Part 13: 'Now go. Run!'

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"Kat I know you're terrified right now but I need you to pull it together because Niklaus and Elijah are I'll be back and we can't be here." She looked at me with tears running down her face but got up and grabbed two cloaks and threw one at me.

"I forgot to show you this." I pulled the moonstone out of my pocket and showed it to her.

"Is that the moonstone?" She ran her finger over the top of it.

"Yes, I found it in Elijah's private library."

"I can't believe he would do this to me." She was about to cry but it was as if part of her snapped and she stopped.

"We can't go yet." She looked determined now.

"Trevor." I groaned.

"He's probably one of them too."

"I know that, that is exactly why I want to bring him here if we sent one of the maids on a horse they would be able to bring him here in half an hour he has a cottage on the outskirts of the forest that we could go to." I knew in my heart she was right so I got up and rang the bell for the servants. Not even two minutes later a girl showed up.

"I want you to send a girl to Trevor's cottage on the outside of the forest send whatever girl is the fastest rider on the fastest horse in the yard and send me up Lucy." She scurried out as fast as possible.

I looked at Kat.

"This better work."

"It will but you have to understand Ade once we get out of here it's not all automatically over. We have to run and change our names because no matter how far we go he'll always need his human doppelgänger." She stopped for a second. "That's it! He needs a human doppelgänger. I have a plan Ade and I can't tell you what it is yet but promise me you'll trust me." I looked at her and saw something in her eyes I had never seen before but I nodded my head. Lucy appeared at the door.

"You have to leave," I said immediately as she walked in. She went to speak.

"Don't just listen there is something very strange going on and I don't have time to explain it read these when you leave this room and then get packed up and run, because when Niklaus gets home and I'm not here he will go straight for you ok?" I looked at her and she nodded before she left she threw her arms around my neck.

"I love you, Luc."

"I love you, Adeline."

"Now go. Run!" She scurried out I felt better now knowing she was safe. I could hear Trevor bounding across the hall.

"What's wrong you called for me immediately."

"I thought you loved me." Kat was playing her part perfectly.

"What I do."

"No, you don't you were going to let him kill me. And don't play dumb I know what you are." He looked guilty.

"I promise I was going to tell you and run away with you but I was scared you didn't love me back."

"Of course I do. But it doesn't matter I'll be dead within the month." A maid appeared at the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, but mam Adeline, lord Niklaus wanted me to tell you he'd be back soon and that he wanted you sitting in his room waiting." She began to walk away but Trevor moved so quickly I barely saw and snapped her neck. My mouth fell open and Kat clamped a hand over her mouth stopping herself from screaming.

"What the hell Trevor!" I screamed at him.

"Niklaus had her compelled it had to be done now both of you run to that cottage outside the forest you have to go now and you have to quickly tell her Trevor sent you and she'll let you in."

He kissed Kat on the forehead and I gagged. He then walked out I don't know why or what for. I and Kat exchanged a look and then she grabbed the cloaks and threw one at me. I quickly threw it on we shared one last look before casually walking out of the castle as soon as we reached the forest we took off in a sprint.

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