Chapter Thirty Seven ✘ Smudged Lipstick

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"Swearing this will be the last, but it probably won't. I've got nothing left to lose, or use or do."
Bad Habits — Ed Sheeran

My throat tightens with tension as I walk towards my family, my whole body rigid

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My throat tightens with tension as I walk towards my family, my whole body rigid. I don't think I've ever relaxed around my father.

Nerves roil my stomach, and all I want to do is run away with my tail between my legs. But that's never happened — I've always been the older brother that steps up even when I don't fucking want to.

My thoughts are interrupted when Jordyn's soft hands squeeze mine, and I'm suddenly conscious of her following closely behind me. My body relaxes slightly and I suck in a deep breath, squeezing her hand back silently right before we halt before my family.

Those icy blue eyes of my father's fix dead straight on to mine. He's only an inch or two shorter than me, towering over most of the other men his age in this room. It only really adds to his intimidation, and I remember the way he used to loom over me until I grew past him.

Gathering every inch of courage I can muster, I grit out, "Dad."

My eyes glide over to my mother and Freya, my expression easing when I see their smiling faces. Freya runs right into my arms, and I don't hesitate to hug her tightly against me, nuzzling her vanilla-scented hair.

"There's my little devil." I sign, smiling at her. Reaching out, I tuck a stray bang behind her ear, seeing the hearing aid fitted onto it.

"I missed you." Freya signs back, and I kiss her head, lifting my head to look at Mom. She extends her hands out and I walk into them, sinking into her comforting embrace.

"This is Jordyn, from CSU's soccer team." I gesture to Jordyn, returning to her side. "Jordyn, my mom, dad and Freya."

"Nice to meet you, honey." My mom makes up for my dad's lack of response, smiling gently at her, which Jordyn returns.

Jordyn turns to Freya, and I half expect her to speak or simply wave, but to my surprise, she signs a hello at her.

Freya, delighted by this, enthusiastically signs a greeting back, grinning up at Jordyn like she's the best person on Earth.

Dad clears his throat, dragging his eyes away from my sister to look at me. "When is your next game?"

I straighten, the tension settling back in my shoulders. "Next week."

His jaw tenses, and I sense something coming, but a man that I vaguely recognise from previous sponsor events waves my dad over, and he walks away without a word. Ty and Kai appear beside me, throwing greetings and hugging my sister and mother, before whisking Mom away to get her a drink.

Jordyn, Freya and I settle on a nearby table, Freya sitting in between me and Jordyn.

"Your dress is pretty." Freya signs to Jordyn, to which she smiles beautifully at my sister, telling her thank you.

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