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» [heaven- julia michaels] «
0:48 ─〇───── -2:22
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

"That was when I learned," Paused Ivchenko. "Monsters are real, and there is none more terrifying than Leviathan."

Evelyn stood beside Peggy as she assessed the man. Chief Dooley has asked her to sit in and examine Ivchenko without his knowledge. But the girl could hardly concentrate on Ivchenko, especially when Jack kept smirking and winking at her from the other side of the room.

"Here I thought it was just something they told the apple knockers to scare them." Chief Dooley spoke as he looked up at Evelyn. "How long has Leviathan been active?"

"Since after the Great War. Stalin's goal is for Russia to become a leading power in the world, which means having better weapons than our enemies and our allies." Ivchenko looked between the four carefully. "Leviathan has been very successful. Mechanical, biological-"

"Human? Is that what that young girl was, a human weapon?" Peggy cut the man off.

Evelyn lowered her head, knowing that the only reason Junior was dead was because of that young girl. Her eyes flickered across to Jack, who offered her a small sympathetic smile knowing exactly what she was thinking about.

"My knowledge of specific operations is sadly restricted to only what I was told." Ivchenko shrugged unknowingly.

"That building seemed to house a training facility. Shackles on the beds, classrooms." Peggy trailed off, linking her arm with Evelyn's and pulling her closer.

"Training young girls to be what, assassins?" Chief Dooley questioned almost in shock.

The idea of young girls being trained to be assassins seemed obscure. Nobody would ever think of a woman, let alone a child being capable to killing a grown man.

"Seems like the Russians would want to train grown men." Jack responded, his tongue running over his bottom lip as his eyes flickered up and down Evelyn.

"Women are often overlooked, taken for granted. They can slip easily through a man's defenses." Ivchenko nodded, turning to look towards Peggy.

Evelyn pulled away from the brown haired girl and made her way to sit on Chief Dooley's desk, right across from Ivchenko. She smoothed out her dress and noticed the way that Jack stood upright, rather than leaning against the wall.

"How many girls were there?" Evelyn questioned sweetly as she jotted down a few notes.

"Again, I was not allowed-"

Evelyn didn't even give Ivchenko a chance to finish his sentence before cutting him off again. One of her closest friends had died, she wasn't going to stop until she got to the bottom of how.

"Do you think the girls could have been deployed here, to America?" Evelyn questioned.

"I wish I could be of more assistance, Doctor Barnes." Ivchenko shrugged but he wasn't able to say much more.

"Who could be of more assistance, Dr. Ivchenko?" Peggy understood that Evelyn was upset.

She too was upset with the death of Junior. He was their family. The Howling Commandos were the only family that either of the girls had left. Both girls had lost their brothers and Steve.

"Agent Carter. Doctor. A word." Chief Dooley spoke as he stood up and escorted the two girls out of his office. "Doctor, you may return to your office. Your assessment is over."

"Chief, I'm not finish-" Evelyn attempted to protest. She just wanted longer with the man, she wanted to pick his brain, get inside his head. She wanted to know what he knew.

"You are now." Chief Dooley turned to look at the girl dead in the eye.

Evelyn clenched her jaw and span on her heel to walk back to her office with her head held high. She knew that she couldn't disobey orders that came directly from the Chief.

The brunette sat down on the couch in her office and let an over exaggerated sigh. She ran her hands over her face and slumped back in her seat.

A small knock was heard on her door, causing her to sit up straight and smile as Jack walked in. He instantly shut all the blinds and took a seat beside the brunette.

"We haven't had much chance to talk." Jack announced as his eyes flickered up down the girl, something that didn't go unnoticed by Evelyn.

"We haven't." Evelyn nodded in agreement, lowering her head to prevent Jack from seeing the blush that was forming on her cheeks.

Jack let out a low chuckle, throwing his arm around the back of the couch and turning to face the girl. He used his hand to cup her face, his thumb caressing her cheek, he slowly turned her head to look up at him.

"Evie?" He whispered, his warm breath hitting her face.

The brunette merely hummed in response, her tongue running over her bottom lip as she looked up at him through her lashes.

"Can I kiss you again?" Jack smirked, watching as a smile spread across her face.

Evelyn didn't even response, she leant forward and pressed her lips against his. Her fingers instantly tangling in his hair, desperately wanting him as close as possible.

Jack groaned into the kiss, his large hands gripped her waist and pulled her into his lap. His hand found the small of her back as he pulled her closer to him.

Everything felt so rushed and heated, but neither of them seemed to be complaining. Instead, it was the opposite. They couldn't get enough of one another.

The girl pulled away first, she rested her forehead against his and let out heavy breaths. Her eyes flickered down to his lips and let out a small chuckle once she saw her smudged red lipstick on his lips.

"You may want to clean that off before you go back out their, Agent." Evelyn whispered, her warm breath mingling with his.

Jack let out a small chuckle, his eyes flickering up to meet hers and he cockily raised a brow and let a smirk play on his face before asking,

"Who says I'm going back out there, Doctor?"

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