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Lisa pov

My sleep was disturbed when the door bell rang.

I was confused at first but then I remembered Jisoo.

"She must be here"
I check the time and it's almost one am.

I walk lazily to get the door.
I peek first to confirm it's Jisoo. And it's really her.

"Come in chu"
I open the door and greet her sleepily.

"Is she sleeping?"
She asked as she slouch herself on my couch.
Honestly, I never understand how Jisoo keep up with her schedule but still healthy.
Don't you think it's too much for a human to only sleep for six hours and still healthy?

"Yes, You want something to drink?"
I asked her but she doesn't answer.
She looks tired so I decided to let her rest even just for awhile.

I also lay at the couch facing hers.

Moments later she speak


I hum lazily. Because I'm sleepy.

Have you already met Jennie's parents"
She brag out of nowhere.

"No why?
Should I ?"
I asked real not in the mood to talk.

" No, you don't necessarily have to. Just asking."

"So where's Jen"
She asked

"In my bed room. She fell asleep when I was taking shower. I try waking her up earlier but guess she passed out. "

I paused to hear her response but she remain silent so I continued.

"We grab a few drink earlier today. 
I didn't think she has that low tolerance so guess I get her drunk too much"
I chuckled remember the drunk Jennie.
She's cute tho.

"Yeah..I need further explanation tomorrow. For now ,do me a favor, carrying her to my car."
Now she get up and went to my kitchen. She drink water.

"I don't think I can , I carry her earlier and my back is still sore"

I said but she glare at me.

"I'm joking !! Calm down. Open the door and wait in the outside already. I'm not wasting any time. I'm a fragile woman too."

I said and I saw a slipper flying to my direction. Thankfully, I manage to ditch.

"Crazy woman"
I mumble.

I walk to my room.
I turn the door knob and my heart start to beat abnormally.

I take a deep breathe to see if it will calm down but it didn't. You shouldn't be like this Manoban. This is not good.
I sigh and walk towards the bed.
The closer I get, the faster my heart beats.

But the kid behind this awful feeling is sleeping peacefully. With pure innocence.

I was admiring her longer than I intended that Jisoo need to shout my name.

"Lisa , it's almost dawn!! You want me to dead?"
She shout and I don't feel anything but the worried that the sleeping beauty might disturbed by jisoo's bark.
I shook my head.

I grab the hoodie that Jennie took off earlier and sit her up carefully.  Im surprised that she is still sleeping because I can hear my stupid heart beating like a mad drum.

I get her all wrapped up before I carry her to where Jisoo is waiting.

After I see them off, I head back to my unit and get on my bed.
And I was surprised by the scent , her scent. It's so comforting . It smelled so good. My heart start to beat fast again.
What's wrong with me.
This can't be.
I need to stop before it went too far.

GUMMY SMILE_ JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now