S2e05 'Kill or be killed.'"Favourite colour?"
"Dark red or dark blue," Mason responded smiling. "Favourite place to travel to?"
"Easy, Italy," I responded sipping at my coffee. Mason and I had been lying in his room asking each other random questions, after realising they were fucking while knowing nearly nothing about each other. "Favourite food?"
"Proper Italian pizza, not the fake American stuff the real Italian homemade pizza." I couldn't help but smile at his smile.
"That is one of the many reasons I love Italy. They have the best food." My phone started buzzing before I could continue.
"Hey, you doing anything today." It was Caroline.
"Not that I know of," I responded unsurely.
"Ok well, now your coming to mine." She hung right after that and I couldn't help but laugh.
"So I guess we're not doing the whole date thing today," Mason said. I leaned over and pecked him on the lips before grabbing my bag.
"No, but we can do the date thing tonight," I smirked before leaving.
I got another text from Caroline telling me to meet her at the park instead.
"Omg, there you are." She squealed running over to me. "Ever since you and Mason started sleeping together I have barely seen you. Have you heard about Stefan and Elena? Totally on the rocks, like one fight away from total heartbreak. Elena's all insecure cause your sisters here and Stefan's all she's evil and the whole thing is just so dramatic. Never mind about that though how's you and Mason. You two so have it bad for each other." Caroline rushed it all out her mouth and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Um no I didn't know about Stefan and Elena but she had rung me a few times but I was busy."
"Busy in bed I hope." Caroline winked at me.
"Oh come on I am so lacking in the love department right now so at least let me live through you. How is it though you seem happy?"
"It's good, I think I kinda really like him." Caroline squealed and hugged me.
"Good you deserve it. I say we do a sleepover tonight and spill our guts, well you spill your guts about all the freaky sex a werewolf and vampire would have." I couldn't help but laugh at her. Her mom walked over and gave her a look.
"What?" Caroline asked moodily.
"Hi Adeline, you're meant to be spending the day with me that's the whole point Care." Caroline rolled her eyes again.
"Wow, one whole day with my mom how amazing." She sassed before walking away.
"Any idea why she's so mad?" Her mom asked me.
"Break up with Matt plus all the drama going on lately," I responded. "Trust me though coming from someone who didn't really have a maternal figure in her life for long, she'll realise soon that you're trying." Liz smiled and thanked me before following Caroline. I turned around to see Damon unfortunately.

Adeline Petrova: Klaus mikelson fanfic
FanfictionWe've all heard the story of katerina Petrova but what if I told you there was another Petrova sibling and Klaus Mikaelson wants her heart just as much, just in a very different way..........