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» [line without a hook-ricky montgomery] «
0:48 ─〇───── -3:21
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

Evelyn walked out of her office and smiled towards Jack, who had left a mere twenty minutes ago. She hated to admit it, but she missed him already. She liked when he sat in her office, she like being close with him.

But she knew that he had to work.

"That background check you asked for." Yauch announced as he handed Jack the file. "Afternoon, Doc." He nodded in her direction with a soft smile.

"Thanks, 'Yowch.'" Jack smiled and took the file from the man.

Evelyn placed herself on the edge of Jack's desk, crossing her legs, causing her skirt to rise slightly. Jack couldn't help but allow his eyes to flicker up and down the girl. She had to bite back a smile as she caught onto what he was doing.

"It's actually 'Yawk.'" Yauch corrected. Jack just rolled his eyes in response.

Evelyn smiled towards Yauch, and noticed that he wasn't making any effort to move. She followed his gaze over to Chief Dooley's office, which was where she was actually meant to be heading.

"You waiting for a tip or something?" Jack questioned raising his brows.

"The Chief's been in there a real long time with that Russian guy." Yauch announced.

Evelyn knew that he was worried about The Chief spending all of his time with Ivchenko. The girl herself had an off feeling about the situation, which is why she was going to go into Chief Dooley's office.

"Well, that Russian guy happens to be a huge lead in our case against Stark, agent." Jack span around on his chair to face Yauch. "Chief is just taking extra time to make sure he gets everything right. You have a problem with that?"

"I'm just saying, it's different from how he usually handles things." Yauch attempted to explain himself.

Evelyn pulled out her small note pad and began to write down a few things. It was something that didn't go unnoticed by either of the agents. She never usually wrote things down when they were in a one to one session, but always seemed to be writing things down outside of her office.

"And I'm just saying don't worry about what Dooley's doing. Okay?" Jack grinned, tapping his pen against his desk. "Now, why don't you go brew a pot of coffee? Saw it was getting low."

Yauch didn't say anything, instead he just walked away, not wanting to disagree with Jack anymore. Evelyn looked down at the man with raised brows.

"Yes, Evie?" Jack questioned as he rested his hands on her thighs and looked up at the girl.

"You saw it was getting low, but didn't think to refill it?" Evelyn questioned almost sternly. She had to take a minute to focus on her breathing as Jack began to trace patterns on her thighs.

He knew exactly what he was doing and she hated it. He knew that he had her wrapped around his little finger, one small kiss and she would be like putty in the palm of his hand.

"No, I got bigger things to deal with." Jack announced, pulling his chair closer to the girl. "Why are you out of your office?"

"I needed to speak to Dooley." Evelyn announced, her fingers tracing patterns on the top of Jack's hand. She knew that if anyone saw them, rumours would spread like wild fire, but that was a risk she was willing to take to be so close to him.

He made her feel alive, he made her heart skip a thousand beats and her smile grow so wide that her cheeks hurt. He gave her the cliche butterflies that the novels that she read always went on about.

She didn't want it to stop.

"So, what are you waiting for?" Jack whispered, linking their hands together and smirking at her once he saw the blush raise to her cheeks.

"Nothing." Evelyn shrugged. "I'll see you later." She chuckled, noticing his pout. She lightly tapped his nose before heading towards Chief Dooley's office.

She raised her hand to knock on the man's door and waited for a moment until she entered the room. She remained quiet as she watched Ivchenko twirl his ring around his finger. Evelyn furrowed her brows as she went to say something, but Sousa walked in saying,

"Chief, I got something for you."

"I'm in the middle of something, Sousa, can it wait?" Chief Dooley questioned, snapping out of his daze.

Evelyn took a step back behind Sousa. She was trying to piece together everything that just happened. Something wasn't right and she wasn't quite sure what it was.

"No, it can't." Sousa held up a file and with that Evelyn quickly returned to her office.

Her fingers brushed against the spines of the books on her bookshelf.  She had read every single one and cherished them all dearly. Bucky and Steve bought her the majority of them as birthday or Christmas presents.

"Hypnosis and how it works." She read before pulling one of the books out. She hummed for a moment before opening the book and flicking through the pages.

Each page had a different heading on it, she was looking for how to not be hypnotised. Once she found it, she grabbed her note pad and pen and began to write down all the ways that she could avoid being hypnotised.

Evelyn grabbed her notes before rushing out the Jack and slamming it down on his desk. Jack looked up to the girl with furrowed brows.

"You okay, Doc?" He questioned softly, his hand resting over hers.

The girl pursed her lips and nodded, she was 100% sure that Ivchenko was hypnotising Chief Dooley. But she knew something suspicious was going on and she needed to find out what.

"Read this." She tapped the book. "Please, and when I say read it, I don't just mean flick through the pages and hope that there's some pictures, I mean read it."

"Nobody's being hypnotised." Jack ran his tongue over his bottom lip and chuckled at the girl.

"Do you trust me, Lieutenant?" Evelyn raised her brows, causing Jack to nod in response. "Then read the damn book."

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