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» [favourite crime- olivia rodrigo] «
0:48 ─〇───── -1:45
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

Evelyn stood between Howard and Jack as Jack spoke to the public about what was happening to Howard.

"After a thorough investigation, we have concluded that Howard Stark is innocent of the theft and sale of weapons to foreign enemies. All charges against Mr. Stark have been dropped." Jack spoke with so much confidence that Evelyn admired.

Jack looked down at Evelyn, who had tried to hide behind him as they were having their photos taken. Unlike Howard, who stood with his chest puffed out and a smirk on his face.

"We owe Mr. Stark a tremendous debt of gratitude, and his assistance in our current investigation is invaluable." Jack continued as he read over the flash cards that Evelyn had wrote for him.

"Hero." Howard stepped forward and whispered into Jack's ear, earning a disapproving glare from Evelyn. "He is a hero."

"He is-" Jack cleared his throat, not being able to bring himself to say the words. He took a deep breath, his grip tightening on Evelyn before continuing, "a hero for all Americans. Mr. Stark will be working in concert with the SSR. To bring those responsible for this crime."

Evelyn looked up to Jack, she could tell that he hated saying all those things about Howard, especially since he didn't deserve them and now all of America would think of him as a hero.

"Humbled by his genius. No. No. Brilliance." Howard paused, knowing that he was just about to tip Jack over the edge. "Humbled by his brilliance."

Jack hummed and clenched his jaw. Evelyn placed her hand over his, linking their fingers together. She allowed a small smirk to form on her face as she dug her heel into the front of Howards shoes, causing him to wince.

"Hmm. We are humbled." Jack tried to bite back a laugh at Howard's reaction. "Here's Howard Stark." The man then linked his hand with Evelyn's and pulled her off of the to one side with him.

He wrapped his arms around her small waist and resting his head upon her shoulder. He pressed his lips against her neck, making the girl hum in response. Jack let out a low chuckle before asking,

"How do you stand to be around him, he's infuriating."

"Only at first, let him get to know you, you get to know him. I think you'll find that you have more in common than what meets the eye." Evelyn whispered back as Howard talked to the press about everything that had happened.

"You insult me, darling." Jack chuckled, pulling Evelyn even closer, not that it was possible.

"Today is a day of reckoning for anyone who doubts-" Howard continued, only to be cut off by a bullet firing.

Without any sort of hesitation, both men rushed to shield Evelyn, as if she was the one targeted and not Howard. Both of them would protect her with their lives. Jack clenched his jaw at the way that Howard rushed to Evelyn so quickly. He was the one who would always protect her. He was the one who would make sure she's safe at all times. Not him. Jack pulled Evelyn, Howard and Jarvis behind a corner before pulling out his radio.

"Who's got eyes on the shooter?" Jack questioned, remaining as calm as possible. He placed a soft hand on Evelyn's bicep and gave it a small reassuring squeeze. "You're staying with me." Jack spoke towards Evelyn, who submissively nodded in response. "Get him out of here. Police car in the back alley. Go."

Evelyn flinched at the sound of another bullet firing just above them, causing her to furrow her brows and looked around to locate the shooter. Just before she could figure anything out, Jack pulled out another gun and handed it to her.

"Only incase of an emergency, you understand?" Jack questioned as he placed the gun in her hand.

"They're shooting from the hotel." Peggy's voice came over the radio.

Jack motioned for Evelyn to follow him towards the hotel alongside Peggy. They were going to locate the shooter and take them down, but that didn't mean that he felt comfortable leaving Evelyn somewhere without him being there to protect her.

"Stay here, let us search the place first." Jack instructed as he kicked down the hotel door.

"I wouldn't bother, Jackie, there's going to be no one in there." Evelyn informed the man before confidently walking into the hotel room. "The rifles rigged." The brunette clicked towards the window.

Peggy furrowed her brows, before walking over to the window and seeing that the rifle was in fact rigged.

"This rifle was rigged to fire itself, Bernies right."

"I'm always right, doll." Evelyn spoke cockily, using the the familiar pet name that Bucky used to call his dates.

Jack couldn't help but let a smug smirk appear on his face at the girls confident and cocky attitude. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and leant against the door frame, allowing his eyes to flicker up down her.

"They're long gone." Peggy took a small look at the rifle. "Strange." She hummed, furrowing her brows in confusion as she was trying to make sense of the placement of the gun.

"What's that?" Jack questioned curiously, extending his arms and grabbing her hips, pulling her back into him. He wanted her as close as possible at all times. Her just been beside him brought him so much comfort and happiness.

"Either Dottie's a terrible shot, or this gun was never supposed to kill Howard. It's aimed well above the podium. It was a diversion." Peggy looked behind her and towards the pair.

"Diversion from what?" Jack furrowed his brows curiously.

"All agents, Stark's been grabbed. APD is being issued. He's in a police car heading west." Sousa's voice came in over the radio. The three reacted almost instantly and quickly left the building in hopes of finding Howard before it was too late.

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