Chapter Two ✘ Jersey Chaser

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"Got some dirt on your shoulder,
then let me brush it off for ya,
If you're feeling me, put your five high."
That's My Girl - Fifth Harmony

A gust of wind welcomes me, Faith and Bella as we step out of the auditorium, where we'd just had our welcome assembly.

"First day of college and I'm already tired." Bella comments, causing me and Faith to laugh.

It's been two days since we moved to California, and today is our first day of college. We didn't have any classes today, but we were told to pick up our schedules from the office and to look around and find which buildings our classes would take place, to avoid the hassle when classes actually start tomorrow.

The university is huge, with beautiful modern buildings and multiple courtyards with lots of trees for students to hang around outside. The three of us are a part of the fall semester intake, in September, so the nature around us is all shades of brown, gold and yellow, and the heat is much less harsher since summer is over. We also saw the fancy dining hall, as well as a cosy little Starbucks on campus this morning, which Faith was very excited about.

"Are we heading over to the office now?" Faith questions, flipping her hair behind her shoulders.

"Yeah," I say, and we halt in our steps, looking around, trying to figure out where the office is, but it feels like a maze.

"Ugh, this place is huge. It'll take weeks to know our way around." Faith says, rubbing her cheek.

"Let's just ask someone." I sigh, my eyes scanning around for a potential person to ask. There's a lot of people bustling around, but none of them lingers in one place long enough for us to approach and ask them.

"Holy shit, he's cute. I'm going to ask him." Bella pipes up, and before me or Faith can respond, she strides towards a boy who's standing a few feet away from us, on his phone.

He's tall and muscly, and judging by the CSU varsity letterman jacket he's wearing, he's either a football or basketball player. He has dark brown hair that was almost black, curly and cut short, tanned skin, and sharp, handsome features that looks Latino. Bella comes to a stop in front of him, and his eyes lift from his phone, taking in Bella from head to toe. He smiles at her, shiny white teeth and dimples flashing. The two talk for a few moments before walking towards us.

"Micah, this is Jordyn and Faith." Bella gestures to us respectively, and the two of us wave and smile in return at the guy.

"Guys, Micah is a basketball player in the varsity team. He's a sophomore." Bella coo's, and I narrow my eyes at her. Judging by the way she's looking at him and standing so close to him, it's clear that this boy is going to be the next victim of Bella's undeniable charm.

"Nice." I hum, grinning at him. "We're soccer players."

"No way, that's cool." Micah says, and I sense a little accent. "Where are you guys from?"

"Miami." Faith answers him. Micah nods in acknowledgment. "Are you planning to try out for the girls soccer team?"

"Yeah, we are." Bella says, tilting her head seductively at him. "Would you mind showing us around abit? We're a little lost."

Micah bites his lip, grinning down at Bella. "Of course."

Faith and I exchange knowing looks, before we set off following Micah and Bella. For the next hour or so, after taking us to the office to pick up our schedules, Micah shows us around campus. From the basketball courts, the modern gym with all the equipment an athlete could dream of, an indoor swimming pool, and of course, the field where soccer and football is played. The field is huge, complete with bleachers, humongous lights, and a running track wrapping around it. My stomach bubbles in excitement. I can't wait to practice and play matches here.

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