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Still flash back

"Yah!!!! Don't "
Jane yell when I throw a snow ball to her

I laught as she chase me
It's was a good two minutes of teasing her short legs as she chase after me fuming.

Then later, She seems to drain her energy because she slump down her shoulder and walk back to the branches where we place the books we bought.

"C'mon I  wanna play more. You're no fun. Ajuma!!"
I know that this will work . She hate the word ajuma(aunty or a pronoun for old lady we don't personally know)
well, she is twelve years older than me.

But she doesn't even flinch which is weird so I go near her to check if she's mad but wrong move , she jumped on me that make the two of us sink in the thick snow.
I was on my back and she was on top of me.

And she start tickle me but failed.
Because my clothes are too thick to even feel her fingers.She is a giggling mess and I was lost for some seconds in her cat eyes. And smile unconsciously. Who in the world would expect me to not fall for her.

However I let out giggles to make her satisfied

"You will never dare to call me that words after tonight."
She said as she put more effort on tickle me.

"Well let see. How about we replace ajuma with baby."

I said and look at her.
She is still tickling me but
I'm not affected by her tickles.
And she stop.
She seems like she is trying to Figure out what I just said . I see, she is suck at solving the word baby yet a geek at maths.
Honestly she explain maths better than my teachers at school. But back to the topic.

"Do you ahumm... perhaps have boyfriend or something like that?"

I asked her as she is on top of me straddling.

If you think I'm taking this so fast then, you're wrong. Because I believe that I've been in love with her since my previous life. And next month is my final exam, we won't be seeing each other after then .so...why not make a move now.

She is still not saying anything so..

"If you don't have one I can be your friend with a girl right before it."

When i said that, she frown and look at me confusedly


She said

"I mean...I like you unnie, and I wanna take you out if you want me to-"

"Enough Lisa"

She cut me off and get up so fast that she can break a record.
She go to the bench and take the books.
but She walk to the direction of my house which make me relief.

"Jane wait. I can explain. I don't have any bad intention on that . I just...

Wait! please hear me out"

I follow her as she gather her things and put them in her beg.

She doesn't even look at me. She just ignore me as if I'm not here.
And it hurt me.

"Hear me out. Jane"

I called for her attention but no.
She just process to the door that make me anxious.i can feel my tears well up.

I beg as I  grab her hand and that make her stop from her stance which Im glad

"I- I just love you...
What's wrong about it. You can tell me if you don't want me. I'll understand. Just.
Just don't ignore me like that please unnie. "

I break down

"Please don't ignore me.
I love you Jane. And I'm sorry.
But I'm not sorry.
I don't need your answer and you can reject me for fucking sake just please ,
Promise me you will come tomorrow."
I sob as I tighten the grip to feel her more. I'm scare she wouldn't be the one who would wake me up.
I can't imagine it. She probably did hypnotize me.

"Let go of me."
She said and I can also hear her controlled sobs.

"Do you promis--"

"Just let go!!!"

She shout and yank her hand from me and rush out from my house.
Mom is not home yet.  I need someone to hold on to right now.
My heart is making my whole body weak. I can't stand.
Heartbreak before exam. I just did the Most stupid thing a sane human can do.

Fuck it all.


A month later

I came back home after I took my exam . It went really well, surprisingly, I can answer all the questions for the first time in my life.
And funny I was doing it for a promise that I made with her.

She really didn't show up the next day after my confession. She just called my mother that she can't tutor me because her mother in Busan need her. I don't know if she's telling the truth or she really didn't wanna see me.

She just sent me a letter telling me what to study and what I should give extra attention for exam. She left some tips for me to memorize.

Well, everything on the letter was education related only. Except the
' Promise me  you will make it to the Seoul university'
And that make me think that we can have a chance if I make it.

So I busied myself studying my ass off this whole month. And it's paying off really good. But I'm worry that , it might just a false hope to keep me up from failing my exam.

Today was the final subject and I nailed it. But I can't still happy.
I haven't see her for a month now.
And I miss her like a dog waiting for her owner.

To be continued


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