S1e18 'Under Control.'I lay in my new bed in the Salvatore boarding house, happy. It was a weird word it and an even weirder emotion. But it was the only one that described how I was feeling right now.
Emmanuel Kant said, "Happiness is not an ideal of reason but of imagination," yet for me, happiness is not an 'ideal,' nor conjured by imagination, yet is a state of being that thrives when we are at peace within ourselves.
Yes, well Emmanuel Kant never had to run for years from a thousand-year-old vampire psycho who was obsessed with him.
When I was running I would find little towns that were like little bubbles of happiness, my favourite was this little island off the coast of god knows where. It was like paradise. I had friends there too. Kirra and Dakota. Normal seventeen-year-old girls who liked to club and had too much homework. I stayed there for about two years until one of my informants told me there were rumours about the Mikealsons getting suspicious of my death. A few days later no one on the island remembered Adeline Taylor.
And a couple of weeks later I heard the search into my death was still that my death, apparently the vampire king was even angrier this time. A massacre later and I was hiding in some small town in Russia.
It wasn't like I had never felt happiness before it was just this was different, I mean a had a whole other set of problems now including a doppelgänger, a bunny muncher who's got control problems and a vampire who was problems with not killing all his brother's girlfriends friends who still wasn't my biggest fan. Even worse Elena had begged me to go to school. But still, it was better than running.
If Stefan would turn that damn music off it would be even better though. I finally gave in and went downstairs to see Damon had already sorted out the music problem and was now focusing on the Stefan problem.
"I'll be fine it just takes a little bit of time." I stood at the door listening.
"I don't get it, you don't have to kill to survive. That's what blood banks are for." Damon was trying and failing, to convince Stefan into drinking human blood. "I haven't hunted a human in, god way too long."
"I've always been a fan of snatch, eat and erase." I made myself known.
"See, she gets it." Damon nodded at me to come over to them. I think he's starting to forgive me.
"Wow, I'm impressed." Stefan sarcastically told us while continuing to do push-ups.
"It's completely self-serving," Damon admitted standing up. "Trying to get the town of the trail of vampires which is not very easy considering there's a tomb of them running around, at least sticky fingers over there can control herself and she makes a good drinking buddy." Damon pointed at me. Not this again.
"For the last time, I didn't know it was your bottle of bourbon." I and Damon had taken to getting drunk every night rather it was here or at the grill and three nights ago I had apparently stolen his last bottle of his favourite bourbon.
"What are we planning on doing about that." Stefan finally quit the push-ups.
"Well, you're not going to be doing much if anything if you don't have your strength." Stefan scoffed. "There's nothing wrong with partaking in a healthy diet if human blood from a blood bank you're not actually killing anyone." Damon continued to try and persuade him.
"I have my reasons."
"That's not ominous or anything." I stood up.
"And what are those holier than thou reasons because I've never actually heard the reason."
Damon sat down.

Adeline Petrova: Klaus mikelson fanfic
FanfictionWe've all heard the story of katerina Petrova but what if I told you there was another Petrova sibling and Klaus Mikaelson wants her heart just as much, just in a very different way..........