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» [the therapist- foreign air] «
0:48 ─〇───── -2:13
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

"We're eight klicks east of the RV." Jack uttered as he gathered his parachute together before placing it into his back pack. His eyes flickered to Evelyn before clenching his jaw and saying, "I'll take lead. Carter, you're in back. Stay tight."

"Do I get a gun Lieutenant?" Evelyn questioned cockily as she raised her brow. "After all, it was you who taught me how to shoot. Might as well use those lessons to our advantage right?"

Jack's eyes flickered up and down Evelyn, it was dark but he could still see the smug smirk playing on her face. She knew exactly what she was doing. He couldn't exactly say no to giving her a gun, especially not when they were out in the open.

"If anything happens, everyone protect the Doctor. We can't have her be taken, she knows all of our secrets." Jack shouted, causing the girl to scoff and push past him. He angrily grabbed her bicep and pulled her back. "What are you doing?" He asked in a hush whisper.

"Going to find the Howling commandos." Evelyn snapped back as she heard guns cock.

Instantly, Jack pulled the girl behind him. He raised his gun and placed his finger over the trigger. No one was going to hurt Evelyn.

"Don't move." Jack warned as he held his gun tightly.

"Emu." Dum-Dum spoke, causing Evelyn to stifle a laugh.

He had clearly forgotten the actual word and Evelyn found the situation hilarious, so she burst out laughing. She shook her head as Jack turned to look at her with furrowed brows.

"What?" He questioned confused.

"Ostrich, man. Ostrich." Sawyer corrected as Evelyn stepped forward so that The Howling Commandos could see her.

"Shut up. Emu." Dum-Dum whisper shouted again.

Evelyn ran into Junior's arms. He instantly dropped his gun to wrap his arms around her small waist. The girl let go of a small squeal as he span them around. After Bucky and Steve's death, the pair became almost inseparable.

"Carter, Bernie. Dugan forgot the password again." Sawyer uttered as a smile made his way onto his face as he saw Evelyn and Juniper hugging.

"Password is 'eagle', you apes." Peggy corrected.

Jack clenched his jaw as he saw the two hugging. Something about it made him want to punch walls and scream at the top of his lungs. He just wanted to hold her that tightly.

"Oh, hi, Peggy, Bernie." Dum-Dum smiled as Evelyn pulled away from Junior. "Fellas." He nodded in the direction of Jack, who hadn't taken his eyes off of Evelyn.

"Thompson, that's Dum-Dum Dugan." Mike spoke up as he motioned towards Dum Dum.

Evelyn couldn't even begin to describe how happy she was right now. The Howling Commandos were her family. The supported her through both Bucky and Steve's death. They stayed in contact with her after, which wasn't what she expected in the slightest. And they always told her to call incase of an emergency.

"Jack Thompson, Mike Li, Rick Ramirez, this is 'Junior' Juniper, 'Pinky' Pinkerton, 'Happy Sam' Sawyer, you seem to know 'Dum-Dum' Dugan...The 107th, our tactical team." Peggy explained as he introduced everyone.

"You guys are the Howling Commandos?" Ramirez questioned with furrowed brows.

Evelyn pulled away from Junior to hug Dum-Dum. He gave her an extra tight squeeze, causing her to let out a wheezy breath. She pulled away with a smile on her face, bringing her hands up and pinching his cheeks, which she knew he hated.

"Yeah, I hate that name." Sawyer uttered, rolling his eyes.

"I came up with that name." Junior responded with a frown.

Evelyn made her way back over to him, she cupped his cheeks and scrunched up her nose. She loved the name and she knew that Bucky did too.

"I love the name." She whispered, allowing the man to wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pull her into his chest again. His head rested on top of hers as he swayed them slightly.

"That you do." Sawyer responded, his tone laced with hostility.

"Dugan, you fought side-by-side with Captain America, didn't you?" Ramirez questioned as he looked up to the man.

The brunette clung onto Junior tighter at the name. She missed Bucky and Steve so much. Their deaths still hurt her. It felt as if it only happened yesterday. Junior noticed the way that the girl tensed, so he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

Jack clenched his jaw and let out a scoff. Evelyn turned and faced the man with furrowed brows. He motioned for her to come and stand beside him. She hesitantly looked up to Junior, who then nodded in response.

She wrapped her arms around Jack's torso, his hand cupped the back of her head. Sure, she made him upset on the plane but she still tried to comfort him. Now it was his turn to comfort her.

"Yeah. But not as long as they did. At one point, Bernie was saving Steve from bullies." Dum-Dum chuckled at the memory.

Steve and Bucky had told him all about how Evelyn was a little fighter, despite not actually knowing how to fight properly. Bucky said that before he taught her how to properly throw a punch, she clenched her fists all wrong.

"Agent Jack Thompson. I'm running point for the SSR. We head due east till we hit the border." Jack placed his hand out in front of him for Dum-Dum to shake.

"We'll hit a wall of Reds before we reach the border. Let's head up into Lithuania, cross over into Russia at Ashmyany." Dum-Dum suggested, his eyes flickering between Peggy and Evelyn.

He noticed the way that Evelyn seemed so relaxed in Jack's arms. It wasn't something that he saw often, so he was glad that she found peace within him.

"You planning on walking halfway across Lithuania?" Jack questioned with a brow raise as he began to trace patterns on Evelyn's bicep.

"Well, you can if you want. But me? I'm taking these." Dum-Dum lead the group towards two trucks. "Peggy, Bernie, let's go."

Evelyn pulled away from Jack, she linked their hands together and nodded as she pulled him towards the trucks.

Jack lifted the girl up into the truck before climbing in himself. Evelyn looked around before taking her seat in the spot that Bucky would have sat in all those years ago.

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