Chapter Eleven ✘ Wildebeests

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"I can hear the thunder, comin' from your mouth and I know my number's up."
Together - SIA

"I'm adopting a dog

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"I'm adopting a dog."

"You're what?" Bella nearly chokes on her coffee, looking up at me from her spot on the couch, the TV across from her playing Gilmore Girls.

"I'm adopting a dog." I repeat, grabbing my phone off of the table, sliding my feet into a pair of vans.

"Are dogs even allowed in here?" Faith sits up, eyeing me as I walk around gathering my stuff to go out.

"Yeah, I checked."

"From where?" Bella shoots next.

"Saw this post about an adoption centre a few blocks away." I pocket my car keys and turn to them, raising my eyebrows in question. "So are you two gonna come or what?"

My best friends scramble to their feet and scurry about, grabbing their things and shoes and soon, we set off. The adoption centre is a twenty minute drive from our apartment, and by the time we pull up in the parking lot, all three of us are sweating balls, because Bella insisted on having the roof open instead of closing it and putting the air conditioner on.

"Bella, it's way too hot these days to keep doing this." Faith whines as we all step out, and I nod in agreement, wiping the sweat forming on my brow. Bella doesn't hear Faith, because she's already sauntering inside the adoption center. A nice lady with snow white hair greets us, introducing herself at Marla, and takes us to the back where the dogs are kept in huge kennels lined in aisles.

"What type of dog are you looking for?" She asks, standing by as I bend down to ruffle cocker spaniel's snout through the bars of it's kennel.

"A small breed, because we live an apartment. A puppy, preferably." I reply, smiling when the dog licks my fingers.

"I think I have just the dog for you."

I straighten up, my friends following closely behind as Marla leads us towards some kennels in the back. She stops in front of a smaller one, and the three of us crouch in front of it, peeking in.Nestled in a fluffy blanket, is a tiny Cavoodle puppy with fur the color of cocoa. It's shiny black eyes peer up at us, and I immediately fall head over heels in love.

"Hey buddy," I coo, poking my fingers through the bars. It sniffs the air, and comes bounding towards me, letting out little puppy barks, the small tail wagging in excitement. A small, pink tongue starts liking my fingers and I chuckle, loving how playful it is.

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