1; ラーメン

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Katsuki struggled against his restraints, pushing the anxious fuzziness back as hard as he could. He didn't want this. He was going numb from panic and he hated it, his chest felt tight. So, so tight. But he couldn't show it. That was weak. And his mother said he shouldn't be weak. Couldn't be. He'd get in trouble for showing weaknesses. Especially being kidnapped because he was weak. He didn't notice he had stopped breathing until it hurt. He couldn't restart his breathing. It hurt. No. No. No. No. No. He didn't want this. Make it stop. He was so weak. His eyes stung as his lungs burned and squeezed. Make it stop. He didn't want this.

"M s'rry. 'M s'rry" He gasped out, head pounding now. His body felt odd. Like he was sinking into something. Like the sludge he'd once been held in. He thrashed as the sensation didn't stop. No. Not again. Please. Please. Please. He didn't want this. He wanted to be small again. Small and safe. Safe... What an odd word. Katsuki's body was jerking now, trying to get away from the sludge monster. Was he already stuck? Is that why he couldn't move? Was he so weak that he got stuck again? He was so useless.

When the familiar feeling crept into his mind, he bit on his lip. He couldn't be little now! But he couldn't push it away. He'd already pushed it back for school everyday. His body knew it was past school hours. His internal clock working against him. Katsuki tried so very hard to stop it, but he could feel himself start to slip further and further into the headspace. A little while couldn't hurt, right?

But no, he couldn't. Little him did not like being restrained. Neither did big him, but it would be worse as a little. He was doing himself a favor by repressing little him. So he sat there, subconsciously breathing ruggedly and pulling at the restraints as he fought his little self.

In the end, footsteps made him go deathly still. Mother was mad, wasn't she. Mad that he got taken. Mad that she had to wait to touch him. To pull his hair, to hit him. He wanted his father. He wanted his dad.

"Looks like you're doing... well" The hand covered man said. No others were present, probably sleeping.

Somehow, at the words spoken to him in no manner of hatred, Katsuki broke, sobbing. Tears finally rolling down his cheeks as he lost the battle.

"No! No do well!" He pulled against the restraints, just realizing they were there. "No! No. No. No! 'Yemme go!" He cried, pulling at the restraints in fear.

Shigaraki stood frozen in front of him before relaxing. 

"Hey," 'Tsuki looked up, tears coating his face and his nose running. "Breathe, I'll get you outta this. Can you promise you'll be a good boy?" 'Tsuki nodded furiously.

"Pinky promise" The blonde whispered before realizing he couldn't find his pinky and crying.

"What's the matter now?"

"Can't– My pinky 's gone! No more!"

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Shigaraki ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

This kid was the strong, villainous kid they'd taken? This kid sounded more like a... Oh. The kid probably had the whole headspace thing. He'd read about that once

Tomura huffed, fighting a smile. As the leader of the League undid the restraints, he couldn't help but wonder what would cause such a coping mechanism to trigger. Sure they'd kidnapped him, but they hadn't done anything other than restraints him.

"Uhm... Where– Where's'a monster?" The boy asked. Tomura paused his motion of undoing one of the straps to glance around.

"What monster?"

"The–  The– the goo monster..." The boy sniffled. "He always comes fo' me"

"Oh?" The final strap that restricted the hero student was taken off. The only thing keeping the blonde in the seat was the restraints on his legs and the heavy quick restraint covering his hands. "Does he hurt you?"

More sniffles, "Mnhm!"

"Was he here?"

"Yeah!" The boy nodded vehemently and Tomura felt his heart squeeze. "Always hurts me"

"I see. Well he can't get you here, I scare him away" 

"But you're not tha' scary!" 

Tomura shook his head, pressing his chapped lips together. He knelt down to take the restraints off the boy's legs. 

"Hey... Did... Did my mommy tell you to take me?"

"No" The leg straps fell with a soft clank

"Did my daddy?" Kid sounded happy about it so he shrugged. "I'm so happy!" The boy exclaimed. Tomura shushed the boy. "Oh! shh!" Tomura liked the kid, he was so blunt yet he had a innocent undertone that Tomura wished his members had still retained. 

"Do you wanna join us?" 

"Sure!" Tomura grinned, this was so easy. Like taking candy from a ...baby.

The kid was unstrapped and free now with the exception of the quirk stopper, but the kid didn't seem to mind, simply swinging his legs happily. "Do you feel small a lot?" He inquired, carefully unlocking the quirk stoppers. 

"Sometimes. Big me doesn't like to be small." The kid lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned close as if he was going tell a secret, "But I think it's lot's'a fun"

"I see. You hungry?" He pulled the boy's hands out of the quirk stoppers, carefully holding one finger away from the boy's skin so that his quirk didn't hurt him. 

Word Count: 900

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