Part 8:' Get your ass up now Adeline.'

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The last month had been amazing me and Nik were so close we spent every day together and if we couldn't he came to my room at night and we would talk all night. We hadn't done it yet but I was ready, don't get me wrong though we were still having fun Lucy had caught us a few times but we were best friends now so she never said a thing. I and Katerina still weren't speaking I mean we were okay but I hadn't forgiven her for calling me a stupid whore.

"You ready to go." I was teaching Lucy to make tikvenik which was Bulgarian pumpkin strudel.

"Just getting changed I'll be ready in two mins Luc."

 "So there are two different things we can make one is called tikvenik which has a pumpkin filling and the other one is called banista and has a savoury cheese filling

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"So there are two different things we can make one is called tikvenik which has a pumpkin filling and the other one is called banista and has a savoury cheese filling."

"How about one of each."

"I like the way you think my dear."

"As you soften the pumpkin use a skillet."

"See the flour it can't be self-raising." Lucy picked up a handful and threw it right at my face. "Lucy!" I picked up a handful and threw it at her we were running around throwing ingredients at each other. When some woman came down the stairs.

"What the hell are you two playing at!"

"Oh sorry I was just showing her how to make a pumpk-" I felt a sharp sting across my face and fell to the ground from the pure force of it.

"Your just some stupid bitch whose parents couldn't afford to keep their bloody kids in their own home."

"That's Adeline Petrova!" As soon as Lucy said that I saw the woman's face go from one of anger to one of fear.

" I am so sorry mam I thought you were one of the kitchen maids please let me take you upstairs to get cleaned." She bent down to help me up but I pulled myself up and ran out.

I could barely breathe my face stung and my eyes were pooling with tears I just ran and ran around the grounds, everything she said was running through my head over and over again I found a gazebo and gripped onto one of the poles on it for dear life.

"Adeline are you ok." It was Nik. I was happy he was here he was the only person I wanted to see right now.

I ran into his arms immediately. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist and started stroking my hair.

"Shhhh shhhhhh tell me what's wrong love who hurt you." I just cried silently on his shoulder. After I was done he walked me over to the seat on the gazebo. He placed his hand on my cheek and when I winced he looked confused, so he turned my head to the side and saw the hand mark the look in his eyes immediately turned to one of rage.

Adeline Petrova: Klaus mikelson fanfic Where stories live. Discover now