Chapter Thirty ✘ Damsel In Distress

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"I get under your skin, babe, just because I love it when we fight just to make up."
Make Up — R. City

"Honey, I know you like strawberry jello, but they only had grape." My mom chuckles as she hands me the cup, stroking my hair gently.

I shift, trying to get comfortable in the hospital bed, wincing when my ankle moves and the prominent ache creeps up my leg.

Waking up in a hospital bed, my leg bandaged and my family surrounding me isn't exactly how I envisioned tonight to go.

"It's fine, mom." I take the jello cup and settle it on my chest. "Is everyone still out there?"

"Well, nearly your whole team showed up, including some boys from the basketball team, I think?" Dad pipes up from the armchair by the bed. "Faith got into a little trouble for yelling at the girl who knocked you down, so your coaches are still at the field with her and Bella to straighten it up."

"The nurses instructed everyone to leave because they were crowding the waiting room." Mom adds. "Everyone except the young man that brought you here."

Swallowing my distaste, knowing exactly who she's talking about, I ask her anyway. "Who? I passed out, can't really remember."

"Jace, I think his name was?" Dad ponders out loud, putting aside the magazine he was flipping through.

"Man, should've seen him. Busted out into the field, pushed past everyone and grabbed you off the floor." Nico grins as if the whole thing amuses him. "And told everyone to piss off and brought you here himself."

I distract myself from the twinge of appreciation blooming in my chest by swallowing the jello in one go.

"We followed him in a cab," Mom explains, taking the empty cup from me. "Once the doctors took you in for an x-ray, we talked to him."

"Not bad for a kid." Dad shrugs absentmindedly, and my head snaps in his direction.

Is my father actually approving of a boy?

A boy that I'm in no way involved with romantically, but still.

Dad has always been protective of me, especially since everything I went through in middle school. Back then, guys were definitely a more sensitive topic for me, which meant that dad would scare off any guy that dared to come within a foot of me, and I didn't mind one bit.

Seeing my shocked expression, he laughs, getting to his feet and approaching my bedside. "Honey, I know a good guy when I see one. He didn't even hesitate a moment, the second you fell, he was off his seat and on the field."

I suppress an eye roll, deciding not to comment. If only he knew Jace Parker's conquests.

"Mom, I'm starving, grab some dinner?" Nico stretches his arms over his head lazily.

"You guys haven't eaten?" I frown at my parents. "Go. I'll be fine."

Mom casts me a doubtful look, but agrees anyway, kissing my forehead and leaving with my dad and Nico. The room falls quiet as I find myself alone, the only sound of the AC rumbling away and the distant beep of machines.

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