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» [on and on- curtis harding] «
0:48 ─〇───── -3:12
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

"Ladies and Gentlemen." Evelyn spoke up over the radio, she had been on the plane before the agents and made friends with the pilot so he would allow her to sit inside the cockpit until they took off. "I'd like to introduce myself, I'm your co-pilot for today, Doctor Evelyn Bernadette Barnes."

Evelyn opened the cockpit door and revealed herself to the agents. Peggy had a smug look of her face, part of her knew that there was no way that Evelyn would miss an opportunity to see The Howling Commandos.

"Evie? What the hell are you doing here?" Jack questioned as his eyes widened towards the girl. He would have gotten up to confront her-

-if he wasn't on a plane.

"Chief sent me to keep an eye on you." Evelyn responded smugly as she took a seat beside Peggy and clipped on her parachute and helmet.

Jack shook his head before lowering it to look at his feet. He hated flying, everything about it gave him anxiety. Evelyn watched as his leg bobbed up and down and his fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles had turned white.

"Relax, you'll sprain something." Peggy spoke up as she too noticed Jack's nervousness. "It's just as you remember it."

"You a mind reader, or is that your woman's intuition speaking?" Jack questioned back sarcastically, his gaze flickering towards Evelyn. She comforted him so much, just being near her made him feel a little more relaxed.

"How's this for woman's intuition. This is your first jump, isn't it?" Peggy questioned with a raised brow.

Evelyn knew better, not just because of Jack's SSR file, but because she could tell. He'd jumped from a plane multiple times. But that still didn't ease his anxiety.

"Ninth." Jack paused, before looking at Evelyn. "Eight training jumps."

"You've infiltrated hostile territory before. You'll be fine. Just follow our lead." Peggy attempted to reassure him.

Evelyn chuckled and thanked the lord that Peggy wasn't hired as the SSR therapist. She was sure that nobody would ever talk about their issues.

"Thanks, Carter, but I already have a mother." Jack shouted, he watched as Evelyn walked over to him. He didn't question it, he didn't even look at her for too long in fear of her leaving his side.

Evelyn grabbed Jack's hand a linked their fingers together. Her thumb ran over his knuckles and she felt him relax at her soft touch. She leant her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. She was still upset with him, but she still cared about him and right now he needed her comfort.

"Prepare for drop." The pilot spoke from the cockpit.

"What I need right now are soldiers. Let's go, boys. It's go time." Jack shouted as he stood up, pulling Evelyn up with him.

He looked down at the girl, wondering if she had jumped out of a plane before. He placed his hand on her bicep, she didn't seem scared or anxious, unlike him.

"The drop will put us 10 kilometers from our rendezvous with our tac team, assuming they're where they're supposed to be." Jack said as he looked across to Peggy.

"They'll be there." Peggy shouted back in reassurance, Evelyn nodded in agreement. The 107th would never let herself or Peggy down.

"They better be." Jack shrugged, he wrapped his arms around Evelyn's bicep and pulled her to the back of the queue with him.

He nodded towards everyone to go ahead and that he would follow along. He waited until everyone jumped before anxiously grabbed the girls hand.

"I'm scared." Jack admitted sheepishly. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, still in shock that he had just admitted to the girl that he was scared.

"Everyone's scare of something, J, sometimes we just have to jump." She smirked playfully as she slowly walked back towards the open door of the plane.

Jack reached out for the girl and shook his head. He knew that she would have just walked backwards and fallen from the plane without a second thought but he couldn't have that.

"Evie, I'm serious." Jack ran his hand over his face. "You're meant to be a God damn shrink. You're meant to help me with this."

Evelyn held up her hand, causing the man to step back and raise his brows at her action.

"First of all. I am a therapist, not a shrink. So, never call me a shrink again." She angrily tapped his chest. "It is my job to therapize you Agent Thompson. But if we don't jump in the next two minutes, we will be separated from the rest of the group." Evelyn reminded him.

Jack anxiously gulped, he'd never seen her so riled up. He placed his hand on her bicep as an apology, only for her to hit it off.

"Look, I know facing fears is scary and this mission is clearly bringing back a lot of memories for you." Evelyn could tell that he was anxious about more than just the jump. "So when we get back to New York, I'll schedule a session for us to have a talk about th-"

"I don't need a therapy session." Jack snapped, angered and upset at the fact that she hit his arm away. "I need to find Howard Stark."

Evelyn shook her head. The man was so full of himself and it was beginning to piss her off. She sucked in her bottom lip before letting go of a deep breath.

"You need help, Agent. That is something that I can offer you, back in New York. So, either you jump with me now, or you go back to New York alone. It is your choice."

With that, Evelyn slowly stepped back off of the edge of the plane. She didn't hesitate in pulling on her parachute, knowing that it wasn't a huge drop.

Jack ran his hand over his face frustratedly. He nodded to himself before jumping. He would do anything to stay beside Evelyn's side and protect her.

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