Chapter Thirty Four ✘ Frenemy Fuck Buddies

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"Out my life, out my head, don't want to think about it."
Disturbia - Rihanna.

The aromatic smell of coffee wraps around me as I step into the campus Starbucks, adjusting the strap of my duffel bag on my shoulder

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The aromatic smell of coffee wraps around me as I step into the campus Starbucks, adjusting the strap of my duffel bag on my shoulder.

Micah, Faith and Bella are absentmindedly chittering away behind me, but all I can focus on is getting some form of protein into my system. Making a rushed beeline to the counter, I order the Cacao Blended protein drink that I'd come to love, and let my friends place their orders as well.

Grabbing our drinks, I follow my friends to our usual booth in the corner, relaxing back against the seat and letting the air conditioning cool my skin. I'm about to close my eyes for a second when the doors open, catching my attention. Ty, Kai and Jordyn walk in, laughing amongst themselves.

The sight of Jordyn makes me perk up slightly. A weird feeling pulses through me as I watch her approach the counter, grinning at something Kai is animatedly explaining to her.

Her blonde hair is twisted up into a high ponytail today, and she's wearing a deep maroon legging and sports bra set that contrasts beautifully against her tan skin. The soccer team's varsity jacket is thrown over her shoulders, covering up her inked arms.

She's so fucking mesmerising without even trying.

The sight of her with my best friends, getting along like they've known each other for years flares something inside me. But the wholesome feeling is replaced with something more sizzling when my eyes inevitably drop to her ass when she turns around to pay the cashier.

My hands tighten around the styrofoam cup when I recall how they felt against my palms just three nights ago.

Having sex with her again was like having a sip of water after aeons of thirst, like a drug addict's first taste after withdrawals. It hasn't even been a week since the lifeguard tower, and yet here I am, itching and greedy for more.

The fierce craving my body has for this girl is indescribable and it blows my own mind. But there's no denying it either, no matter how much I know that there's bitterness between us.

My thoughts cut off when the three of them start walking over, and Jordyn's cool grey eyes fix on mine. Caught off guard and embarrassed that I got caught staring, I throw her a cocky grin in greeting.

She rolls her eyes in the typical Jordyn fashion, but I don't miss the way the corner of her lips twitches. My grin grows wider in triumph at the sight of it.

Jordyn is still the fiery, sharp-tongued woman I bumped into at that party for the first time, and I have no doubt that she would still cut my dick off if I cross her, but I have noticed that she has eased slightly around me.

I know more about her, who she is. She's opened up to me, at least barely. And the thought of that makes my heart swell, a feeling that's not very usual for me.

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