"Figure it out or I will personally burn you and your entire coven to the ground to ash!" Why are witches so useless I mean you ask them to do one thing and they can't even do that.
"I can't work with you screaming at me." This one had a bit of bite but she was still pissing me off to no end.
"Unless you want to end up dead I recommend you quit the cheek love." I sneered at her.
"Nik why don't we leave her for a little bit and maybe she'll work better." Rebecca was starting to annoy me she acted like she knew Adeline but she didn't, she never met her.
"From what I can tell there are two separate types of spells a very complicated cloaking spell with lots of layers to it and a just as complex blocking spell, one makes it so you can't find them the other so I can't perform any types of spells from here. I think if you could bring me something of hers I could maybe slowly chip away at the blocking one." I smiled, for once one of these witches were useful.
"And what could we do if we broke the blocking spell."
"Well, it depends how far in I can go once I get into it."
"I'll get something of hers," I reply.
"It also helps if I can visualise her, so if you have anything like that it would be helpful."
I walked away to bring her one of Adeline's belongings. I had everything of hers, when she ran everything was left in her room.
I grabbed one of her necklaces. She used to clutch at it when she would get nervous. She said it was her good lunch charm. It was her mother's. Every time I thought of Adeline and her family it made me feel sick. I had never meant to hurt Adeline's sister. Her parents. Yes. That was always the plan they were disgusting and they deserved it. But her sister I planned to take and use her to lure Adeline back, yes it was despicable but I knew it would work. Then I was there in the moment and I just got so angry it overwhelmed me. And I snapped. Adeline would never forgive me.
I put the necklace in my pocket and made my way to the drawer in the desk and grabbed the sketch.
"Will these do." I dropped them down infront of the witch.
She took everything I had given her and placed them all around her in a circle. She grabbed the necklace and began to burn it I cringed as she melted it into a liquid. It pooled onto the floor, as shiny as a mirror, she took the sketch and placed it in the middle. Adeline's face started to appear but before you could see it the witch, ivy started screaming.
"What the bloody hell is wrong!" Rebecca screams at her.
"The witch is fighting me!"
"Bring me all the herbs on the table, quickly!" Emily shouted at me. I scrambled to grab all of it. She layed them all out on the floor starting a spell.
"Which one is he trying to break." I was so nervous if Klaus broke either spell he would find us, there was no doubt about it.
"The blocking spell."
Emily started chanting some creepy spell and before I knew what was happening her eyes rolled back in her head and went coal black.
"Stop fighting me, bennet!" It screamed out. Her eyes turned normal again.
"What the hell is going on," I shouted terrified.
"Choose now."
"I don't understand what the hell are you talking about."

Adeline Petrova: Klaus mikelson fanfic
FanfictionWe've all heard the story of katerina Petrova but what if I told you there was another Petrova sibling and Klaus Mikaelson wants her heart just as much, just in a very different way..........