Chapter Thirty Eight ✘ Rite Of Passage

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"We can move fast then rewind, when you put your body on mine."
Collide - Justine Skye

The fanfare nearly bursts my eardrums as I make my way through the stands, balancing a diet coke and a hotdog in my hands

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The fanfare nearly bursts my eardrums as I make my way through the stands, balancing a diet coke and a hotdog in my hands.

Nearly toppling over a dozen people, I finally make it to my friends and the rest of the soccer team, our stellar front row seats just a few inches away from the field giving us an amazing view of the entire basketball court.

The boys haven't come out yet, so the two schools' mascots are playing around on the court, and a few cheerleaders throwing their pom-pom's around. Watching them do cartwheels and dance, I wonder why the female sports teams don't get male cheerleaders waltzing around in short skirts.

I slurp on my Coke, extending the hotdog towards Faith, who takes it with a grin, although I can see the exhaustion weighing on her shoulders. We played against Princeton yesterday — and won — and today we're here for the boys' match against University of Michigan, back in Long Beach.

We'd only managed to catch a nap on the long flight back home, but everyone's energy is at peak, excited to watch the boys' game. I can barely feel the soreness in my legs from yesterday's match as I gaze out at the court, waiting with bated breath for the boys to appear.

Finally, the announcer belts out the teams and the players, and the boys burst through the tunnel into the court, all grins and smiles as the audience goes wild. Jace leads the team, clad in his basketball uniform, his iconic captain's jacket over his uniform.

Jace seems to blossom in the middle of all the attention, his usual confidence turned up a few notches, the grin pulling on his mouth is wide and triumphant, as if winning this match is already a given. Watching him in his element is ethereal, he soaks up every bit of everything around him and looks like he's having the time of his life.

I watch as Jace's eyes skid over the bleachers quickly, his forest green eyes halting when they land on me. My heart thunks in my chest when his mouth pulls up in his secret smile, the dimples popping out. He lifts his hand, folding his fingers in a quick pattern in my direction before turning away. 

My eyes almost fall out of my head. 

It was the same sign his sister and I signed up to him when he was giving his speech at the alumni event. Love.

Faith's eyes are as equally wide as mine and she squeals like a banshee, clearly spotting the interaction between us. Her blonde ponytail bounces as she grabs my shoulders and shakes them. "What was that?!"

Bella narrows her eyes at me from my other side, an 'I know what's coming' smile on her face.

Releasing a defeated sigh because I know I can't hide it from them anymore, I compose myself, tucking my hair behind my ears. "Jace and I... have been hooking up." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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