Part 27: 'So go kiss and makeup.'

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"I already told you, I am not feeding from you and you will not be taking any of my blood." I knew Damon had told Katherine and that he wanted to turn, I was not going to let that happen, now he was trying to convince me to feed from him.

"I like it though, it gets me used to the taste of blood." He was as stubborn as an old mule.

"You don't need to get used to blood because you won't be turning." I rebutted.

"You are immortal and so shall I be." I walked over to him and held his face in my hands.

"Listen to me now, you are not going to be a vampire." I walked out not wanting to listen to it anymore.

I walked outside needing to feel the sun on my face. When children draw pictures they always colour them yellow. Joy, optimism and happiness were always very scarce on the run the only time I got to really experience them were when I would lay under the rays of that bright yellow sphere.

"Miss Adeline you should join us." I looked over to where the voice came from and saw Katherine playing cricket with Giuseppe.

I would rather claw my own eyeballs out. Katherine glared at me warning me to say nothing but a polite yes, even though I hadn't spoken to Giuseppe since he offered to sell me like some prized sow. But I am so sick of doing what Katherine tells me to.

"Yes, no thanks." I smiled sweetly and turned on my heel back into the house. Damon passed me on the way out.


Why won't she just listen when I tell her to do something.

"Sorry about that Giuseppe. I guess my little sister just isn't as fun as I." I laughed.

"You always were my favourite sister." He laughed out.

God, he was annoying. He knew exactly what we were and he was going to kill me tonight and yet here he is laughing and playing cricket with me, and they call me a psychopath.

Stefan had already pleaded with him about how not all vampires are bad, everything was falling into place for tonight. Stefan and Damon both currently have my blood flowing through their veins and dark was beginning to fall, it was a matter of hours before I got everything I had planned. Finally, I would have at least part of my freedom back. Klaus and his family of coffins would think I was dead therefore it would be a hell of a lot easier to stay alive. My main problem now was my little sister and her loving heart.

"Well Giuseppe it is getting quite dark I think I might head in and begin preparing for the night." As I mentioned the night I watched his eyes sparkle with the thought of the night ahead.

"Of course, goodnight my dear." He began walking into the house so I made my way to Stefan and Damon.

"Stefan I think it's time I and you turned in for the night." Stefan smiled and joined our hands. It was my Last night with him and I wanted to make the most of it. I turned my eye onto Damon. Why is he out here?

"And why aren't you with my sister."

"We're in a fight."

"So go kiss and makeup." I walked away with Stefan.


I had been getting ready for bed trying to just enjoy my sleep, Emily had given me new herbs. I heard a knock at the door and there stood Damon.

"Damon I just want to go to bed-" He put his hand up telling me to stop.

"I don't want to fight I just want to go to bed." He smirked, stepping through the door he put his hands on my waist.

"Really no fighting just-" Before I could finish my sentence Damon's lips were on my own.

Every time we kissed it felt like a wave of warmth washing over me, it was the type of kiss that made your toes curl. His lips were black holes pulling you in until all gravity is lost under his touch. It was fiery and passionate, we found the rhythm of each other easily and as Damon's hand slowly slid down my back to grip my thighs and connect my legs around his waist I couldn't help but hear heavy foot steps of multiple people fly up the stairs. Damon threw me on the bed and as he went to connect our lips once again I held my hand up to try and listen to the noise outside the door.

As I went to get up the door burst open and multiple men flooded in. With everything that was happening I could only catch a glimpse of Giuseppe's face before everything went black.

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