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Lisa pov

Present Time


I tap my alarm clock to shut off the noise.But it didn't stop which irritate me .

"Ahh .......ish"
I get up to check my clock to stop it but I figure out that
It's not the alarm that beeping but the phone which stop beeping as I spotted it.

You missed a call from
Chicken 🍗

The screen show.

It's Jisoo unnie ,my best friend.
I call her back. Why was she calling so early in the morning.

She pick up after a ring
"Hey Lisa let's go for a walk"
She said excitedly and I glance at the clock and it's only five in the morning.

"Are you high?"
I asked her in disbelief.
She is crazy. She doesn't like waking up so early and so do I. How dare her to disturb my Saturday sleep.

"I know what you are thinking Lisa but. Please...just this one!!
Your unnie need you bad..."

She beg with a fake cry and  then

"Forget about it, you don't even think of me as your best friend"

She sulk and well, by that lame sentence she love to give me at this kind of time,I know she is up to tell me about her new found crush.

And I sigh deeply.

"Okay I'll be in my front yard"
I give in and hung up the phone .

I really want her to settle down with someone. Not marry but you know, it's good to get to know your supposed partner for a few years.
But she always got her heart broken every two month by women.

Actually she is a beautiful woman and have so many man lining up for her but she keep on going after women.
I don't know the reason behind it but I can't blame her. I was the same as her.
Which I hate to admit.
Deep wounds can be heal but it would always left scars. So.. it's really okay.

"Lisa, this is Bae Suzy.
And Suzy , this is Lalisa Manoban,the famous photographer and my best friend."

She said proudly and I smile at her crush which is also her yoga teacher.
That's why she bring me here and join the class.

Suzy go back to the front to do her job and Jisoo start to take off her jacket.

"Yah Kim Jisoo!
Do I look like someone who like to do yoga.
And this is not for adults for fucking sake."
I whisper at her ear as I control my  anger. Some kids around ten are here looking at our way and giggle.

"I know Lisa. But a girl would do everything for her love . Just like you."

She said calmly and follow Suzy's steps. And I can't help anything but follows too . She's right I was one of those who are foolish just for a one sided love.

In the middle of class , Suzy suddenly speak which got my attention because she's been silent except when she saying the instructions.

"Jennie yah...why don't you volunteer to do it with me.
You are doing very great right there."

She called a girl name Jennie.
And a cute girl with fluffy cheeks and cat eyes come out nervously-----


It's the kid. The thirteen years old one!
How come I didn't see her earlier.

I watch her as she shyly lay her map beside Suzy's and position herself.
Now that I look carefully , she also has a nice body. She is indeed a lucky girl.
And her parents are too.

GUMMY SMILE_ JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now