Chapter Seventeen ✘ Fast & Furious

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"Standing here in this burning room,
You know the end could never come so soon."
Warzone — The Wanted

"Holy shit."

I don't catch which of the basketball boys exactly said that, but each and every one of them have dazed looks in their eyes like they're seconds away from combusting as they watch us approach.

You can't really blame them, when the entire soccer team show up to the car wash in bikini tops and shorts. We'd decided last minute to go with bikini tops or t-shirts with shorts, because any other attire in this heat just to wash some cars would be uncomfortable. Our coaches approved as long as it's not too inappropriate, so here we are.

Coach Summers and Coach Raye trail behind us, comfortably dressed in tank tops and shorts as well, even though they made it clear to us that they wouldn't be doing anything, just hanging around incase we need extra help.

I adjust my blood red halter neck bikini top as everyone disperses. Pulling my white baseball cap on my head, I take in the place. It's a sunny day, the sun's strong rays scorching my bare legs and arms, the sky clear of clouds. The perfect Californian weather. The coaches arranged for us to have the car wash in the college's parking lot, giving us tons of space to wash cars freely.

The boys seem to have already started setting up, because there's piles of buckets, sponges and soap in a corner, along with a big cooler box that I'm sure is filled with beer or WhiteClaw. There are lots of water hoses laying around, all connected to a huge water bowser that's parked off to the side.

There's nothing much for us to do, except get stations ready, put up the ticket stall and get the music going. Maya and Malia managed to get their hands on two huge speakers, and I help them set it up by the ticket stall.

Other than the soccer and basketball team, there are a few other people from college wandering around, talking to friends and hanging out. Once the music starts playing, the place starts to look more like a party than a fundraiser.

I spot Jace and his friends in the far corner of the lot, leaning against a sleek silver Porsche Taycan which I recognize because one of our classmates had it back in high school. I also know it's an expensive ass car because the kid never shut up about it.

From the way Jace is leaning against it, it doesn't take much to know that it's clearly his car. And I'm not surprised, Jace Parker is rolling in dough and everyone knows it.

A Weeknd song starts blasting from the speakers, and the carwash officially begins. A few girls and boys are up ahead, holding up signs for the carwash to attract people in, but in just a span of a few minutes, we have a good amount of cars rolling in.

"Alright guys!" Coach Bradshaw yells into a megaphone, catching everyone's attention. "This is how it's going to go to keep a smooth process. Two people per vehicle, one soccer player and one basketball player. No more than fifteen minutes on one car, as soon as you're done move onto the next with your partner."

After a few more instructions, the Coaches dismiss us to get our partners. I look for Ty or Kai, but by the time I spot them, two girls are already dragging them towards vehicles.

Groaning inwardly, I kick a leaf by my shoe, about to go find someone else when someone taps on my shoulder. I whirl around to meet Nathan's grey eyes.

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