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Lisa pov


I breathe out and breathe in harshly. I stop my bicycle beside the rock and I drink water.
I close the lit and continued to pant. I biked all the way up to this mountain. I felt a need to see the sun when I woke up this morning.   I wanted to see the sun.

It's been three days since I last saw the dating rumors about Jennie. The yg didn't confirm or butt in about anything since it happened during her vacation time. And me? I'm doing well too. I went on a few dates with Dr. Irene. I forced myself away from a certain dumpling cheek girl who I haven't see around for almost two weeks. She finished her promotions and as Sajangnim said, she's on vacation since then.

I sit on the bench near me and look up to the sky.

"Why am I feeling like missing someone. " I let out together with my breath.
I know the answer of course.

Why are you so unfair.
Why did you even bring her in my life. I was so used to being single and alone and suddenly a cute little kid run in my life to repeat the history in other way around

"And now she's playing with my heart."

I chuckled at my own story.

Meanwhile in LA

Jennie pov

"Can I see further more? Like Celine?"

I said as I put down the small elegant glass bottle.

"Okay Miss. Please follow me."
She said and I follow her.
I remember ,Jisoo unnie said Lisa unnie has been a huge fan of Celine. May be it's Celine.

The staff give me a lot of samples and I start to smell them but non of these is the same as her scent.

I sigh and I decided to just head out . It's been a long day already. But the staff calls my attention before I could step out .

"we have collections of them arrange by the production period. We have for ten years miss. Do you wanna see?"

The staff said.

And I nod.

Fast forward

I lay in my bed with my robe on. I stare at the ceiling and I found myself thinking about her again.

Should I say sorry and persuade her again. But I wasn't wrong at the first place.
But you'll only be apart if you go on like this.

I take a deep breath before
I stand up and open the small bag that I bought today.

I pull out the cologne and spray it on my pillow.

"I spent all my free time today finding you miss"
I talk to the bottle and put it in it's place and go to my bed.

It's the perfume that Lisa use.  Yes, maybe I'm crazy but this kind of craziness is what I want to enjoy.  She challenge my love and I'm ready to show it too. But she avoid me like I'm some kind of pandemic disease. I miss her but I need to be tough to deal with her. They say distance bring fondness. I just wanna know if she'd be miss me too.
But I'm not sure if she even notice I'm not around.

I hug the pillow and sniff it. The smell of the cologne alone can't make it feel like Lisa. Something is missing but I can't ask for more. it's better than nothing .

I was about to drifted to sleep but my phone beep. And I saw a text from song Kang oppa.
He:s also here in New York to film a CF.

Song Kang ;Wanna hangout tomorrow?
I can acompany you wherever you want to go.

I'm a bit hesitate to say yes because I notice there is rumors of us dating and I don't wanna drag it further. But he's a nice guy and I don't wanna be rude or something disrespectful to reject his offers so I accepted them.
But he is not stopping which I'm can't help but irritated.

Okay oppa. I'll text you tomorrow .

Here we go.

Lisa pov

"For a week?"
Im surprised by what Sajangnim said.

"Yes, there will be five models from our agency so I want you to go there and you can chill a little since Christmas is coming."

He said and I smile genuinely.
It's been haft a year since I last go to New York. I also miss my friends and I can hook up with some of the models and Rosé if she still wants to. But then, the certain little brat's cute face pouting mad at me
pop in my mind. Will she be sad if she knows I'm sleeping with a lot of women.

Wait ! Why do I care.

I shake my head of and I almost forget that Sajangnim is still here.

"Thank you Sajangnim. So I'm flying to New York by tomorrow?"

I asked

"Yes, spent your holiday there too. I add a few bonus in your account. Have fun Lisa"

He said and I'm so shocked and happy at the same time.

"Omg thank you Sajangnim."
I bow and he chuckle

"No need Lisa. I love your hard works. Just enjoy your holiday"

"I will. Thank you again"
I said and he nodded


I slouch on my bed and ball myself .
It's a tiring day. I'm very hungry so I drag myself to the kitchen. I have to go to new York tomorrow. I don't wanna go actually, i always wanna stay in my house all day in holidays. But I need to be thankful for what Sajangnim give to me so may be it's time to step out from my comfort zone.

I open the fridge but I mentally curse.
There's no food.

I ride my bike and go to the convenience store where I met Jennie.

Instant regret as I stop at the ramen. I forgot that she is endorsing it.

I grab it anyway and then Pepsi with her face.
I was thinking about drinking a Soju but then I remember that she is endorsing it too just last month.

Fuck my life.

A few minutes later

"Ajuma !?

Wake up. We're closing."

Someone tap my shoulder.

"Humm what??
You're closing?"

I let out forcefully. I took a few shot of Soju earlier.  But I'm not really drunk. Just tipsy.

"Yeah. Can you get up?"

"Yes I can , thank you "

I said and stand up.  I look at the empty bottle of Soju.

I smile as I see her face and unknowingly, I grab the empty bottle and drive back home.

Two days later

"Oh my god!!!
Lisa !!you fucking zombie.
Welcome to New York!!!"

Bam bam shout as he see me and it add a huge pain in my pretty head.

If I knew he'd fetching me , I wouldn't have had that Soju.
They both give me head ache.

I lazily drag the luggage and follow his excited ass.
Hello New York.

To be continued

A/N :who miss me? :):):):):):):):):):):):):):(

Sorry for errors.

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