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Jennie's pov

I said as I close the car door.

They drive off and I went into my house. Mom and dad is not home.
Mom accompanied dad for his business trip to Milan. So I'm home alone for a week.

I clean myself and I was about to sleep but I feel uncomfortable in my panties. So I went to the bathroom and check it.

I'm on my period. This is the time of the month. God , I was so busy to even remember it.

I go to my closet and search for pads .I take one an clean my self and use it.

"It won't be enough for tomorrow"
I need to buy some for tomorrow morning.

"Why I have to be so careless"
I mumble to myself . There's not enough pads in the closet.

I just the car keys from my drawer and went downstairs. I decided to go to a store nearby to buy groceries and also grab something to eat. Mom is not home so I have to go alone. And I don't wanna disturb jisoo unnie for minor case. She is already tired.

I just drive to the nearest twenty four hour store and park my car. I glance and check the store first before I come out . It's almost twelve o'clock so there is not many people. Only one person  eating ramen outside, so it's safe.
I quickly dash to the store and grab packs of pads and bread and cookies and some vitamin drinks. I go to the counter when I'm finish. I didn't notice that there's already a group of highschool girls talking loudly about their midnight movie experience. They would probably be the same age as me. The casher take so long and now those girls are standing behind me waiting for their turn .

I can hear them murmur something and discussing something.

"I think it's her!! Her shoes are Chanel for fucking sake!!
And can remember her !!"
They whisper shout and I'm so uncomfortable hearing them. Don't tell me they recognize me.

'Why did I even put this Chanel pin on my hoodie. '
I mentally curse myself.

Luckily the casher hand me my things and my card.

I grab those and was about to head out but one of the girls decided to speak.

"Excuse me. Miss"
They said and I know their intentions so I stay silent and walk out of the store quickly but

"It's JENNIE KIM!!!!"

She shout and the group start to follow me with their phones aim at me.  A few people across the road also look at our direction which make me anxious.

I run to my car without giving a glance.

I went in my car and when I glance through the window, I was surprised by the massive crowd.  How in the hell these people get here I a spin of seconds. I quickly drive off of the place. I won't be safe if some crazy paparazzi would know about this .

I was driving peacefully for One minute then the car suddenly stop


I look at the clock and it's almost one am. I grab my purse and search for my phone. But then I remember that I charged it at home.


I try to start the engine again but fail.
I don't know how to fix car. I learn driving from dad when I was seventeen. He taught me So that I don't have to depend on them for emergency case. Just like now. But I mess up.

After a few attempts to start the car, I get out of my car and decided to check the car body.
There is nothing wrong with it that make me frustrated. I was deciding whether to walk home or wait in the car till morning but someone speak from. Behind.

"Miss ,you need any help"

I flinch by a deep but soothing voice.
I give a quick glance at the person who speak . I only saw a glimpse of her .It's a tall woman.. She looks so much older than me.....and so much older than me. I was carried away by my curiosity then I look away quickly, scare that she would recognize me.

"Ah..y-yeah , I think something is wrong with my car. "

I stutter and just look down. Even I don't want to be recognized, I need to go home. I need help.

"Ah okay. Let me try it"
She said and I just nod.
She went into the car and start the engine. Just like what happened earlier,the car wakes but die down after a few seconds.
She look inside of the car for a while and come out

"Miss, your car is okay , it's just that the gas run out. "
She said gesture towards the car.

I breathe out.

How stupid of me. I'm so embarrassed. It's just the gas run out but here I am acting  so clueless. She's gonna think I'm a dump person.

just called someone and asked them to pick you up."
She is still talking but I can't even lift my face because of embarrassment

"Are you okay?
I can wait for you till they arrive. Just call them."
She said in an unsure but worry tone.
But Well, I can't call them. Mom is not home. And Jisoo unnie? As much as I want to call her, I can't give the number of the employees of the agency. It's the rule.
It's seems okay for now but if this woman found out that I'm Jennie Kim,the problems will start . And plus , I don't have another friends. Well, they're also celebrities so I can't.
So I decided to just came up with a lame lie .

"I don't have my phone with me, miss"

I said waiting for her to say another.

"You can use my phone."
This is where I need to lie

"I didn't memorize their numbers"
I said and she pause for a good five seconds.

"How old are you?. Are you underage?"
She asked suspiciously. Look at me with judging eyes. I can feel it all over me.

"No! I'm already eighteen!!."
I shout and pause to think about what to say.

"It's just that I was in a hurry."
I said irritated by her.

"Well, you looks like a kid tho"
She mumble but I can hear her.
I was about to protest again but she speaks

"if you don't wanna call them, then I'm gonna get going. It's late. You can come with me if you trust me. I'll send you home if my bike is still working.
I'm not sure if it's rusted or not and.... If it is , then I'll walk you to the closest bus stop. So..yeah"

She raps. But isn't she weird to not knowing her motorbike's condition.
Is she a liar.

"I just arrived yesterday. I live in US."
She said and I look at her because I was amazed at how she read my mind.

Instant regret, she look at me for a good time. And I look at her features too. It's strangely familiar to me. But I can't figure out.


"So? You come with me?
My house isn't that far from here"
She asked. I'm is still looking at her recalling my memories. But then,
My eyes fall on her well define jawline. And her eyes and her li..

I said when I remember she asked about something. She smile at me and walk first.

I don't really know what is happening to me and I don't know why I am following at her.

To be continued

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