
Ask sagyangnim holidays for yourself after your promotions and tour.
I think he would allow you for sure."

Jisoo unnie said. She also looks tired.
Well, if I am tired, it's double for her yet she still came up with a brilliant idea.

"I'll ask him then. Thank you unnie. You're doing a great job too."

I said and smile at her.


Lisa pov

"Yeah I missed you guys too . "

"Yeah you tell them okay. Let's meet at seven . Book any restaurant you like . It's my treat. "

"Yeah . Okay send me the location when it's confirm."

"Okay bye"

I hang up the call and lay on the bed.
I called Seulgi to prepare for our get together.

Then I get up from my bed lazily and
walk downstairs to talk to my mom about moving to the USA.

I shout cause I can't see her in the kitchen. Rosé is working on finding her father so she's not here.

I shout facing her room but I had no response

"May be she went out "

I mumble to myself and grab my coat to walk around the neighborhood.
It's been five years. I'm curious if this place has changed.

There are more new building and some are upgraded. I can see new stores and a park too. That all just make me feel old.

I didn't notice that time past so quickly. I came out at nine and it's almost ten at night.

I decided to eat ramen before I go back but then I remember my best friend Jisoo.

"I haven't called that chicken. Is she busy now?"
I call her after I sat down on one of the seat in front of a store.

She pick up after a few rings


The nerves! She didn't greet me monkey. She sounds tired too.

"Chicken.What happened to you? You sounds like shit"
I said and chuckle

"Oh monkey!!
Nothing I'm just really busy these days. Anyways , why did you call at this late?"

GUMMY SMILE_ JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now