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» [what now- rihanna] «
0:48 ─〇───── -3:15
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

"How you feeling?" Jack questioned Evelyn as he stood beside her and across from Chief Dooley.

"Burning up." Chief Dooley answered before Evelyn could even say anything. "He got in my head. He made me steal something from the lab. You can't let him talk to you. If he starts talking to you, he got you."

Jack looked down at Evelyn, wondering if that was the reason that she gave him the books on hypnosis. He couldn't help but feel guilty at the fact that he hadn't got round to reading it yet.

"I'm fine." Evelyn whispered, she was heating up but not as much as Chief Dooley. She knew she had to try and keep cool. She couldn't let herself over heat.

"These clasps. They're locked." Doctor Doobin spoke, looking to Jarvis with panic.

Frustratedly, Jarvis let out an over exaggerated sigh. He had tried to explain it to the Doctor several times and no matter what, he didn't seem to understand.

"As I said before. It's what activates the system. Tampering with them trips a circuit to the battery and speeds up the reaction." He repeated himself.

"What is this thing made out of?" Doobin questioned.

Evelyn leant against the table and closed her eyes, she could feel herself becoming warmer. She let go of a few breaths, knowing that everyone in the office was working as hard as possible to get the vests of off her and Chief Dooley.

"It's an alloy of Mr. Stark's creation." Jarvis responded.

"Can't you cut them out of this thing?" Peggy asked anxiously, her eyes flickering between the two.

"I-I don't think we have the time for him, maybe we do for Doctor Barnes." Doobin looked towards Jarvis for confirmation, the man nodded in response.

Evelyn shook her head, there was no way that she was going to let them save her and not Chief Dooley. What made her life more valuable than his? The answer to that question is nothing, Evelyn wasn't more valuable than Chief Dooley.

In fact it was the complete opposite, The Chief was way more needed than she ever would be. He ran The New York SSR, they needed him. She was just a therapist, and one that could easily be replaced.

"Let's pack him with ice. Perhaps we can cool the core." Peggy suggested as she watched Jack search through his draws for a pair of scissors.

"The armor is designed to be impervious to all outside elements, whether it be artillery or temperature." Jarvis responded, instantly shutting down Peggy's idea.

"Damn you, Howard." Evelyn whispered as her eyes flickered over to the scissors that Jack had found. "You and your stupid inventions."

The man made his way over to her, his hands were shaking and his eyes filled with tears. He was so scared of losing her.

He couldn't lose her, she was his life.

"No, don't." Evelyn cried. "Save him. Save Chief Dooley." Her bottom lip trembled as she spoke and it broke Jack's heart to hear that she was so willing to give up her life. "Please, Jackie."

Jack tried his hardest to ignore the words that Evelyn was saying. He placed the scissors on the vest but he couldn't stop himself from shaking, all the negative thoughts racing around his head was uncontrollable.

"My God, it's searing his skin." Doobin noticed as he stared at the vest on Chief Dooley. It was slowly burning through his skin and Evelyn knew that they didn't have much time left before it blew.

"It's in the final stages. We're running out of time." Jarvis announced, causing Jack to shake more.

He didn't want the same thing to happen to Evelyn. He didn't want the vest to be burning her skin or even hurt her in the slightest. He was so God damn scared. He couldn't loose her. She meant too much to him.

"I don't know what to do." Doobin commented as he looked around at the group. He knew that he was letting them down, which was the last thing that he wanted to do.

"What does that mean?" Jack snapped angrily. He had to let his anger out somewhere. He felt like slamming his fists into the wall or taking all his anger out on a punch bag.

"It means that-I don't know what to do." Doobin repeated himself. He knew that everyone would be disappointed in him.

Evelyn placed her hand over Jack's and offered him a reassuring smile. Tears were freely streaming down her cheeks. She didn't want to put him or anyone else in danger. She slowly nodded, silently telling him that this was okay.

"I know what to do." Chief Dooley spoke up. "Here, give me a hand. Give me those scissors." He pointed to Jack after he helped the man up. Chief Dooley slowly began to cut through Evelyn's vest, despite her sobbing pleas. "You deserve to live, Doctor, if one of us can, I'm glad it's you."

The atmosphere was tense as he made the final cut and the vest fell off almost instantly without any sort of consequences. The vest had disarmed almost as if it was never worn. Evelyn covered her mouth to quiten her sobs, she hated that she got to survive whilst a good man had to die for something that wasn't even his fault.

Jack instantly grabbed the girl, wrapping his arms around her and holding her as tightly as possible. He allowed a stray tear to roll down his cheek at the fact that she was safe and okay. He pressed his lips against the top of her head and felt the way that she clung onto his shirt so tightly.

"Tell... Tell my wife-" Chief Dooley spoke as he picked up the gun from Jack's desk. "Tell her I'm sorry I missed dinner. And you?" He turned to face Peggy. "Promise me you'll get the son of a bitch who did this. Say it."

"We'll catch them." Peggy nodded.

Chief Dooley's gaze softened towards Evelyn as he noticed her tears. He let out a shaky breath before saying,

"Don't you dare feel guilty. You help Carter, you get into his head just like he got into mine." Evelyn nodded understandingly, she'd do anything to make it up to him. "Attagirl."

With that The Chief fired his bullets at the window and jumped out as the vest exploded. Jack pulled Evelyn to the ground and used his body to cover hers. There was no way that he was going to let her get hurt or be in danger ever again.

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