Chapter Fifteen ✘ Human Punching Bag

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"I don't need a reason baby,
I want it 'till you can't fight."
Girls Need Love — Summer Walker & Drake

"The girls soccer team will be joining us for training today

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"The girls soccer team will be joining us for training today."

My head snaps in the direction of my Coach, my attention dragged away from my task of tying up my basketball shoes. We're sitting on the bleachers by the basketball court, about to start our usual evening training sessions.

Coach sees our confused expressions and sighs, continuing to explain. "Both their coaches are out of city for the weekend for some press conference. I offered to help their training sessions. Plus, I think you guys could do with a little challenge."

Some of the guys scoff, rolling their eyes as if girls wouldn't pose any form of challenge. Coach Bradshaw with those eagle eyes of his, notices this as well.

"Quite cocky, aren't we?" He narrows his eyes, looking around at all of us. "Alright then. Each of you will be paired with one soccer player. And we'll be doing partner drills and exercises. Let's see if your egos live up to it."

Coach is met with a chorus of disgruntled responses, but he's not hearing any of it, waving us off with a gesture of his hand. Before any one of us can protest further, the sound of laughter and chatter in the distance catches everyone's attention.

The girls soccer team is making their way towards us, crossing the grassy field and the netted wall that separate the field and the outdoor basketball court. My eyes immediately find the familiar blonde among the group of girls, she's chugging on a bottle of water, nodding along to something Faith is saying.

Jordyn's biker shorts cling to her toned thighs like second skin, her black sports bra visible through arm cuts of the baggy tank top she's wearing. I've been with enough athlete girls to know a fit body when I see one, but hers is not only toned and strong, it's also curvy and full in all the right places.

My chest burns a little, despite myself, as my eyes greedily take her in again, from the tip of the high ponytail mounted on her head to the white trainers on her feet, and I chew on my bottom lip at the tattoos covering her arms and thighs, making her body ten times more appealing.

For some fucking reason, I have a burning physical attraction towards her that I can't seem to get rid of. She gets on my nerves to no end, but at the same time every time she steps into my line of sight, I always find myself eyeing her up and down.

I can't decide if I want to tell her to fuck off, or if I want to bend her over something.

Jordyn's not the usual type of girl I deal with. She bites my head off with no hesitation, doesn't back down from a challenge and certainly doesn't give two flying fucks about what I have to say and isn't bothered by me in the slightest.

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