Chapter Twenty Seven ✘ Withdrawals

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"While my world's crashing down, I just want somebody to die for."
Die For — Sam Smith

My jaw ticks, and I grit my teeth as I hoist the barbell above my head, feeling my muscles burn with the weight

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My jaw ticks, and I grit my teeth as I hoist the barbell above my head, feeling my muscles burn with the weight. I can hear my teammates around me huffing and puffing with their own exercises, and Coach yelling at someone to focus on mind-muscle connection.

Something I rarely have a problem with, but today, my brain has decided to wholly stop focusing.

All because I can't push a certain blonde out of my head.

Irritated that I can't even focus on my workouts, I nod at Ty, who's spotting me, to take the barbell from me and place it on the stand. Straightening to my feet, I rub my face towel against my sweaty neck, sauntering right over to Coach.

"Coach, can I cut it short today?" I exhale, ruffling my damp hair away from my forehead. "Don't feel well."

Coach Bradshaw narrows his eyes at me for a moment, probably trying to size me up, but for some fucking miraculous reason, he nods.

Tossing a goodbye at my teammates, I return to the locked room to shower and change. The hot water cascades down my body once I'm in the shower, and I let out a breath, leaning my head against the damp wall, closing my eyes.

Memories of four nights ago flood into my head, inevitable and prominent. Her soft mouth, her tattoos. The fucking waist chain wrapped around her stomach, the softness of her skin. Her silky, blonde locks.

I can't get them, get her, out of my head.

When I first started realising my physical attraction towards Jordyn, despite how much she irritated the fuck out of me, I figured that once I get her out of my system, I'd move on.

It's been four whole nights since the Halloween party and she, along with that sinful body of hers, has been taking up every inch of my brain and it makes me want to bang my head against a hard surface just to get her out of it.

I'm not a stranger to casual, good sex. Although I don't sleep around as much as people think I do, I've had enough to know good sex. I thought I've already had the best.

Until she came along and gave me a hell of a night that's now branded into my brain.

Never have I ever met someone that felt like she did. The way she moves, her body. Surreal.

It's annoying the fuck out of me. The whole reason I've skipped out on relationships and commitment is because thinking about the same person too much has fucked me in the past and I don't want it to happen anymore.

I've never wanted a girl again so quickly after the initial time before, and I sure as hell have never spent so much time thinking about one hookup.

This is Jordyn Rivers. The girl that has gotten on my nerves since the second she scampered into college, jumps at every chance to irritate me and probably despises me as much as I do her.

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