Chapter Twenty ✘ Devil To My Saint

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"Tangled in the sheets 'til the day's done,
I don't wanna kill my time with somebody else."
Kill My Time — 5SOS

"We're going to be roomies!"

I shoot Kai a flat look, following behind Faith as she navigates us through the long hotel hallways. Everyone else is already getting into their rooms, while we haven't even found ours yet.

"Just because your room and mine are connected doesn't mean we're roommates." I snort, poking fun at him as Faith inspects the room number attached to the key card again.

"And Faith, Coach told us we all have rooms on the same floor. So it has to be here." I tell my distressed best friend, before looking over at Kai. "Hey, who did you get paired with to share the hotel room?"

Kai's eyes light up mischievously. "It's—"

He doesn't get to finish his sentence, because a door a few feet ahead of us swings open, and Jace pops his head out.

"Kai! Where the fuck have you been? Our room's right here."

The urge to smash my head against the wall flurries through me and I scrunch up my face in annoyance, which of course, he notices.

"Aw, why the long face Rivers?" Jace mocks, blinking innocently at me.

Choosing to ignore him, I sent an icy look his way before snatching the keys from Faith's hands and sauntering over to the door right next to the one Jace is standing by.

I try the key, and the door opens, and I don't spare a second before going right inside and dumping my bag by the foot of one of the two single beds in the room.

Looking around the room, I see that it's just like any other hotel room, with two single beds, a TV, dressing table, closet and big french windows that lead out to a small balcony. There are two doors to the left, I assume one is the bathroom and one is the door that connects the boys' room to ours.

Jace's room.


Faith walks in just as I lay down on the bed, exhausted from the bus ride. We've had a long day, and my muscles are aching. After we left college early morning today, the teams were taken straight to a training facility. We split up from the boys, and spent all evening reviewing game tapes, discussing strategy and fitting in a quick workout session. According to Micah, the basketball team had done the same.

Once we were all done, they piled us into the bus again and drove us to this hotel that's supposedly only a few blocks away from Stanford, where we will be playing our first matches tomorrow.

"I'm starving," Faith groans, sitting on the other bed. 

"We just had dinner awhile ago," I respond, stretching my arms above my head as I sit up on the bed, feeling the comfortable duvet underneath me.

"I know but I'm still hungry. Do you think we can grab some food?" Faith sends a pleading look my way and I'm about to respond when the door closest to my left bursts open, making me and Faith both jump in surprise.

"Hey ladies!" Kai strides in, followed by Jace, grinning from ear to ear.

"What the hell, Kai! You scared me." Faith huffs, getting to her feet and walking towards the open door that they just walked in from and poking her head in. "Your room is nicer than ours, damn it."

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